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Working as a nurse practitioner gives a nurse the opportunity to care for people of all
backgrounds, races, socioeconomic statuses, sexes, genders, ethnicities, and religions.
When caring for patients it is very important that as providers, we ensure that we are giving
quality care to everyone that we encounter to ensure all patients are treated with justice,
nonmaleficence, and beneficence. When caring for patients, we as providers must ensure
that we are taking action to help those who may need extra care in an attempt to mitigate
the social impacts of those who may be marginalized in society. One of these groups are
women and/or children. There are various steps or actions that nurse practitioners can do
to help mitigate the social impact on marginalized women and/ or children. Three actions
that a nurse practitioner can take to accomplish this task is to screen patients in the
primary care setting, advocate for these patients, and educate patients on the care they
need and are entitled to.
When marginalized patients such as women and/or children present in the clinical
setting they may not always be open to or may not always volunteer information about their
social determinates of health. To aid these patients it is vital that we as providers screen
these patients to see if we can assist these patients with care plans based on social needs
and possibly refer these appropriate professionals or social services. A screening tool that
can be utilized to determine if a marginalized patient has issues with social determinants of
health is the Corse 5 socials determinates of health tool. By completing screenings,
providers will be more apt to determine if the patient needs more help than simply
addressing the patient’s chief complaint and thus treating the patient in a holistic manner
(Neshan et al, 2024).
Another action nurse practitioners can do to help marginalized women and children is to
advocate for these patients to ensure they have access to aSordable quality healthcare.
This can be completed by either referring these patients to social workers to get help
attaining social services and help with attaining medical insurance. Providers can also
advocate for patients by aiding them in acquiring health insurance by educating patients on
programs such as Medicaid, Medical, or other subsidized health insurance options and
help these patients navigate the insurance systems. By helping these patients acquire
health insurance the nurse practitioner is improving the patients’ access to healthcare,
possibly relieving stress of costs of medical costs which potentially can lead to these
patients getting the care they need.
A third action nurse practitioners can take to help marginalized women and/or children
is to provide community education on health, immunizations, access to medical
insurance, and patients’ rights at health fairs or in the private practice. Education can help
these patients understand what care is needed and what care these patients are entitled
to. Educating patients empowers them to better advocate for their own care and gain
knowledge on what steps or actions they can take themselves to improve their overall
Federal, state, and local health policies have a role in the marginalization of women,
children, and childbearing families. Policies at the federal, state, and local level can have
various degrees of eSects on the marginalization of women, children, and childbearing
families in regard to access of healthcare, cost of healthcare, the acquiring of health

insurance, and the ability to receive preventative services. Some examples of these are
policies in certain states that prevent abortion, lack of policies about paid family leave, or
policies that oSer community health services such as low cost clinics. Policies at all three
levels can have an eSect to either contribute to or reduce the marginalization of women,
children, and childbearing families. Some policies may benefit these marginalized
populations by promoting equality, more access to health insurance, or more social
services however if proper thought and consideration is not present when these policies
are made then they can reinforce the marginalization of these populations (Baah et al.,
A policy that impacts marginalized groups at the State level is Assembly Bill 2319 (AB
2139). AB 2139 aims to address biases among healthcare providers who are involved in
perinatal care by making it mandatory that these heath care professionals complete
implicit bias training. The aim of the bill is to address biases related to all birthing
individuals to include non-binary and transgender persons to ensure respectful and
equitable treatment is to be given to all patients. This bill will have a positive impact on
marginalized birthing individuals to help them overcome bias experienced during health
care treatment during perinatal care (Cal Matters, n.d.).

I. Engage peers by oSering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or

implications for practice.
a. Communicate using respectful, collegial language and terminology

appropriate to advanced nursing practice.

I. Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and

II. Reference Citation: Use current 7th edition APA format to format citations and
references and is free of errors. 2 references must be within 5 years.

Scholarly references guide:
Peer-reviewed – How do I find peer-reviewed articles? • Journal article requirements: o
Applicable to the population under discussion. o Published within the last 5 years. •
Current Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)- Finding Clinical Practice Guidelines – may be
older than 5 years, depending on the last review. • Intended for clinicians (Nurse
Practitioners, Physicians, Physician’s Assistants) • Directly related to the situation that you
are researching (Ex: Sources for treatment of strep pharyngitis in cancer patients should
not be used as rationale for treatment decisions if your patient does not have cancer) •
Studies should be based on human research.

Sources to AVOID using: • Nursing and Allied Health Journals: For the
purposes of this program, the information in peerreviewed nursing journals is correct but

not suRiciently detailed; Clinician-level journals are appropriate for graduate-level
education. • Summary Websites: Do not use disease-specific websites and clinician
sources such as Medscape, MayoClinic, Up-to-Date, CDC, Drugs.com, WebMD, hospital
websites, etc. The information from these sources may not be current or is provided as a
quick reference summary. As a graduate NP student, you need to understand the science
behind the practice. EXCEPTION: ICD-10 and CPT codes may be researched and cited from
Internet sources. • General Healthcare Websites: Websites that provide the layperson with
information but are not meant for professionals. These could include .org or .edu websites,
blogs, or commercial sites. • Evidence Summaries within Databases: Health sciences
databases often provide access to evidence summaries to support evidence-based
practice. While the evidence summaries you find are a useful starting point for your
research, you will want to use and cite the original publications that the summaries are
based on. To assist you with finding original publications see the Chamberlain Library FAQ
What is an original research or single study article, and how do I find it in the library
databases? • Textbooks: Textbooks provide an overview of key information, but, again, are
not suRicient to facilitate scholarly discussion. This includes e-books.

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