Please see the Course Schedule for Due Dates.
This assignment will allow you to share the evidence that you found in the Week 4 Evidence Based Practice Project: Finding the Evidence. You will create a visual aid as described below and share your findings with your peers on the discussion board.
Instructions for how to complete this assignment are located below the rubric.
Submitting your assignment
· This assignment will be posted on the DB. The instructor/coach will provide you with feedback and upload your grade to Canvas.
Grading Rubric
Use this rubric to guide your work the assignment. Points are awarded for each section based on content and clarity of expression.
Criteria |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Visual Aid Content |
40.0 to >20.0 pts Acceptable Visual aid content: *Pico Question Shared with Audience *Fact(s) from Source #1 *Fact(s) from Source #2 *Fact(s) from Source #3 *Fact(s) from Source #4 *Recommendations for practice/change in practice based on research |
Not mentioned or poorly explained (0-20 points) |
Creativity and Professionalism: · · · |
Stated and well explained (up to 20 points) |
Not mentioned or poorly explained (0 points) |
Comments on Two Peer EBP projects: |
Two substantive comments to peers (20 points) |
One or no comments (0-10 points) |
Answers to the two discussion board questions |
20.0 to >0.0 pts Acceptable Answers are substantive with relevence of course to nursing practice and two concepts to be applied identified |
0.0 pts Unacceptable One or no answers to discussion board questions or answers are brief with superficial explanations. |
Instructions for Completing Your Assignment
· Now that you’ve uploaded your EBP Project from Week 4 into Canvas to be graded, it’s time to do the second half of the project in Week 5.
· You see, it is good for you to have the correct knowledge about something….or to know the right way to practice. However, it is even better if you share your new knowledge with others!
· To prepare for this week, I would like you to do two things.
· Prepare a
Visual aid that covers your EBP from Week 4:
· Your PICO question
· What you discovered in your search for information about your PICO question. Make sure to include information from each of your resources (this means at least 4 facts with citations).
· What you would recommend for practice (or as a change in practice) based on your research.
· Be creative and professional with your visual aid for your audience with facts from your presentation. This is a visual aid of your choosing that should be professional in quality and content. You must cite the sources for any illustrations you use. This is done by putting a caption below the image acknowledging the source. Don’t include the sources of images in your reference list. Please make sure you have permission to use the images as well.
· You can create a power point or brochure, for example. Simply typing your information into the discussion board will not meet the criteria for this project, you must provide a creative visual aid with illustrations. Impress your instructor and classmates! Please include your references for your project on your visual aid.
Remember your coach and peers must be able to open your submission to view and grade it or comment on it (for example, no .zip files or Keynote Presentations from Apple computers).
· Your instructor/coach will provide you with feedback regarding your presentation in Canvas and post your grade in the gradebook.
©2018 UTA College of Nursing and Health Innovation Revised Dec. 26, 2020 Page
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