– I want original text, no plagiarism.
– You can find the instructions in the file. Please read it carefully.
Textbook: Aguinis, H. (2023). Performance management (5th ed.). Chicago Business Press. ISBN: 978-1-948426-48-0
This assignment should be at least 4 full pages in length. Use double line spacing with
size 12 Times New Roman font. All 1 inch margins. Include page numbers. APA
formatting references (also used in the body). Use the required section headers
in bold in order below (ex: “Section 1-Introduction”) to organize your paper.
This assignment should be:
•Section 1- Introduction
• Indicate the Purpose of the paper
• Discuss the significance/value of the paper
• Identify the upcoming sections (except for conclusion, if provided, and
•Section 2- Overview of KSA Organization & Performance Mgmt System
o Give a brief review of the KSA organization you have chosen.
o Describe main principle of a performance management system
•Section 3- Organization Goals over the Next 5 Years
o Organizational Goal 1
o Organizational Goal 2
o Organizational Goal 3
•Section 4- Employee Goals over the Next 5 Years
o Employee Goal 1- Identify the Employee Goal and how it connects to the
corresponding Organizational goal.
o Employee Goal 2- Identify the Employee Goal and how it connects to the
corresponding Organizational goal.
o Employee Goal 3- Identify the Employee Goal and how it connects to the
corresponding Organizational goal.
o Aguinis textbook
o 3 additional scholarly references (if you want to exceed standards)
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
Be 4-6 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages,
which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
References: Textbook + 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed references
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and
theories from the textbook and at least 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal
Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
Performance Management
A central factor that can determine the effectiveness of a performance management
system, of course, is whether an employee’s performance is raised, thereby raising the
overall performance (and profitability) of the organization. This is accomplished by
ensuring that the performance of an employee is directly tied to the organization’s
overall strategic goals/objectives.
In this critical thinking assignment, choose any Saudi Arabian company in which you
are familiar (it does not need to be one that you have worked for). Research the
specific goals or objectives of the organization over the next 5 years, along with the
main principles of a performance management system, and then address the following
Give a brief review of the organization you have chosen.
State the 2-3 most important goals/objectives for the organization over the
next five years.
As mentioned above, the key to an effective performance management system
is to directly tie organizational goals with an employee’s specific goals. If that
employee accomplishes those goals, then the organization has an opportunity
(collectively) to reach its overall goals/objectives. Given that statement,
choose any position you are familiar with in that organization. They develop 3
goals that the person in that position must accomplish over the next years in
order to be successful in their position and, as a result, that would allow the
organization to be successful. Below is an example:
EXAMPLE: The goal of the Riyad Bank is to increase its profit margins by 5
percent over the next two years. Therefore, one of the performance goals for
the Chief Financial Officer is to develop a strategy that, when implemented,
will reduce expenses a minimum of 2 percent in each of the subsequent 3
If addressed correctly, students will learn, via the performance management
system, to create performance standards that directly tie employee
performance to organizational performance.
Managing Perform. for Results
Critical Thinking. Defining Performance and Selecting a Measurement Approach Module 06
100 pts
Student ID: XXXXX
100 Points
Rubric Detail
Levels of Achievement
Exceeds Expectation
Meets Expectation
Some Expectations
33 to 35 points
29 to 32 points
26 to 28 points
0 to 25 points
substantial and
extensive knowledge of
the materials, with no
errors or major
Demonstrates adequate
knowledge of the
materials; may include
some minor errors or
Demonstrates fair
knowledge of the materials
and/or includes some
major errors or omissions.
Fails to demonstrate
knowledge of the
materials and/or
includes many major
errors or omissions.
33 to 35 points
29 to 32 points
26 to 28 points
0 to 25 points
Provides strong thought,
insight, and analysis of
concepts and
Provides adequate
thought, insight, and
analysis of concepts and
Provides poor though,
insight, and analysis of
concepts and applications.
Provides little or no
thought, insight, and
analysis of concepts and
15 to 15 points
13 to 14 points
11 to 12 points
0 to 10 points
Sources go above and
beyond required criteria
and are well chosen to
provide effective
substance and
perspectives on the
issue under
Sources meet required
criteria and are
adequately chosen to
provide substance and
perspectives on the issue
under examination.
Sources meet required
criteria but are poorly
chosen to provide
substance and perspectives
on the issue under
Source selection and
integration of knowledge
from the course is clearly
15 to 15 points
13 to 14 points
11 to 12 points
0 to 10 points
Project is clearly
organized, well written,
and in proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Strong
sentence and paragraph
structure, contains no
errors in grammar,
spelling, APA style, or
APA citations and
Project is fairly well
organized and written
and is in proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Reasonably
good sentence and
paragraph structure, may
include a few minor
errors in grammar,
spelling, APA style, or APA
citations and references.
Project is poorly organized
and written and may not
follow proper format as
outlined in the assignment.
Inconsistent to inadequate
sentence and paragraph
development, and/or
includes numerous or
major errors in grammar,
spelling, APA style or APA
citations and references.
Project is not organized
or well written and is not
in proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Poor quality
work; unacceptable in
terms of grammar,
spelling, APA style, and
APA citations and
proficiency in
grammar and
View Associated Items
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م11:34 2025/2/14
Rubric Detail – Blackboard
Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the
rubric’s layout.
Name: CT_Rubric_100
Description: 100 Points
Grid View
List View
33 (33.00%) – 35
Meets Expectation
30 (30.00%)
substantial and
knowledge of the
materials, with no
errors or major
29 (29.00%) – 32 (32.00%)
33 (33.00%) – 35
29 (29.00%) – 32 (32.00%)
Provides adequate thought, insight, and analysis
of concepts and applications.
Provides strong
thought, insight,
and analysis of
concepts and
Some Expectations
26 (26.00%) – 28 (28.00%)
Demonstrates fair knowledge of the materials and/or includes some
major errors or omissions.
Demonstrates adequate knowledge of the
materials; may include some minor errors or
Thank you for having a high quality introduction
paragraph. An introduction paragraph should not
only mention the purpose/value of the paper but
also mention the upcoming major sections of the
paper, excluding, of course, the any conclusion
section and reference page. To learn more about
why an introduction paragraph is important read
here. Thank you for reviewing and identifying
methods to maintain performance Updates.
Giving regular feedback increases motivation.
Read more about this here:
To improve points in Content, I
suggest that you have standardized checklist or
template to follow for updates. That builds
consistency and can make the meeting more
efficient. Suzan will know what to expect and be
prepared. You read more about the value of
performance management templates here:
27 (27.00%)
26 (26.00%) – 28 (28.00%)
Provides poor though, insight, and analysis of concepts and
You clearly justified your FEEDBACK strategies. Another reason why
feedback in performance management is important is because according
to Jason Herrera, it “helps us maintain and strengthen the relationships
around us. Within a team, giving and receiving feedback effectively fosters
trust and a sense of camaraderie. It enforces the value of teamwork,
reassuring one another that you are all interested in improving and
learning together (2023).” To increase your score in Analysis area within
the rubric, there’s an opportunity to enhance your approach with Suzan. I
suggest that you while you should be direct and honest, the feedback
should be a dialogue where Suzan does most of the talking. Feedback
should not come across as one way. Allowing a discussion allows the
leader to provide feedback on her communication skills immediately too
given that she has been described as a “horrible communicator.” Check
out this Forbes article that discusses the importance of why feedback
should be a conversation.
Thanks for clearly describing your
approach to RESOURCES. At the same time, to move toward exceed
standards in Analysis within the rubric, I recommend enhance your
approach to resources with the employee. According to Disha Gupta, “As
a leader, you must realize that not all problems are yours. You need to get
in the habit of resisting the urge to solve every issue for your direct
reports. Playing the hero will eventually steal the glory away from your
team” (2021). The employee should be at least partially assigned the
responsibility for finding and securing his own resources for the solution.
There are three reasons for this (1) The employee owns the performance
م11:34 2025/2/14
Rubric Detail – Blackboard
Meets Expectation
Some Expectations
challenge. The employee needs to own the solution. (2) the employee
needs to learn to take initiative on how to find their own resources (3) the
employee is more likely to buy-in to the solution because he discovered it.
Thanks for pointing out training as a RESOURCE. It is a realistic option.
This assumes the instructor, curriculum, and instructional methods are
effective. At the same time to improve your score in analysis, consider
this question: how will you know what meets her learning style? I highly
suggest that she complete a learning styles inventory to determine how
she learns best. You don’t want to spend company resources on an
instructional/development method that doesn’t best match her needs. An
example can be reviewed here:
With respect to REINFORCEMENT, To improve your score in Analysis, I
suggest you consider a backup plan. Your plan assumes you motivated by
one or the other. There are two types: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
You may be able to provide extrinsic praise. But what if the company
cannot afford financial rewards? With respect to intrinsic, you cannot
make her have internal motivation. That comes from within. Even if you
create an environment which supports her needs, how will you verify that
is has occurred? Elaborate on these issues to increase score in Analysis.
Read more about the differences between extrinsic and intrinsic here:
15 (15.00%) – 15
13 (13.00%) – 14 (14.00%)
11 (11.00%) – 12 (12.00%)
Sources meet required criteria and are adequately
chosen to provide substance and perspectives on
the issue under examination.
Sources meet required criteria but are poorly chosen to provide
substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.
13 (13.00%) – 14 (14.00%)
11 (11.00%) – 12 (12.00%)
Project is fairly well organized and written and is
in proper format as outlined in the assignment.
Reasonably good sentence and paragraph
structure, may include a few minor errors in
grammar, spelling, APA style, or APA citations and
Project is poorly organized and written and may not follow proper format
as outlined in the assignment. Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and
paragraph development, and/or includes numerous or major errors in
grammar, spelling, APA style or APA citations and references.
Sources go
above and
criteria and
are well
chosen to
on the issue
proficiency in
grammar and
15 (15.00%) – 15
Project is
well written,
and in
format as
outlined in
contains no
errors in
spelling, APA
style, or APA
citations and
Raw Total: 87.00 (of 100)
م11:34 2025/2/14
Rubric Detail – Blackboard
Description:100 Points
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