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Narrative Essay

Derika Beasley

Bethel University

Organizational Analysis II

James Blasick


Narrative Essay

Organizational success depends on project management to deliver efficient plans and task execution along with completion goals. Temporary organizational efforts that produce distinctive outputs and deliver end products or services make up a project. Project success depends on knowing the goals, defining the life cycle, and strategically choosing appropriate projects. Project success depends strongly on excellent internal and external relationships. This narrative essay examines project characteristics while analyzing the importance of project selection, business methods for project prioritization, and why relationship-building matters in project management.

Attributes of a Project and Project Objectives

Multiple key characteristics define a project, which separates it from regular business procedures. A project has defined durations because it exists only within specific time boundaries. Every project maintains unique deliverables and specific objectives that cannot be found in other projects (Gido et al., 2018). Attributes of projects include a requirement for temporary duration and unique nature in addition to financial support time, commitment, and staff involvement alongside the acquisition of materials. A project receives continuous elaboration throughout its lifecycle as it advances through additional precision additions for better accuracy. A project remains focused on customers since it starts to satisfy particular requirements in the market or specific customer needs.

The project objective represents a structured quantitative target specifying the work’s result. The guideline helps maintain project progress by complying with stakeholder requirements. A project objective requires a precise definition of scope together with a timeline, budget, and quality standards. AccentCare would set the project goal to implement electronic health record technology for six months and achieve higher patient data accuracy and accessibility. When objectives are clearly defined, all project activities connect to the anticipated result.

Main Phases of a Project Life Cycle and Importance of Needs Identification

The project life cycle includes four sequential stages.

1. During the initiation phase, organizations recognize needs, establish goals, and maintain practicality levels.

2. During planning, businesses outline the project scope, schedule, and budget and develop risk management practices.

3. Project execution involves performing activities at the same level as the established plan.

4. The project ends with delivery fulfillment, while outcome assessments are conducted before the project is concluded.

The entire project depends on proper needs identification because it provides its essential groundwork. A complete needs assessment enables organizations to effectively distribute resources and make specific projects meet their established goals. Improper need identification creates three significant risks: resource misallocations, project extensions, and ultimate project failure (Haakman et al., 2021). For instance, healthcare organizations that fail to identify their patient care requirements properly end up spending resources on ineffective systems, thus wasting funds and negatively affecting operational performance. The thorough evaluation of needs defines a project as worthwhile, enabling stakeholders to develop practical expectations about its potential impact.

Importance of Selecting the Right Project

An organization’s strategic achievement depends heavily on its selection of appropriate projects. The wrong project choice results in unused resources and employee dissatisfaction, leading to the disappearance of funds. To succeed with project selection, a company should select initiatives that support its strategic purpose while delivering measurable advantages and promising outcomes.

Feasibility evaluation is a primary criterion for project selection because it examines resource limitations, operational capabilities, and danger assessments. A project requires an evaluation of measurable value achievement through three key factors: cost savings operations increased, revenue streams, and enhanced customer satisfaction. AccentCare should prioritize a project that enhances home healthcare services through telehealth implementation because it provides superior patient care and economic benefits.

The selection process of new projects must receive input from essential stakeholders to achieve organizational backing. The best company project selection requires applied evaluation methods, including cost-benefit analysis, return on investment (ROI), and risk assessment to identify suitable projects (Faloye, 2024). An organization achieves maximum potential and minimizes risk by choosing an appropriate project.

How Businesses Prioritize Projects

A formal decision process must exist for businesses to select between numerous emerging project possibilities (Gido, 2017). Businesses commonly use the Project Selection Matrix to rate projects by assessing cost elements, strategic direction, projected returns on investment, and potential risks. Organizations implement Weighted Scoring Models by giving numerical values to various criteria to achieve fair project ranking.

The impact of projects, along with their time sensitivity, plays an important role in business decision-making processes. The most important projects stem from current business objectives and deliver short-term and sustained positive outcomes. A business with slow patient data processing would make patient data automation a high-priority initiative because this issue requires immediate resolution.

Organizations evaluate stakeholder expectations to guarantee that their selected projects address the necessities of customers, employees, and shareholders. Executive leadership is the pivotal influence for making final decisions by ensuring that business strategy remains compatible with project initiatives. Success in project selection through effective methods enables organizations to allocate their resources properly, which results in the accomplishment of projects and sustained business expansion.

Importance of Building Internal and External Relationships

The achievement of project management success depends on the development of favorable connections between team members (Ali et al., 2021). Information exchange between project team executives and other departments inside the organization contributes to achieving coherent project completion. Solving project challenges becomes possible through open communication tea, work, and stakeholder engagement, thus guaranteeing project alignment.

Delivery of efficient project results depends on the external connections between clients, vendors, and business partners. Transparency in operations happens when stakeholders maintain proper external communication channels that connect them (Gido, 2017). Accurate medical equipment supply by AccentCare Healthcare depends on its effective supplier relationships that prevent delivery disruptions.

Relationship management implements scheduled meetings, feedback sessions, and cooperative tools that enhance intra-organizational and inter-organizational communication. The development of high-functioning teamwork and problem-solving requires organizations to integrate both trust and mutual respect within their operations. Businesses enhance relationship maintenance via stakeholder mapping and customer relationship management system implementation within their relationship management strategies.

Successful work environments produced by organizational and external relationships generate superior project performance. The solid foundation created by organized partnerships enables organizations to discover new joint projects that drive both business success and market performance.


Project management involves planning, strategizing, and building relationships. The nature, objectives, and specific stages of the project life cycle determine the structure of a project provided there is proper needs identification aligned with business goals and stakeholder expectations. Wrongly assessed needs will misallocate resources, cause scope creep, and be ineffective. A well-chosen project will use the resources optimally and add value to them. Organizations consider many projects available to them based on feasibility, return, and strategic alignment. A cost-benefit analysis and a risk assessment are tools that help make informed decisions.

Furthermore, it can be concluded that if the relationships externally and internally are not developed, the project success cannot be achieved. Internally, honest communications foster teamwork and efficiency and on the outside strong partnerships with suppliers, clients and stakeholders help ensure execution of even complex projects. A business can enhance its effectiveness, competitiveness, and sustainability in a changing marketplace through the tactical use of project management.


Ali, M., Li, Z., Khan, S., Shah, S. J., & Ullah, R. (2021). Linking humble leadership and project success: the moderating role of top management support with team-building mediation.
International journal of managing projects in business
14(3), 545-562.

Faloye, A. (2024). 
PROJECT ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION: Concepts, Methods, and Applications. Faloye oyewale.

Gido, J. (2017). Successful Project Management (7th ed.). Cengage Learning US. 

Haakman, M., Cruz, L., Huijgens, H., & Van Deursen, A. (2021). AI lifecycle models need to be revised: An exploratory study in Fintech. 
Empirical Software Engineering
26(5), 95.

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