BSN 325 Community Health Teaching Plan
Teaching Plan Topic: _____________________________________
Target Audience: ________________________________________
Please enter your responses directly into this document to develop a detailed teaching plan to address the need you identified on Worksheet #1.
Please submit a Draft PowerPoint with information from worksheet #1 and #2 for review. We will review your teaching proposal to ensure your objectives, topics, education strategies, delivery method and evaluation are aligned with your priority concern and focused on community prevention.
May choose to submit worksheet only for review
Voice over not required for the presentation draft
Consider the following in your teaching plan:
· Review Bloom’s taxonomy for writing objectives:
· Here is another site that will help you understand and correctly apply Blooms Taxonomy. Toward the bottom of the article is speaks about objectives and learning goals
· Be sure that the educational strategies (such as verbal/written instruction, demonstration, or role-playing) are appropriate to meet the literacy and language needs of the population
Objective Describe what the participant will be able to do at the end of the session – must be measurable. 3-5 objectives required |
Topics Each one should relate to overall topic and objectives 2-3 topics per objective required |
Educational Verbal/written instruction, demonstration, role playing |
Delivery Traditional classroom, online, round table, meetings |
Evaluation Method Survey, knowledge quiz, observation of behavior, self-evaluation |