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Project Ecom 421 Saud


I want to solve each part in a separate file I don’t want a solution copied from another student’s paper.

Group Project Assignment

Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-Commerce Department

Student Name:

Student ID:

Course Title: E-Business Strategies and Course Code: ECOM421
Business Models
Academic Year/ Semester:


Instructor Name:
Student Grade:


Grade Level:

Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
ECOM421 – E-Business Strategies & Business Models
Group Project Assignment

Part 1

On or Before 1st March 2025 (End of Week 06)

15 Marks

Part 2

On or Before 26th April 2025 (End of Week 12)

15 Marks

Part 3

On or Before 26th April 2025 (End of Week 12)

10 Marks

Total Marks: 40


You have just graduated from Saudi Electronic University and have been selected by a company
as a Project Intern for a month’s probation period. Your marketing manager has invited you for
coffee, and during your interaction with him, you came to know that your company wants you to
support it in growing the business. Your Marketing Manager has told you to prepare a project
report and design a PowerPoint presentation based on specific parameters. The company will
decide whether to offer you a full-time opportunity or not based on our quality of work, efforts,
and creative thinking. Kindly do this assignment with great dedication. This assignment aims to
help students learn how to apply skills and knowledge in planning, managing, and nurturing a
business by implementing an appropriate strategy. Students are expected to understand the ongoing
recent developments in the marketplace and be able to employ various concepts of this course
deliberately to boost the businesses of the company where they are working/or will work. This
assignment is divided into three parts, and students are encouraged to submit each as per the stated
due date. Students are suggested to create a group of 4-5 students in each group to complete this
group project and join any one of the groups below, considering that the company has selected all
members of your group, stated in front of each group number.
Group 1: Carrefour
Group 2: Panda
Group 3: Othaim Market
Group 4: Extra Store
Group 5: Jarir Bookstore
Group 6: LuLu Hypermarket
Group 7: Tamimi Markets
Group 8: Manuel Market
Note: Kindly ensure your group members have joined a single group only. Join your group on or
before the end of Week 2.


Group Project Assignment Part 1
Submission: On or Before 1st March 2025 (End of Week 06)

Marks: 15

1. Company Profile (3 Marks).
Brief descriptions of the company, such as About the company, Products & Services, Vision
and Mission statement, and Organizational structure
2. Business Canvas Model of the company (3 Marks).
Design a business canvas model of the company and explain each element by writing at least
2-3 lines for each.
3. SWOT Analysis of the company (2 Marks).
Do the company’s SWOT analysis and explain each by writing at least 2-3 lines.

4. Core competencies of the company (2 Marks).
Write the core competencies of the company.

5. Types of Business Models (2 Marks).
Discuss the types of business models (B2B, B2C, C2C, Social Commerce, Local Commerce,
and M-Commerce) adopted by the company.

6. Challenges faced by the company (3 Marks).
List the key challenges the company faced/ is facing and discuss their impact on the company.


Group Project Assignment Part 2
Submission: On or Before 26th April 2025 (End of Week 12)

Marks: 15

1. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the company (3 Marks).
Do Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the company.

2. Compare the business strategy of the company with one of its competitors
(3 Marks).
Select any one competitor of the company and do a comparison of their business strategies.

3. Suggestions to the company (3 Marks).
As a Project Intern, suggest your suggestions to the company.

4. Design a business plan for the company (3 Marks).
As a Project Intern, design a business plan/strategy to help the company increase its revenue by
suggesting the company start a new business unit or by launching a new product or service.

5. Learnings from this project (2 Marks).
Write any five key learnings after finishing this project.

6. References (1 Mark).
Write all the sources using the APA style of referencing. In case of a wrong referencing style,
your group will lose 1 mark. Learn how to refer to a website, article, and such sources.


Group Project Assignment Part 3: Group Presentation submission & Group
Submission: On or Before 26th April 2025 (End of Week 12)

Marks: 10

Make a PowerPoint presentation for your Group Project Assignment based on Part 1 and Part 2
work, mentioning all the stated contents, and upload it on Blackboard. For preparing the
PowerPoint presentation, there must be a minimum of 13 slides with a good background design,
readable font size, and style with the appropriate colour.
The presentation must have the following format with 13 slides
The first slide will be the cover page slide having Students’ names and Student Ids.
1. Cover Page Slide
2. Company Profile
3. Business Canvas Model of the company
4. SWOT Analysis of the company
5. Core competencies of the company
6. Types of Business Models
7. Challenges faced by the company
8. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the company
9. Business strategies comparison with one of its competitors
10. Suggestions to the company.
11. Business plan for the company
12. Learnings from this project
13. References
Note: Group Project Assignment Part 3 (10 Marks = 5 Marks for Group Presentation submission &
5 Marks for Group Presentation in the class i.e. Virtual/F2F)
Presentation schedule:


See the sample of Assignment Part 3 Cover Page Slide

The first slide will be like this having Students’ names and Student IDs.


Group Assignment Guidelines (use this as a checklist before your submission)
This is a group assignment in which each group should have members between 3 to 5 students.
Any one member from each group will submit an assignment over Blackboard within the stated
due date. Please be sure that you have enrolled yourself in a single group only. Kindly read the
below instructions:
S. No.




General Instructions
Plagiarism is a serious offense. Any kind of plagiarism will result in a mark of 0.
Say No to Plagiarism. There should be no plagiarism. Do not copy your answers from other
students’ answers or the internet. If you have visited any website for your understanding,
write the sources of the website/article under Reference.
Include the cover page with all information required. If you are not using or filling the cover
page, 1 mark will be deducted. Put a table of contents before the answer page.
The use of In-text citations in case of using others’ work. Ensure that you follow the APA style
in your project and references.
Your assignment length should be between 500 to 1000 words in total.
Proofread your work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Your file should be saved as Word doc (No submission in PDF format)
Example: Your Group Number_ECOM421_Assignment Number .doc
Your Group Number_ECOM421_Assignment Number.doc
Your Group Number_ECOM421_Assignment Number. pptx
Formatting style elements
Use 1.5 line spacing and adjust it to all paragraphs (alignment).
Use the footer function to insert the page number.
Use black color for your answers.
Gentle reminder: As per the marking policy available on your blackboard, a deduction of 20%
will be applied due to the following reasons:
• Late submission
• Poor structure of the assignment/If the word count is incorrect or if the assignment has
multiple spelling, grammar, or punctuation issues.
• Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and in case of copying answers either from the internet
or from any existing or previous students’ submissions will attract 00/15, i.e., Zero
• Kindly check for plagiarism before submitting the assignment.

“Plagiarism is Injurious to Good Grades.”
Good Luck!



Table of Contents
Group Project Assignment Part 1

S. No.




Company Profile


Business Canvas Model


SWOT Analysis


Core competencies


Types of Business Models


Challenges faced by the company


Purchase answer to see full

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