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Nursing 96. Assignment 3.0 Discussion

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96. Assignment 3.0 Discussion

Discussion Prompt

A 68-year-old male presents to your clinic today. He complains of a dry cough for the last two (2) months that will not go away. He also complains of frequent urination for the last four (4) months. His past medical history includes hypertension diagnosed five years ago, treated with 120 mg of valsartan only. He does not know his family history since he was adopted. He has smoked ½ pack of cigarettes daily for the last 40 years and has had trouble quitting in the past.

What are your differentials and most likely diagnosis or diagnoses? What specific resources and support groups exist in your own clinic’s community for referral, should he choose to quit smoking? What will be your plan of care for your patient including diagnostics, treatment/prescribing, referrals, education, and follow-up?

Differential Diagnoses for cough

1. Chronic bronchitis


3. Tuberculosis

Differential Diagnoses for frequent urination

1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

2. Urinary tract infection (UTI)

3. Bladder cancer

Primary Diagnoses:

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