PRAC 6541:
Primary Care of Adolescents and Children
Focused SOAP Checklist
Chief Complaint: Did I state briefly in the patient’s own words
History of present illness: Did I write a paragraph in the order of the 7 attributes & did I put the 7 attributes in a concise list in the chart (OLD CART-if you don’t know it, please look it up)
Medications: did I list each medication and reason.
Allergies: Did I include specific reactions to medications, foods, and insects, environmental?
Past Medical History (PMH): Did I list all the patient
Illnesses, hospitalizations? Did I Include childhood illnesses
Past Surgical History (PSH): Did I list the
dates, indications and types of operations?
OB/GYN History: (if applicable) Obstetric history, menstrual history, methods of contraception and sexual function.
Personal/Social History: Tobacco use, Alcohol use, Drug use, risky sexual behavior. Patient’s interests, ADL’s IADL’s if applicable. Exercise, eating habits. Pediatrics: school status, parental smoking hx, birth history, school/daycare etc
Immunizations: Did I include
Last Tdap, Flu, pneumonia, etc. Pediatrics- (per pediatric schedule for age) HPV if applicable
Family History: Did I list for Parents, Grandparents, siblings, children?
Review of Systems (SUBJECTIVE DATA): Did I include the systems related to my Chief Complaint and chronic conditions? Did I type detailed description? I did NOT use WNL. I was specific in my descriptions (see health assessment textbook).
Did I remember this is what the patient says and not what I observed? Did I include the cardiovascular and respiratory system regardless of chief complaint?
Physical Exam: (OBJECTIVE DATA) This is what YOU see/touch/hear/smell
· Did I list the vital signs as the first thing in the objective section? Did I include the BMI for adults? Did I include the percentile for the ht, wt, bp etc for pediatrics?
· Did I examine the systems that are pertinent to the CC, HPI, and History. Did I describe what I observed? Did I never use WNL or normal? Did I describe what I observed during the physical exam?
· Did I include the systems in a list format?
· Did I include cardiovascular and respiratory systems regardless of cc?
· Did I delete the systems I did not review?
· Did I put my priority diagnosis in bold for EACH CC?
· Did I include at least 3 differentials(DD) after the priority diagnosis for EACH of my CC?
· Did I explain what each DD is, use references to explain and tell how you ruled in or ruled out each DD? (AND does your ROS and PE reflect this?)
· Did I include a reference citation for each diagnosis under the assessment area?
· Are my assessments concise and in a chart format?
· Did I put my differential diagnosis in order by priority?
· Did I provide a detailed rationale for each diagnosis?
Holistic care:
· Did I cover existing diagnoses and whether any changes need to be made?
· Did I include needed preventative care based on my patient’s age and risk factors?
· Did I include a treatment plan?
· Did I address if labs, x-rays, etc. were needed?
· Did I include a pharmacological plan and citation for EBP?
· Did I include non-pharmacological strategies?
· Did I discuss alternative therapies if applicable?
· Did I state when the patient needs a follow-up?
· Did I indication if any referrals or consultations were necessary or not necessary?
· Did I write a rationale based on evidence?
Health Promotion: Did I address this area? Did I state what the patient/ family need to do to promote their health based on the USPTF for adults or Bright Futures for children? Did I document my citations?
Disease Prevention: Did I do these based on recommendations from USPTF for adult’s or Bright Futures for children based on
the patient’s age? Did I state what needs to be done to detect disease early…fasting lipid profile, mammography, colonoscopy, immunizations, etc? Did I cite the source?
· Did I state what I learned from this experience?
· Did I state what I would you do differently or if I would do everything the same and the rationale?
· Did I state if I either agreed or disagreed with my preceptor
based on evidence (and cite references for EBP?
· Did I state what I would do if the person was insured versus if the person was not insured? Indicate how this would change your plan.
· Did I state the community resources in my area?
· Do I have a minimum of 3 scholarly journal articles? (NONE OF WHICH ARE PATIENT EDUCATION SITES THAT I GOOGLED)
· Did I use at least 3-4 course resources?
· Do I have the paper in a neat format?
· Did I list my references in APA format?
Developed by Joyce Turner, NP. Revision 2/22/17 by Nancy Hadley, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
© 2020 Walden University 1