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261 ass 8



Course name:

Occupational Health

Course number:

PHC 261



Choose any one of the common occupational
Assignment title or task: infectious diseases and discuss the following:
(You can write a

Causes, mode of transmission, and symptoms. (4 grades)
Occupational group at risk. (2 grades)
Prevention and control measures. (4 grades)

Student Name:

Sami Kariri

Student ID:


Submission Date:


Instructor name:

Dr. Sultan Alsaleh
Out of 10

Instructions for submission:
• Make sure to fill out all the relevant information on the coversheet.
• Short essay of 500-750 words (Excluding references).
• The font size should be 12.
• Font type should be Times New Roman
• The heading should be Bold.
• Color should be Black.
• The paragraph must be justified.
• Double line spacing.
• Use proper references in APA style.

• Release date Sunday 09-Feb-25• Due date 22-Feb-25


Asbestosis is a severe occupational disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, microscopic
particles released into the air when asbestos-containing materials are disturbed. Asbestos is a
naturally occurring mineral that was once widely used in construction, shipbuilding, and
manufacturing due to its heat-resistant and insulating properties. However, prolonged exposure to
asbestos fibers can cause significant lung damage, leading to chronic diseases such as asbestosis,
lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Asbestosis is a lung disease resulting from the accumulation of
asbestos fibers in the lungs, causing inflammation, scarring, and impaired lung function. This
disease is not contagious but is contracted through occupational exposure, where workers regularly
encounter asbestos in their daily tasks.

The transmission mode for asbestosis is primarily through inhaling asbestos fibers, which
occur when asbestos materials are disturbed during activities such as demolition, construction, or
shipbuilding. These fibers, when airborne, can be easily inhaled into the lungs, where they become
trapped and cannot be cleared by the body. Over time, the accumulation of these fibers causes
inflammation and scarring in lung tissue, which can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb
oxygen effectively. The symptoms of asbestosis generally develop years after exposure, with the
first signs often being shortness of breath and a persistent dry cough. As the disease progresses,
individuals may experience chest pain, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, and difficulty breathing.
In severe cases, asbestosis can lead to respiratory failure, which can be fatal if left untreated.

Workers in specific occupational groups are at a significantly higher risk of developing
asbestosis. Those who work in industries where asbestos was once commonly used are most
vulnerable. This includes construction workers involved in demolishing or renovating old

buildings, where asbestos-containing materials like insulation and fireproofing may still be
present. Shipyard workers are also at risk, especially those who worked in the construction or
maintenance of ships, where asbestos was frequently used for insulation purposes. Additionally,
miners and industrial workers involved in extracting and processing asbestos fibers are at high
risk, as are asbestos abatement workers who remove asbestos-containing materials. Even though
asbestos has significantly decreased in recent years, many workers still encounter asbestos in older
buildings and equipment, which poses an ongoing risk for asbestosis (Nishida &Yatera, 2022).

Comprehensive safety measures are essential in high-risk occupations to prevent
asbestosis. The most effective prevention strategy is to eliminate or minimize asbestos exposure
altogether. Workers must be provided with proper protective equipment (PPE), including
respirators with high-efficiency filters to prevent inhaling asbestos fibers. Additionally,
workplaces must implement stringent safety protocols such as proper ventilation systems and wet
methods to control asbestos dust. Workers should also be trained to recognize the hazards of
asbestos and how to handle materials containing it safely. Furthermore, regular health monitoring
is vital for workers exposed to asbestos, including routine chest X-rays and pulmonary function
tests, which can help detect early signs of lung damage before the disease progresses to more
severe stages (Carlier et al., 2022).

Finally, regulatory measures play a crucial role in preventing asbestosis. Governments and
occupational health organizations have set guidelines and regulations regarding the acceptable
levels of asbestos exposure in the workplace. These regulations must be rigorously enforced to
ensure that workers are not exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos. In conclusion, asbestosis is a
preventable yet severe occupational disease that continues to affect workers in specific industries.

With the proper safety measures, protective equipment, and health monitoring, the risk of
asbestosis can be significantly reduced, ensuring that workers are protected from this debilitating


Nishida, C., & Yatera, K. (2022). The impact of ambient environmental and occupational pollution
on respiratory diseases. International journal of environmental research and public
health, 19(5), 2788. Retrieved from
Carlier, S., Nasser, M., Fort, E., Lamouroux, C., Si-Mohamed, S., Chalabreysse, L., & Charbotel,
B. (2022). Role of the occupational disease consultant in the multidisciplinary discussion
of interstitial lung diseases. Respiratory Research, 23(1), 332. Retrieved from

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