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Management Question



tomorrow’s schedule and writes some personal reminders before starting off
on her 30-minute commute home.
1. How effectively do you think Troi spent her day?
2. What does the case tell you about what it is like to be a project manager?
1 Slack is a communications program designed to manage the flow of information on a
project. See slack.com.

Case 1.2

The Hokies Lunch Group1
Fatma settled down for lunch at the Yank Sing Chinese restaurant. She was
early and took the time to catch up on her e-mail. Soon she would be joined
by Jasper and Viktoria, two fellow 2014 grads from Virginia Tech in
Blacksburg, Virginia.
Jasper worked as a software engineer for a start-up company that
wanted to expand the boundaries of sharing economy. Viktoria was an
electrical engineer who worked for a German healthcare company in San
Francisco. They had met each other at a Silicon Valley alumni reception
hosted by Virginia Tech. Each of them felt a bit like a fish out of water on
the West Coast, so they decided to have lunch together each month. The
lunch evolved into a professional support group. A major part of each of
their jobs was managing projects, and they found it useful to share issues
and seek advice from each other.
Fatma worked for a very successful Internet company whose founders
believed that everyone in the firm should devote three days a year to
community service projects. The company was partnering with several
companies in the construction industry to renovate abandoned buildings for

low-income families. The next project was the renovation of an empty
warehouse into eight two-bedroom apartments. Fatma was part of the core
team in charge of scheduling and managing work assignments.
Viktoria and Jasper entered the restaurant together. Viktoria was the first
to move to the Bay Area. She was currently working on the next-generation
neural stimulator (“PAX 2”). Neural stimulators are electronic devices that
doctors implant in patients with wires connected to sources of pain in the
patient’s spine. In the past, patients would have to have an operation to
replace the stimulator battery every 10 years. PAX 2 was being designed to
page 24
take advantage of new battery technologies and use a
rechargeable battery. In concept, this battery system would
eliminate the need for replacement surgeries and allow the implanted
battery to be recharged externally. Viktoria’s team had just completed the
second prototype and was entering a critical testing phase. It had been
tricky trying to predict the lifespan of the new rechargeable battery without
testing it in real time. She was anxious to begin seeing the test results.
Jasper was working for a start-up company after doing contract work for
his first nine months in San Francisco. He was sworn to secrecy about the
project and all Fatma and Viktoria knew was that the project had something
to do with sharing economy. He was working with a small development
team that included colleagues from Bangalore, India, and Malmo, Sweden.
After ordering and chit-chatting a bit, Fatma started the discussion. “I
will be glad when this week is over,” she said. “We’ve been struggling
defining the scope of the project. At first glance our project seems relatively
simple, build eight two-bedroom apartments in an old warehouse. But there
are a lot of unanswered questions. What kind of community space do we
want to have? How efficient should the energy system be? What kind of
furniture? Everybody wants to do a good job, but when does low-income
housing morph into middle-income housing?”
Viktoria offered, “Scope defining is one of the things my company does
very well. Before a project is authorized, a detailed scope statement is
developed that clearly defines the project objectives, priorities, budget,
requirements, limits, and exclusions. All of the key stakeholders sign off on
it. It is really important to identify priorities up front. I know on the PAX 2
project that scope is the number one priority. I know that no matter how
long it takes it is imperative that my work is done right.”

Fatma responded, “That’s exactly what my project manager is preparing
for Friday’s meeting. I guess that one of the things you have to do as a
project manager is end discussions. He is going to make the tough calls and
finalize the project scope so we can begin planning.”
Jasper interjected, “You guys are so lucky; for the most part your scope
remains the same. In my work the scope is constantly changing. You show
the founders a feature they wanted, and they say, well, if you can do that,
can you do this? You know it’s going to happen, but you really can’t plan
for it.”
Jasper went on, “We do know what our number one priority is: time.
There are a lot of players trying to move in to the ‘space’ we are working
on. We have to demonstrate we are ahead of the pack if we are going to
continue to get VC funding.”2
Jasper said that despite the pressure, his project had been a lot of fun.
He especially liked working with his Swedish and Indian counterparts, Axel
and Raja. They worked like a global tag team on their part of the project.
Jasper would code and then pass his work on to Raja, who would work on it
and pass it on to Axel, who would eventually hand it off to Jasper. Given
the time zones, they were able to have at least one person working on the
code around the clock.
Jasper said it was hard at first working with someone he hadn’t met
personally other than on a video screen. Trust was an issue. Everyone was
trying to prove himself. Eventually a friendly competition arose across the
team. The programmers exchanged funny cartoons and YouTube videos. He
showed Fatma and Viktoria a YouTube video about scope creep that got a
chuckle from everyone.
They made plans to meet next at the new Peruvian restaurant on SE 8th
page 25

The Peruvian cilantro/lime ceviche was a big hit at the next lunch. Viktoria
began their discussion by reporting, “I have good and bad news. The bad
news is that our first prototype failed its tests miserably. The good news is
that I have a smart project manager. She knew this could happen, so she

mitigated the risk by having us working on two alternative battery
technologies. The alternative technology is passing all of the tests. Instead
of falling behind months, we are only days behind schedule.”
This precipitated a discussion of risk management. Fatma reported that
there had been a two-day session on risk management for the renovation
project. They spent the first day brainstorming what could go wrong, and
the second day coming up with strategies for dealing with risks. A big help
was the risk report that was generated after the last project. The report
detailed all of the problems that had occurred on the last renovation project
as well as recommendations. Fatma said, “I couldn’t believe how much
time and attention was devoted to safety, but as my project manager said,
‘all it takes is one bad accident to shut down a project for weeks, even
Jasper reported that on his project they spent very little time on risk
management. His project was driven by a build-test mentality. “Everybody
assumes that daily testing eliminates problems, but when it’s time to
integrate different features, that’s when the real bugs will emerge,” Jasper
Jasper went on to say that things were not going well at work. They had
missed their second straight milestone, and everyone was feeling the
pressure to show results. “I even slept by my cubicle three nights ago,”
Jasper confessed. Fatma asked, “How many hours are you working?” “I
don’t know, at least 70, maybe 80 hours,” Jasper answered. He went on to
say, “This is a high-stakes project, with a BIG upside if successful. I am
doing some of my best programming and we’ll just have to see what
Jasper showed them a cartoon that was being circulated across his team.
The caption read “When did you want it done? Yesterday.”
Fatma turned to her friends and said, “I need some advice. As you
know, I’m responsible for scheduling work assignments. Well, some of my
colleagues have been pretty aggressive lobbying for choice assignments.
Everyone wants to work alongside Bruno or Ryan. Suddenly I am
everyone’s friend, and certain people are going way out of their way to do
favors for me. I am sure they think it will influence my decisions. It’s
getting awkward and I am not sure what to do.”
“Quid pro quo,” answered Jasper, “that’s how the business world works.
You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Within reason, I don’t have a

problem with someone taking advantage of her position to garner favors
and build relationships.”
Viktoria said, “I disagree. You don’t want to be seen as someone whose
influence can be bought. You need to think what’s best for the company.
You need to ask yourself what Bruno and Ryan would want you to do. And
if you don’t know, ask them.”
After much discussion, Fatma left the restaurant leaning toward
Viktoria’s advice, but she wasn’t sure what the guidelines should be.

It took two months for the Hokies lunch group to get together again. Jasper
had canceled the last meeting because of work, so Viktoria and Fatma saw a
movie together instead.
page 26

Jasper was the last person to arrive and it was clear from the look on his
face that things were not going well. He sat down, avoiding eye contact,
before blurting, “I’m out of work.” “What do you mean?” Fatma and
Viktoria cried. Jasper explained after months and months of work they had
been unable to demonstrate a functional product.
Jasper went on to say, “Despite our best efforts we couldn’t deliver. The
founders couldn’t get an ounce of second-round venture funding, so they
decided to cut their losses and kill the project. I just spent the best six
months of my programming life for nothing.”
Fatma and Viktoria tried to comfort their friend. Fatma asked Jasper
how the others were taking the news. Jasper said the Swedish programmer,
Axel, took the news very hard. He went on to say, “I think he was burning a
lot of bridges at home with the long work hours and now he has nothing to
show for it. He started blaming us for mistakes we never made.” Raja, his
Indian counterpart, was a different story. “Raja seemed to shrug his
shoulders.” Jasper added, “He said, ‘I know I am a good programmer. There
are lots of opportunities here in Bangalore.’”
Fatma broke the silence that followed by saying to Jasper, “Send me
your resume. My company is always looking for top-notch programmers
and it is a really great company. Can you believe it, the two founders, Bruno
and Ryan, are working side by side with everyone on renovating the

warehouse? In fact, people were amazed at how good Bruno was with sheet
rock. A big part of my job now is scheduling their time so they can work
with as many different people as possible. They really want to use the
project to get to know their employees. This hasn’t been easy. I have had to
juggle their calendars, their abilities, and work opportunities.”
Viktoria interjected, “You’re using Microsoft Project to do this?” “Not
really,” responded Fatma. “At first I tried scheduling their work in
Microsoft Project, but it was too cumbersome and time consuming. Now I
just use the Project master schedule and each of their calendars to schedule
their work. This seems to work best.”
Viktoria added, “Yeah, Microsoft Project is a great program, but you
can get lost trying to get it to do everything. Sometimes all you need is an
Excel sheet and common sense.”
Viktoria felt awkward, given what had happened to Jasper. She was just
wrapping up the successful PAX 2 project. She was also getting ready for a
well-deserved holiday in Vietnam paid for by her project bonus. “I hate
closing out a project,” Viktoria said. “It’s so boring. Document, document,
document! I keep kicking myself for not tracking things when they
happened. I am spending most of my time scouring my computer for files. I
can’t wait to take off to Vietnam.”
Viktoria went on to say, “The only thing I liked doing was the project
Jasper asked, “What’s a project retrospective?” Viktoria answered, “It’s
when the project team gets together and reviews what went well and what
didn’t and identifies lessons learned that we can apply to future projects.
For example, one of the things we learned was that we needed to bring the
manufacturing people on board a lot sooner in the design process. We
focused on designing the very best product possible, regardless of cost. We
found out later that there were ways for reducing production costs without
compromising quality.”
Fatma added, “We do that, too, at the end of our projects, but we call it
an audit.”
page 27

Fatma asked Viktoria, “Do you know what your next assignment will
be?” “No,” she replied, “I will probably go back to my department and do

some testing. I’m not worried. I did good work. I am sure someone will
want me for their project.”
Jasper chimed in, “I sure hope someone wants me for their next
project.” Fatma and Viktoria immediately went into action, trying to lift
their friend’s spirits.
A little while later, they walked out of the restaurant and gave each
other hugs. Fatma reminded Jasper to send her his latest resume.
1. For each part (A, B, C), what phase of the project life cycle is each
project in? Explain.
2. What are two important things you learned about working on projects
from the case? Why are they important?
1 Hokies is the name associated with Virginia Tech athletic teams.
2 New venture capital funding.

Design elements: Snapshot from Practice, Highlight box, Case icon: ©Sky
1 It should be noted that PMBOK also includes Incremental and Iterative as two additional
approaches, which are beyond the scope of this text. Search pmi.org for further details.
2 LEED certification was developed by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) and is one of the most popular green building certification programs used

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‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic University

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Assignment 1
Project Management (MGT323)
Due Date: 01/03/2025@ 23:59
Course Name:Project Management

Student’s Name:

Course Code:MGT323

Student’s ID Number:

Semester: SecondSemester

Academic Year:2024-25-2nd

For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade: /10

Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low

• The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated
• Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
• Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced
for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
• Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
• Late submission will NOT be accepted. Peer-Reviewed Journals are required as
• Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other
resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
• All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No
pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
• Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

• Do not make any changes in the cover page.

Assignment Workload:
• This Assignment comprise of a Case Study and Discussion Questions.
• Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.
Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:
After completion of Assignment-1 students will able to understand the
1. Defining the concepts, theories and approaches of project management. (L.O-1.1)
2. Estimate the project budget and cost control. (L.O-2.2)
3. Analyze to work effectively and efficiently as a team member for project related
cases. (L.O-3.1)

Assignment Case Study Question:

(Marks 6)

Please read the Case-1.2 “The Hokies Lunch Group.” from Chapter 1 “Modern Project
Management” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process
8th edition by Larson and Gray. Refer to specific concepts you have learned from the
chapter to support your answers. Answer the following questions for Part-A, Part-B,
Part-C of the case study.

1.For each part (A,B,C) Identify which phase of the project life cycle is each project in ?
Explain why you think it’s in that phase. (1 Mark for each part (A,B,C),Total of 3
2.From each part of the case (A,B&C), What are the two most important things you
learned about working on projects? Why are these things important? Explain your answer
for each part (A,B,C). (1 Mark for each part (A,B,C),Total of 3 Marks).

Discussion Question:

(4 Marks)

1. What impact will artificial intelligence (AI) have on the field of project management?
(2 Marks) Refer Chapter-2
2. How are projects linked to the strategic plan? (2 Marks) Refer Chapter-2


Because learning changes everything.

Chapter One
Modern Project

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An Overview of Project Management 8th Ed

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Learning Objectives

Understand why project management (PM) is crucial in
today’s world


Distinguish a project from routine operations


Identify the different stages of a project life cycle


Describe how Agile PM is different from traditional PM


Understand that managing projects involves balancing the
technical and sociocultural dimensions of the project

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Chapter Outline

What Is a Project?


Current Drivers of Project Management


Agile Project Management


Project Management Today: A Socio-Technical Approach

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Examples of Projects Given to Recent College Graduates
• Business information: install new data security system
• Physical education: develop a new fitness program for senior citizens
• Marketing: execute a sales program for a new home air purifier
• Industrial engineering: create a value chain report for every aspect of a key product from
design to customer delivery
• Chemistry: develop a quality control program for an organization’s drug production facilities
• Management: implement a new store layout design
• Pre-med neurology student: join a project team linking mind mapping to an imbedded
prosthetic that will allow blind people to function normally
• Sport communication: create a promotion plan for a women’s basketball project
• Systems engineers: develop data mining software of medical papers and studies related to
drug efficacy
• Accounting: work on an audit of a major client
• Public health: design a medical marijuana educational program
• English: create a web-based user manual for a new electronics product

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1.1 What Is a Project?
Project Defined (according to PMI)
• A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service,
or result
Major Characteristics of a Project
• Has an established objective
• Has a defined life span with a beginning and an end
• Involves several departments and professionals
• Involves doing something never been done before
• Has specific time, cost, and performance requirements

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Program versus Project
Program Defined
• A group of related projects designed to accomplish a common goal
over an extended period of time
Program Management Defined
• A process of managing a group of ongoing, interdependent, related
projects in a coordinated way to achieve strategic objectives
• Project: completion of a required course in project management
• Program: completion of all courses required for a business major

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Comparison of Routine Work with Projects
Routine, Repetitive Work


Taking class notes

Writing a term paper

Daily entering sales receipts into the
accounting ledger

Setting up a sales kiosk for a
professional accounting meeting

Responding to a supply-chain request

Developing a supply-chain information

Practicing scales on the piano

Writing a new piano piece

Routine manufacture of an Apple iPod

Attaching tags on a manufactured

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Designing an iPod that is approximately
2 X 4 inches, interfaces with PC, and
stores 10,000 songs
Wire-tag projects for GE and



Project Life Cycle

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The Challenge of Project Management
The Project Manager
• Manages temporary, non-repetitive activities and frequently acts
independently of the formal organization.
• Marshals resources for the project.
• Is the direct link to the customer.
• Works with a diverse troupe of characters.
• Provides direction, coordination, and integration to the project team.
• Is responsible for performance and success of the project.
• Must induce the right people at the right time to address the right
issues and make the right decisions.

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1.2 Current Drivers of Project Management
Factors leading to the increased use of project management:
• Compression of the product life cycle
• Knowledge explosion
• Triple bottom line (planet, people, profit)
• Increased customer focus
• Small projects represent big problems

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1.3 Agile Project Management
Agile Project Management (Agile PM)
• Is a methodology emerged out of frustration with using traditional
project management processes to develop software.
• Is now being used across industries to manage projects with high
levels of uncertainty.
• Employs an incremental, iterative process sometimes referred to as a
‘rolling wave’ approach to complete projects.
• Focuses on active collaboration between the project and customer
representatives, breaking projects into small functional pieces, and
adapting to changing requirements.
• Is often used up front in the defining phase to establish specifications
and requirements, and then traditional methods are used to plan,
execute, and close the project.
• Works best in small teams of four to eight members.
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Rolling Wave Development

• Iterations typically last from one to four weeks.
• The goal of each iteration is to make tangible progress such as define
a key requirement, solve a technical problem, or create desired
features to demonstrate to the customer.
• At the end of each iteration, progress is reviewed, adjustments are
made, and a different iterative cycle begins.
• Each new iteration subsumes the work of the previous iterations until
the project is completed and the customer is satisfied.
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1.4 Project Management Today: A Socio-Technical Approach
The Technical Dimension (The “Science”)
• Consists of the formal, disciplined, purely logical parts of the process.
• Includes planning, scheduling, and controlling projects.
The Sociocultural Dimension (The “Art”)
• Involves the contradictory and paradoxical world of implementation.
• Centers on creating a temporary social system within a larger
organizational environment that combines the talents of a divergent
set of professionals working to complete the project.

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A Socio-Technical Approach to Project Management

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Text Overview
• Chapter 2 focuses on how organizations go about evaluating and
selecting projects.
• Chapter 3 discusses matrix management and other organization forms
and also discusses the significant role that culture of an organization
plays in the implementation of projects.
• Chapter 4 deals with defining the scope of the project and developing a
work breakdown structure (WBS).
• Chapter 5 explores the challenge of formulating cost and time estimates.
• Chapter 6 focuses on utilizing the information from the WBS to create a
project plan in the form of a timed and sequenced network of activities.

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Text Overview (Continued)

Chapter 7 examines how organizations and managers identify and manage
risks associated with project work.

Chapter 8 explores resource allocation and how resource limitations impact the
project schedule.

Chapter 9 examines strategies for reducing project time either prior to the
initiation of the project or in response to problems or new demands placed on
the project.

Chapter 10 focuses on the role of the project manager as a leader and stresses
the importance of managing project stakeholders within the organization.

Chapter 11 focuses on the core project team and combines the latest
information on team dynamics with leadership skills/techniques of developing a
high-performance project team.

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Text Overview (Continued)

Chapter 12 discusses how to outsource project work and negotiates
with contractors, customers, and suppliers.

Chapter 13 focuses on the kinds of information managers use to
monitor project progress and discusses the key concept of earned value

Chapter 14 covers closing out a project and the important assessment
of performance and lessons learned.

Chapter 15 discusses agile project management, a much more flexible
approach to managing projects with high degree of uncertainty.

Chapter 16 focuses on working on projects across cultures.

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Key Terms
Agile project management (Agile PM)
Project life cycle
Project Management Professional (PMP)

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Because learning changes everything.


© 2021 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom.
No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.


Because learning changes everything.

Chapter Two
Organization Strategy
and Project Selection

© 2021 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom.
No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.


Where We Are Now

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Learning Objectives

Explain why it is important for project managers to understand
their organization’s strategy
Identify the significant role projects contribute to the strategic
direction of the organization
Understand the need for a project priority system
Distinguish among three kinds of projects
Describe how the phase gate model applies to project
Apply financial and nonfinancial criteria to assess the value of
Understand how multi-criteria models can be used to select
Apply an objective priority system to project selection
Understand the need to manage the project portfolio

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Chapter Outline

Why Project Managers Need to Understand Strategy


The Strategic Management Process: An Overview


The Need for a Project Priority System


Project Classification


Phase Gate Model


Selection Criteria


Applying a Selection Model


Managing the Portfolio System

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2.1 Why Project Managers Need to Understand Strategy
Two main reasons project managers need to understand their
organization’s mission and strategy:
1. So they can make appropriate decisions and adjustments.
• How a project manager would respond to a suggestion to modify the
design of a product or to delays may vary depending upon strategic
2. So they can be effective project advocates. They have to be able to:
• demonstrate to senior management how their project contributes to
the firm’s mission in order to garner their continued support.
• explain to stakeholders why certain project objectives and priorities
are critical in order to secure buy-in on contentious trade-off
• explain why the project is important to motivate and empower the
project team (Brown, Hyer and Ettenson, 2013).
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2.2 The Strategic Management Process: An Overview
Strategic Management Defined
• Is the process of assessing “what we are” and deciding and
implementing “what we intend to be and how we are going to get
• Is a continuous, iterative process aimed at developing an integrated
and coordinated long-term plan of action.
• Requires strong links among mission, goals, objectives, strategy, and
Two Major Dimensions of Strategic Management:
1. Responds to changes in the external environment and allocates the
firm’s scare resources to improve its competitive position.
2. Internal responses to new action programs aimed at enhancing the
competitive position of the firm.

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Four Activities of the Strategic Management Process
The sequence of activities of the strategic management process is:
1. Review and define the organizational mission

The mission identifies “what we want to become.” Mission statements identify the scope
of the organization in terms of its product and service.

2. Analyze and formulate strategies

Formulating strategy answers the question of what needs to be done to reach
objectives. Strategy formulation includes determining and evaluating alternatives that
support the organization’s objectives and selecting the best alternative.

3. Set objectives to achieve strategies

Objectives translate the organization strategy into specific, concrete, measureable
terms. Objectives answer in detain where a firm is headed and when it is going to get

4. Implement strategies through projects

Implementation answers the question of how strategies will be realized, given available

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Strategic Management Process

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Characteristics of Objectives

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2.3 The Need for a Project Priority System
Implementation of projects without a strong priority system linked to strategy
create problems.
Problem 1: The Implementation Gap

The implementation gap is the lack of understanding and consensus of
organization strategy among top and middle-level managers.

Problem 2: Organization Politics

Project selection may be based not so much on facts and sound reasoning as on
the persuasiveness and power of people advocating projects.

The term sacred cow is often used to denote a project that a powerful, highranking official is advocating.

Problem 3: Resource Conflicts and Multitasking

A multi-project environment creates the problems of project interdependency and
the need to share resources. Resource sharing leads to multitasking—involves
starting and stopping work on one task to go and work on another project, then
returning to the work on the original task.

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Benefits of Project Portfolio Management

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2.4 Project Classification

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2.5 Phase Gate Model
Phase Gate Model
• Is a series of gates that a project must pass through in order to be
• Its purpose is to ensure that the organization is investing time and
resources on worthwhile projects that contribute to its mission and
• Each gate is associated with a project phase and represents a
decision point.
• A gate can lead to three possible outcomes: go (proceed), kill
(cancel), or recycle (revise and resubmit).

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Phase Gate Process Diagram

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2.6 Selection Criteria
• Financial Criteria
• Payback
• Net present value (NPV)
• Nonfinancial Criteria
• Projects of strategic importance to the firm
• Two Multi-Criteria Selection Models
• Checklist Models
• Multi-Weighted Scoring Models

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Financial Criteria: The Payback Model
The Payback Model
• Measures the time the project will take to recover the project investment.
• Desires shorter paybacks.
• Is the simplest and most widely used model.
• Emphasizes cash flows, a key factor in business.
Limitations of the Payback Method
• Ignores the time value of money.
• Assumes cash inflows for the investment period (and not beyond).
• Does not consider profitability.
The Payback formula is
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Example Comparing Two Projects Using Payback Method

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Financial Criteria: Net Present Value (NPV)
Net Present Value (NPV)
• Uses management’s minimum desired rate of return (discount rate) to compute
the present value of all net cash inflows.
• Prefers positive NPV to negative NPV.
• Desires higher positive NPVs.
• Is more realistic because it considers the time value of money, cash flows, and
The NPV formula using Microsoft Excel is
I0 = Initial investment (since it is an outflow, the number will be negative)
Ft = Net cash inflow for period t
k = Required rate of return
n = Number of years
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Example Comparing Two Projects Using Net Present Value Method

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Nonfinancial Criteria
Examples of strategic objectives are:
• To capture larger market share.
• To make it difficult for competitors to enter the market.
• To develop an enabler product, which by its introduction will increase
sales in more profitable products.
• To develop core technology that will be used in next-generation
• To reduce dependency on unreliable suppliers.
• To prevent government intervention and regulation.

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Two Multi-Criteria Selection Models
Checklist Models
• Use a list of questions to review potential projects and to determine their
acceptance or rejection.
• Allow greater flexibility in selecting among many different types of projects
and are easily used across different divisions and locations.
• Fail to answer the relative importance or value of a potential project to the
organization and does not allow for comparison with other potential projects.
Multi-Weighted Scoring Models
• Use several weighted selection criteria to evaluate project proposals.
• Include qualitative and/or quantitative criteria.
• Allow for comparison with other potential projects.

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Checklist Models: Sample Selection Questions Used in Practice

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Multi-Weighted Scoring Models: Project Screening Matrix

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2.7 Applying a Selection Model
Project Classification
• Deciding whether the project fits with the organization strategy.
• Selecting a Model
• Weighted scoring criteria seem the best alternative because:
• They reduce the number of wasteful projects using resources.
• They help to identify project goals that can be communicated using the
selection criteria as corroboration.
• They help project managers understand how their project was selected,
how their project contributes to organization goals, and how it compares
with other projects.

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Applying a Selection Model (Continued)
Sources and Solicitation of Project Proposals
• Within the organization
• Request for Proposal (RFP) from external sources
Ranking Proposal and Selection of Projects
• Evaluating each proposal in terms of feasibility, potential contribution
to strategic objectives, and fit within a portfolio of current projects.
• Rejecting or accepting the projects based on given selection criteria
and current portfolio.
• Prioritizing projects by senior management.

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A Proposal Form for an Automatic Vehicular Tracking (AVL)
Public Transportation Project

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Risk Analysis for a 500-Acre Wind Farm

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Project Screening Process

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Priority Screening Analysis

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2.8 Managing the Portfolio System
Senior Management Input
• Provides guidance in establishing selection criteria that strongly align with
the current organization strategies.
• Annually decides how to balance the available organizational resources
(people and capital) among the different types of projects.
Governance Team Responsibilities
• Publish the priority of every project.
• Ensure the selection process is open and free of power politics.
• Evaluate the progress of current projects.
• Constantly scan the external environment to determine if organization
focus and/or selection criteria need to be changed.
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Balancing the Portfolio for Risks and Types of Projects
David and Jim Matheson studied R&D organizations and developed a
classification scheme that could be used for assessing a project portfolio. They
separated projects in terms of degrees of difficulty and commercial value. The
four basic types of projects are:
• Bread-and-butter projects involve evolutionary improvements to current
products and services.
• Pearls represent revolutionary commercial advances using proven technology.
• Oysters involve technological breakthroughs with tremendous commercial
• White elephants showed promise at one time but are no longer viable.

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Key Terms
Implementation gap
Net present value (NPV)
Organization politics
Phase gate model
Priority system
Priority team
Project portfolio
Project sponsor
Sacred cow
Strategic management
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Chapter Three
Organization: Structure
and Culture

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Learning Objectives


Identify different project management structures and understand
their strengths and weaknesses.
Distinguish three different types of matrix structures and
understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Describe how project management offices (PMOs) can support
and improve project execution.
Understand organizational and project considerations that should
be considered in choosing an appropriate project management
Appreciate the significant role that organizational culture plays in
managing projects.
Interpret the culture of an organization.
Understand the interaction between project management
structure and the culture of an organization.

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Chapter Outline

Project Management Structures


Project Management Office (PMO)


What Is the Right Project Management Structure?


Organizational Culture


Implications of Organizational Culture for Organizing Projects

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3.1 Project Management Structures
Three different project management structures are:
1. Functional organization
2. Dedicated project teams
3. Matrix structure
• Weak matrix
• Balanced matrix
• Strong matrix

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Organizing Projects within the Functional Organization
• Top management decides to implement the project, and different
segments of the project are distributed to appropriate areas.
• Coordination is maintained through normal management channels.
• It is commonly used when one functional area plays a dominant role in
completing the project or has a dominant interest in the success of the

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Functional Organizations

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Advantages and Disadvantages of using Functional
Organization to Administer and Complete projects


1. No change

1. Lack of focus

2. Flexibility

2. Poor integration

3. In-depth expertise

3. Slow

4. Easy post-project transition

4. Lack of ownership

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Organizing Projects as Dedicated Teams
• Dedicated project teams operate as units separate from the rest of the
parent organization.
• A full-time project manager is designated to pull together a core group of
specialists who work full time on the project.
• The project manager recruits necessary personnel from both within and
outside the parent company.
• In a projectized organization where projects are the dominant form of
business, the entire organization is designed to support project teams.
• “Projectitis” is referred to as a negative dimension to dedicated project
teams. A we-they attitude can emerge between project team members
and the rest of the organization.
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Dedicated Project Team

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Projectized Organization Structure

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Strengths and Weaknesses of the Dedicated Project Team Approach



1. Simple

1. Expensive

2. Fast

2. Internal strife

3. Cohesive

3. Limited technological expertise

4. Cross-functional integration

4. Difficult post-project transition

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Organizing Projects within a Matrix Arrangement

Matrix management is a hybrid organizational form in which horizontal project
management structure is overlaid on the normal functional hierarchy.

There are usually two chains of command, one along functional lines and the other
along project lines.

Project participants report simultaneously to both functional and project managers.

The matrix structure is designed to utilize resources optimally.

Individuals work on multiple projects as well as being capable of performing normal
functional duties.

It attempts to achieve greater integration by creating and legitimizing the authority
of a project manager.

It provides dual focus between functional/technical expertise and project

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Matrix Organization Structure

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Division of Project Manager and Functional Manager
Responsibilities in a Matrix Structure

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Different Matrix Forms
Weak matrix
• This form is very similar to a functional approach with the exception
that there is a formally designed project manager responsible for
coordinating project activities.
• Functional managers are responsible for managing their segment of
the project.
• The project manager acts as a staff assistant who draws the
schedules and checklists, collects information on the status of the
work, and facilitates project completion.

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Different Matrix Forms (Continued)
Balanced matrix
• The project manager is responsible for defining what needs to be
accomplished. The project manager establishes the overall plan for
completing the project, integrates the contribution of the different
disciplines, set schedules, and monitors progress.
• The functional managers are concerned with how it will be
accomplished. The functional managers are responsible for assigning
personnel and executing their segment of the project according to the
standards and schedules set by the project manager.

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Different Matrix Forms (Continued)
Strong matrix
• The project manager controls most aspects of the project, including
scope trade-offs and assignment of functional personnel. The project
manager controls when and what specialists do and has final say on
major project decisions.
• The functional managers have title over their people and are
consulted on a need basis. The functional managers serve as
subcontractors for the project.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Matrix Management


1. Efficient

1. Dysfunctional conflict

2. Strong project focus

2. Infighting

3. Easier post-project transition

3. Stressful

4. Flexible

4. Slow

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3.2 Project Management Office (PMO)
• Is a centralized unit within an organization or a department that
oversees and supports the execution of projects.
• Plays a critical role in helping matrix systems mature into more
effective project delivery platforms.
• Can be characterized in different kinds:
• Weather station—tracks and monitors project performance.
• Control tower—improves project execution.
• Resource pool—provides the organization with a cadre of trained
project managers and professionals.
• Command and control center—has direct authority over the project.

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3.3 What Is the Right Project Management Structure?
Organization Considerations
• How important is the project management to the success of the firm?
• What percentage of core work involves projects?
• What level of resources are available?
Project Considerations
• Size of project
• Strategic importance
• Novelty and need for innovation
• Need for integration (number of departments involved)
• Environmental complexity (number of external interfaces)
• Budget and time constraints
• Stability of resource requirements
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3.4 Organizational Culture
Organizational Culture Defined
• Is a system of shared norms, beliefs, values, and assumptions that
blinds people together, thereby creating shared meanings.
• Reflects the “personality” of the organization.
• Performs several important functions in organizations.
• Provides a sense of identity for its members
• Helps legitimize the management system
• Clarifies and reinforces standards of behavior
• Helps create social order

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Key Dimensions Defining an Organization’s Culture

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Identifying Cultural Characteristics
• Study the physical characteristics of an organization.
• Read about the organization.
• Observe how people interact within the organization.
• Interpret stories and folklore surrounding the organization.

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Organizational Culture Diagnosis Worksheet

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3.5 Implications of Organizational Culture for Organizing Projects

• Project managers interact with:
• The culture of their parent organizations as well as the subcultures
of various departments.
• The project’s clients or customer organizations.
• Other organizations connected to the project such as suppliers and
vendors, subcontractors, consulting firms, government and
regulatory agencies, and community groups.
• “A riverboat trip” is a metaphor describing the relationship between
organizational culture and project management. Culture is the river
and the project is the boat.

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Cultural Dimensions of an Organization Supportive of Project Management

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Key Terms
Balanced matrix
Dedicated project team
Organizational culture
Projectized organization
Project management office (PMO)
Strong matrix
Weak matrix

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Chapter Four
Defining the Project

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Learning Objectives

Identify key elements of a project scope statement and understand
why a complete scope statement is critical to project success.


Describe the causes of scope creep and ways to manage it.


Understand why it is important to establish project priorities in terms
of cost, time, and performance.


Demonstrate the importance of a work breakdown structure (WBS)
to the management of projects and how it serves as a database for
planning and control.


Demonstrate how the organization breakdown structure (OBS)
establishes accountability to organization units.


Describe a process breakdown structure (PBS) and when to use it.


Create responsibility matrices for small projects.


Create a communication plan for a project.

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Chapter Outline

Step 1: Defining the Project Scope


Step 2: Establishing Project Priorities


Step 3: Creating the Work Breakdown Structure


Step 4: Integrating the WBS with the Organization


Step 5: Coding the WBS for the Information System


Process Breakdown Structure


Responsibility Matrices


Project Communication Plan

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Five General Steps for Collecting Project Information
Step 1: Defining the Project Scope
Step 2: Establishing Project Priorities
Step 3: Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
Step 4: Integrating the WBS with the Organization
Step 5: Coding the WBS for the Information System

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4.1 Step 1: Defining the Project Scope
Project Scope Defined
• Is a definition of the end result or mission of your project—a product or
service for your client/customer.
• Defines the results to be achieved in specific, tangible, and measurable
Purposes of the Project Scope Statement
• To clearly define the deliverable(s) for the end user
• To direct focus on the project purpose throughout the life of the project for
the customer and project participants
• To be published and used by the project owner and project participants
for planning and measuring project success
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Project Scope Checklist
1. Project objective
2. Product scope description
3. Justification
4. Deliverables
5. Milestones
6. Technical requirements
7. Limits and exclusions
8. Acceptance criteria

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Project Scope: Terms and Definitions
Scope Statements

Is a short, one- to two-page summary of key elements of the scope, followed by
extended documentation of each element.

Is also referred to as “statements of work (SOWs)”

Project Charter

Is a documentation that authorizes the project manager to initiate and lead the

Often includes a brief scope description as well as such items as risk limits,
business case, spending limits, and even team composition.

Scope Creep

Is the tendency for the project scope to expand over time—usually by changing
requirements, specifications, and priorities.

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Five of the Most Common Causes of Scope Creep
• Poor requirement analysis
• Not involving users early enough
• Underestimating project complexity
• Lack of change control
• Gold plating

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4.2 Step 2: Establishing Project Priorities
Three major criteria (trade-offs) that a project manager has to manage
• Cost (budget)
• Time (schedule)
• Performance (scope)
A project manager can manage the project trade-offs by completing a
priority matrix for the project and identifying which criterion is:
• Constrain—original parameter is fixed.
• Enhance—a criterion should be optimized.
• Accept—a criterion is tolerable not to meet the original parameter.

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Project Management Trade-offs

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Project Priority Matrix for the Development of a New Wireless

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4.3 Step 3: Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
• Is a hierarchical outline of the project with different levels of detail.
• Identifies the products and work elements involved in a project.
• Defines the relationship of the final deliverable (the project) to its subdeliverables, and, in turn, their relationships to work packages.
• Serves as a framework for tracking cost and work performance.
• Is best suited for design and build projects that have tangible
outcomes rather than process-oriented projects.

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Hierarchical Breakdown of the WBS

* This breakdown groups work packages by type of work within a deliverable and
allows assignment of responsibility to an organizational unit. This extra step
facilitates a system for monitoring project progress (discussed in Chapter 13).
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How WBS Helps the Project Manager
• Assures project managers that all products and work elements are identified, to
integrate the project with the current organization, and to establish a basis for control.
• Facilitates the evaluation of cost, time, and technical performance at all levels in the
organization over the life of the project.
• Provides management with information appropriate to each organizational level.
• Helps project managers to plan, schedule, and budget the project.
• Helps in the development of the organization breakdown structure (OBS), which
assigns project responsibilities to organization units and individuals.
• Provides the opportunity to “roll up” (sum) the budget and actual costs of the smaller
work packages into larger work elements.
• Defines communication channels and assists in understanding and coordinating
many parts of the project.

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Work Breakdown Structure

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A Work Package
• Is the lowest level of the WBS.
• Is a short-duration task that has a definite start and stop point,
consumes resources, and represents cost.
• Should not exceed 10 workdays or one reporting period.
• Should be as independent of other work packages of the project as
• Is the basic unit used for planning, scheduling, and controlling the

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Each Work Package in the WBS
• Defines work (what).
• Identifies time to complete a work package (how long).
• Identifies a time-phased budget to complete a work package (cost).
• Identifies resources needed to complete a work package (how much).
• Identifies a single person responsible for units of work (who).
• Identifies monitoring points for measuring progress (how well).

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4.4 Step 4: Integrating the WBS with the Organization
Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)
• Depicts how the firm has organized to discharge work responsibility.
• Provides a framework to summarize organization unit work
• Identifies the organization units responsible for work packages.
• Ties the organizational unit to cost control accounts.
The intersection of work packages and the organization unit creates a
project cost point or cost account that integrates work and responsibility.

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Integration of WBS and OBS

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4.5 Step 5: Coding the WBS for the Information System
WBS Coding System
• Defines
• Levels and elements in the WBS
• Organization elements
• Work packages
• Budget and cost information
• Allows reports to be consolidated at any level in the structure.
WBS Dictionary
• Provides detailed information about each element in the WBS.

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Coding the WBS

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4.6 Process Breakdown Structure
Process Breakdown Structure (PBS)
• Is used for process-oriented projects.
• Is often referred to as the “waterfall method” in the software industry.
Process-oriented project
• Is a project that the final outcome is a product of a series of steps and
• Is a project that evolves over time with each phase affecting the next
• Is a project that is driven by performance requirements, not by

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PBS for Software Development Project

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4.7 Responsibility Matrices
Responsibility Matrix (RM)

Is also called a linear responsibility chart.

Summarizes the tasks to be accomplished and who is responsible for
what on the project.

Lists all the project activities and the participants responsible for each

Clarifies interfaces between units and individuals that require coordination.

Provides a mean for all participants in a project to view their
responsibilities and agree on their assignments.

Clarifies the extent or type of authority exercised by each participant.

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Responsibility Matrix for a Market Research Project

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Responsibility Matrix for the Conveyor Belt Project

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4.8 Project Communication Plan
Project communication plans address the following questions:
• What information needs to be collected and when?
• Who will receive the information?
• What methods will be used to gather and store information?
• What are the limits, if any, on who has access to certain kinds of
• When will the information be communicated?
• How will it be communicated?

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Steps for Developing a Communication Plan
1. Stakeholder analysis—identify the target groups.
2. Information needs—project status reports, deliverable issues,
changes in scope, team status meetings, gating decisions, accepted
request changes, action items, milestone reports, etc.
3. Sources of information—where does the information reside?
4. Dissemination modes—hardcopy, e-mail, teleconferencing,
SharePoint, and a variety of database sharing programs.
5. Responsibility and timing—determine who will send out the formation
and when.

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Stakeholder Communications

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Shale Oil Research Project Communication Plan

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Key Terms
Acceptance criteria

Product scope description

Cost account

Project charter

Gold plating

Responsibility matrix


Scope creep

Organization breakdown structure (OBS)

Scope statement

Priority matrix

WBS dictionary

Process breakdown structure (PBS)

Work breakdown structure (WBS)
Work package

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Because learning changes everything.

Chapter Five
Estimating Project Times
and Costs

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Learning Objectives

Understand estimating project times and costs is the foundation for

project planning and control.

Describe guidelines for estimating time, costs, and resources.


Describe the methods, uses, and advantages and disadvantages of

top-down and bottom-up estimating methods.

Distinguish different kinds of costs associated with a project.


Suggest a scheme for developing an estimating database for future


Understand the challenge of estimating mega projects and describe steps

that lead to better informed decisions.

Define a “white elephant” in project management and provide


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Chapter Outline
5.1 Factors Influencing the Quality of Estimates
5.2 Estimating Guidelines for Times, Costs, and Resources
5.3 Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Estimating
5.4 Methods for Estimating Project Times and Costs
5.5 Level of Detail
5.6 Types of Costs
5.7 Refining Estimates
5.8 Creating a Database for Estimating
5.9 Mega Projects: A Special Case

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Project Estimating
Estimating Defined

Is the process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost of
completing project deliverables.

Is a trade-off, balancing the benefits of better accuracy against the
costs of secured increased accuracy.

Types of Estimates

Top-down (macro) estimates—analogy, group consensus, or
mathematical relationships

Bottom-up (micro) estimates—based on estimates of elements found
in the work breakdown structure

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Why Estimating Time and Cost Is Important

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5.1 Factors Influencing the Quality of Estimates

Planning Horizon

Project Complexity


Project Structure and Organization

Padding Estimates

Organizational Culture

Other Factors

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5.2 Estimating Guidelines for Times, Costs, and Resources
1. Responsibility
2. The use of several people to estimate
3. Normal conditions
4. Time units
5. Independence
6. Contingencies
7. Risk assessment added to the estimate to avoid surprises to

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5.3 Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Estimating
Top-Down Estimates

Are usually derived from someone who uses experience and/or
information to determine the project duration and total cost.

Are sometimes made by top managers who have very little knowledge of
the component activities used to complete the project.

Bottom-Up Estimates

Can take place after the project has been defined in detail.

Can serve as a check on cost elements in the WBS by rolling up the work
packages and associated cost accounts to major deliverables.

Provide the customer with an opportunity to compare the low-cost,
efficient method approach with any imposed restrictions.

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Conditions for Preferring Top-Down or Bottom-Up Time and
Cost Estimates

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The Preferred Approach in Defining the Project

Make rough top-down estimates

Develop the WBS/OBS

Make bottom-up estimates

Develop schedules and budgets

Reconcile differences between top-down and bottom-up estimates

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5.4 Methods for Estimating Project Times and Costs
Top-Down Approaches

Bottom-Up Approaches

Consensus Method

Template Method

Ratio Method

Parametric Procedures Applied

Apportion Method

Function Point Methods for

to Specific Tasks

Range Estimating

Software and System Projects

Learning Curves

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Apportion Method of Allocating Project Costs Using the WBS

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Simplified Basic Function Point Count Process for a
Prospective Project or Deliverable

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Example: Function Point Count Method

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Range Estimating Template

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A Hybrid: Phase Estimating

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Top-Down and Bottom-Up Estimates

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5.5 Level of Detail
The level of detail in the WBS varies with:

The complexity of the project

The need for control

The project size, cost, and duration

Other factors

Excessive detail:

Emphasizes departmental outcomes rather than deliverable outcomes

Creates more unproductive paperwork

Inadequate detail:

Falls short of meeting the structure’s needs

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5.6 Types of Costs
Direct Costs

Are clearly chargeable to a specific work package
• Examples: Labor, materials, equipment, and other

Direct Project Overhead Costs

Can be tied to project deliverables or work packages
• Examples: Salary of the project manager, temporary rental space for
the project team, supplies, specialized machinery

General and Administrative (G&A) Overhead Costs

Are not directly linked to a specific project
• Examples: Advertising, accounting, salary of senior management
above the project level

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Contract Bid Summary Costs

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Three Views of Cost

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5.7 Refining Estimates
Reasons for adjusting estimates

Interaction costs are hidden in estimates.

Normal conditions do not apply.

Things go wrong on projects.

Project scope and plans change.

People are overly optimistic.

People engage in strategic misrepresentation.

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5.8 Creating a Database for Estimating

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5.9 Mega Projects: A Special Case
Mega Projects Defined

Are large-scale, complex ventures that typically cost $1 billion or more,
take many years to complete, and involve multiple private and public
• Examples: High-speed rail lines, airports, healthcare reform, the
Olympics, development of new aircraft

Often involve a double whammy.
• Projects cost much more than expected and under-deliver on benefits
the projects were to provide.

Are sometimes referred to as “white elephant.”
• Projects are over budget, under value and the costs of maintaining the
project exceed the benefits received.

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The Reference Class Forecasting (RCF)
Three Major Steps:
1. Select a reference class of projects similar to your potential project.
2. Collect and arrange outcome data as a distribution. Create a distribution of cost
overruns as a percentage of the original project estimate (low to high).
3. Use the distribution data to arrive at a realistic forecast. Compare the original cost
estimate for the project with the reference class projects.

Outside empirical data mitigates human bias.

Politics, strategic, and promoter forces have difficulty ignoring outside RCF information.

RCF serves as a reality check for funding large projects.

RCF helps executives avoid unsound optimism.

RCF leads to improved accountability.

RCF provides a basis for project contingency funds.

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Key Terms

Range estimating

Bottom-up estimates

Ratio method

Delphi Method

Reference class forecasting (RCF)

Direct costs

Template method

Function points

Time and cost databases

Learning curve

Top-down estimates

Overhead costs

White elephant

Phase estimating

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Because learning changes everything.

Chapter Six
Developing a Project

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Learning Objectives

Understand the linkage between WBS and the project network.


Diagram a project network using AON methods.


Calculate early, late, and slack activity times.


Identify and understand the importance of managing the critical


Distinguish free slack from total slack.


Demonstrate understanding and application of lags in
compressing projects or constraining the start or finish of an

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Chapter Outline

Developing the Project Network


From Work Package to Network


Constructing a Project Network


Activity-on-Node (AON) Fundamentals


Network Computation Process


Using the Forward and Backward Pass Information


Level of Detail for Activities


Practical Considerations


Extended Network Techniques to Come Closer to Reality

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6.1 Developing the Project Network
The Project Network Defined

Is a graphic flow chart depicting the project activities that must be completed, the
logical sequences, the interdependencies of the activities to be completed, and
the times for the activities to start and finish along with the longest path(s) through
the network—the critical path.

Provides the basis for scheduling labor and equipment.

Enhances communication among project stakeholders.

Provides an estimate of project duration.

Provides the basis for budgeting the cash flow.

Identifies which activities are “critical” and should not be delayed.

Highlights which activities to consider for compressing the project duration.

Helps managers get and stay on the project plan.

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6.2 From Work Package to Network

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6.3 Constructing a Project Network

Activity: an element of the project that requires time but may not require

Parallel activities: activities that can take place at the same time, if desired.

Burst activity: an activity that has more than one activity immediately following
it (more that one dependency arrow flowing from it)

Merge activity: an activity that has more than one activity immediately
preceding it (more than one dependency arrow flowing to it)

Path: a sequence of connected, dependent activities

Critical path: the path with the longest duration through the network

Two approaches

Activity-on-Node (AON) uses a node to depict an activity.

Activity-on-Arrow (AOA) uses an arrow to depict an activity.

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Basic Rules to Follow in Developing Project Networks
1. Networks flow typically from left to right.
2. An activity cannot begin until all preceding connected activities have been
3. Arrows on networks indicate precedent and flow and can cross over each other.
4. Each activity should have a unique identification number.
5. An activity identification number must be greater than that of any activities that
precede it.
6. Looping is not allowed.
7. Conditional statements are not allowed.
8. Where there are multiple starts, a common start node can be used to indicate a
clear project beginning on the network. Similarly, a single project end node can
be used to indicate a clear ending.

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6.4 Activity-on-Node (AON) Fundamentals

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Network Information (Automated Warehouse)

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Automated Warehouse—Partial Network

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Automated Warehouse—Completed Network

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6.5 Network Computation Process
Forward Pass—Earliest Times
• How soon can the activity start? (early start—ES)
• How soon can the activity finish? (early finish—EF)
• How soon can the project finish? (expected time—TE)
Backward Pass—Latest Times
• How late can the activity start? (late start—LS)
• How late can the activity finish? (late finish—LF)
• Which activities represent the critical path? (critical path—CP)
• How long can the activity be delayed? (slack or float—SL)

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Network Information (Automated Warehouse)

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Activity-on-Node Network

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Activity-on-Node Network Forward Pass

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Forward Pass Computation
• Add activity times along each path in the network (ES + Duration =
• Carry the early finish (EF) to the next activity where it becomes its
early start (ES) unless…
• The next succeeding activity is a merge activity, in which case the
largest early finish (EF) number of all its immediate predecessor
activities is selected.

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Activity-on-Node Network Backward Pass

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Backward Pass Computation
• Subtract activity times along each path starting with the project end
activity (LF – Duration = LS).
• Carry the late start (LS) to the next preceding activity where it
becomes its late finish (LF) unless…
• The next succeeding activity is a burst activity, in which case the
smallest late start (LS) number of all its immediate successor activities
is selected.

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Forward and Backward Pass Completed with Slack Times

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Determining Slack (or Float) Times
Total Slack
• Tells us the amount of time an activity can be delayed and not delayed the project.
• Is how long an activity can exceed its early finish date without affecting the project end
date or an imposed completion date.
• Is simply the difference between the LS and ES (LS – ES = SL) or between LF and EF
(LF – EF = SL).
Free Slack
• Is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying any immediately
following (successor) activity.
• Is how long an activity can exceed its early finish date without affecting the early start
dates of any successor(s).
• Allows flexibility in scheduling scarce resources.
• Occurs only activity at the end of a chain of activities, where you have a merge activity.
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The Critical Path
• Is the network path(s) that has (have) the least slack in common.
• Is the longest path through the activity network.
• Is the shortest expected time in which the entire project can be
• Is important because it impacts completion time.
• Is where you put best people on.
• Is where you pay extra attention when doing risk assessment.
• Is where you don’t look when other managers are asking to ‘borrow’
people or equipment.
• Is where you look when you don’t have time to monitor all activities.

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• Network sensitivity is the likelihood the original critical path(s) will
change once the project is initiated.
• A network schedule that has only one critical path and noncritical
activities that enjoy significant slack would be labeled ‘insensitive’.

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6.8 Practical Considerations
• Network Logic Errors
• Activity Numbering
• Use of Computers to Develop Networks (and Gantt Chart)
• Calendar Dates
• Multiple Starts and Multiple Projects

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Network Logic Errors—Illogical Loop

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Automated Warehouse Picking System Network

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Automated Warehouse Picking System Gantt Chart

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6.9 Extended Network Techniques to Come Closer to Reality
• Activities are broken into segments so the following activity can begin
sooner and not delay the work.
Use of Lags to Reduce Schedule Detail and Project Duration
• A lag is the minimum amount of time a dependent activity must be
delayed to begin or end.
• Lengthy activities are broken down to reduce the delay in the start of
successor activities.
• Lags can be used to constrain finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-tofinish, start-to-finish, or combination relationships.

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Example of Laddering Using Finish-to-Start Relationship

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Use of Lags
Finish-to-Start Relationship

Start-to-Start Relationship

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FIGURE 6.13 and Figure 6.14


Use of Lags to Reduce Project Duration

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New Product Development Process

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Use of Lags (Continued)




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FIGURE 6.17, Figure 6.18 and Figure 6.19


Network Using Lags

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Hammock Activity
• Spans over a segment of a project.
• Has a duration that is determined after the network plan is drawn.
• Is very useful in assigning and controlling indirect project costs.
• Is used to aggregate sections of the project to facilitate getting the
right level of detail for specific sections of a project.

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Hammock Activity Example

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Key Terms

Hammock activity

Activity-on-arrow (AOA)

Lag relationship

Activity-on-node (AON)

Late time

Burst activity

Merge activity

Concurrent engineering

Parallel activities

Critical path


Early time


Free slack (FS)

Total slack

Gantt chart

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Because learning changes everything.

Chapter Seven
Managing Risk

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Learning Objectives

Describe the risk management process.


Understand how to identify project risks.


Assess the significance of different project risks.


Describe the five responses to managing risks.


Understand the role contingency plans play in the risk management


Understand opportunity management and describe the five

approaches to

responding to opportunities in a project.

Understand how contingency funds and time buffers are used to
manage risks on a project.


Recognize the need for risk management being an ongoing activity.


Describe the change control process.

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Chapter Outline

Risk Management Process


Step 1: Risk Identification


Step 2: Risk Assessment


Step 3: Risk Response Development


Contingency Planning


Opportunity Management


Contingency Funding and Time Buffers


Step 4: Risk Response Control


Change Control Management

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7.1 Risk Management Process
Risk Defined

An uncertain event or condition that if it occurs, has a positive or negative
effect on project objectives.

No amount of planning can overcome or control risk.

Risk Management Defined

An attempt to recognize and manage potential and unforeseen trouble
spots that may occur when the project is implemented.
• What can go wrong (risk event)
• How to minimize the risk event’s impact (consequences)
• What can be done before an event occurs (anticipation)
• What to do when an event occurs (contingency plans)

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Risk Event Graph

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Benefits of Risk Management

A proactive rather than reactive approach

Reduces surprises and negative consequences

Prepares the project manager to take appropriate action

Provides better control over the future

Improves chances of reaching project objectives on time, within
budget, and of meeting required performance.

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The Risk Management Process

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7.2 Step 1: Risk Identification

Generate a list of all the possible risks that could affect the project
through brainstorming and other problem identifying techniques.

Focus on the events that could produce consequences, not on project

Use risk breakdown structure (RBS) in conjunction with work
breakdown structure (WBS) to identify and analyze risks.

Identify the macro risks first then specific areas can be checked.

Use risk profile (a list of questions) to address traditional areas of
uncertainty on a project.

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The Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)

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Partial Risk Profile for Product Development Project

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7.3 Step 2: Risk Assessment
Scenario analysis assesses the significance of each risk event in terms of
probability and impact.
Risk assessment form evaluates the severity, probability of risk events and its
detection difficulty.
Risk severity matrix prioritizes which risks to address.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) extends the risk severity matrix
by including ease of detection in the equation:
Risk Value = Impact x Probability x Detection

Probability analysis uses statistical techniques in assessing project risk.

Decision trees, net present value (NPV), program evaluation and review
technique (PERT), PERT simulation

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Defined Conditions for Impact Scales of a Risk on Major Project
Objectives (examples for negative impacts only)

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Risk Assessment Form

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Risk Severity Matrix
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Impact × Probability × Detection = Risk Value





Red zone (major risk)
Yellow zone (moderate risk)
Green zone (minor risk)






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7.4 Step 3: Risk Response Development
Mitigating Risk

Reducing the likelihood that the event will occur

Reducing the impact that the adverse event would have on the project

Avoiding Risk

Changing the project plan to eliminate the risk or condition

Transferring Risk

Passing risk to another party

Examples: Fixed-price contracts, insurance, Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT)

Escalating Risk

Notifying the appropriate people within the organization of the threat

Retaining Risk

Making a conscious decision to accept the risk of an event occurring

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7.5 Contingency Planning
Contingency Plan Defined

Is an alternative plan that will be used if a possible foreseen risk event
becomes a reality.

Is a plan of action that will reduce or mitigate the negative impact of the risk

Is not a part of the initial implementation plan and only goes into effect after
the risk is recognized.

Risks of the absence of a contingency plan

Cause a manager to delay or postpone the decision to implement a remedy

Lead to panic and acceptance of the first remedy suggested

Make the decision making under pressure which can be dangerous and

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Risk Response Matrix

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Risk and Contingency Planning
Technical Risks

Backup strategies if chosen technology fails

Assess whether technical uncertainties can be resolved

Schedule Risks

Expedite or “crash” the project to get it back on track

Schedule activities in parallel or use start-to-start lag relationships

Use the best people for high-risk tasks

Cost Risks

Review price to avoid the trap of using one lump sum to cover price risks

Funding Risks

Evaluate the risk of reductions in funding—a cut in the project

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7.6 Opportunity Management
An opportunity is an event that can have positive impact on project objectives.

Seek to eliminate the uncertainty associated with an opportunity to ensure that it definitely


Allocate some or all of the ownership of an opportunity to another party who is best able to
capture the opportunity for the benefit of the project


Take action to increase the probability and/or the positive impact of an opportunity


Notify the appropriate people within the organization of the opportunity


Be willing to take advantage of the opportunity if it occurs, but not taking action to pursue it

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7.7 Contingency Funding and Time Buffers
Contingency Funds

Are funds to cover project risks—identified and unknown

For control purposes, contingency funds are divided into
• Contingency reserves—cover identified risks and allocated to specific segments or
deliverables of the project
• Management reserves—cover unidentified risks and are allocated to risks associated with
the total project

Time Buffers

Are amounts of time used to cushion against potential delays in the project
• Add to activities with severe risks
• Add to merge activities that are prone to delays
• Add to noncritical activities to reduce the likelihood that they will create another critical
• Add to activities that require scare resources

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Budget Estimate

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7.4 Step 4: Risk Response Control
Risk Register

Details all identified risks, including descriptions, category, probability of occurring,
impact, responses, contingency plans, owners, and current status

Risk Control involves

Executing the risk response strategy

Monitoring triggering events

Initiating contingency plans

Watching for new risks

Establishing a Change Management System

Monitoring, tracking, and reporting risk

Fostering an open organization environment

Repeating risk identification/assessment exercises

Assigning and documenting responsibility for managing risk

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7.9 Change Control Management
Sources of Change

Project scope changes

Implementation of contingency plans

Improvement changes

Change Management Systems
1. Identify proposed changes
2. List expected effects of proposed change(s) on schedule and budget
3. Review, evaluate, and approve or disapprove of changes formally
4. Negotiate and resolve conflicts of change, condition, and cost
5. Communicate changes to parties affected
6. Assign responsibility for implementing change
7. Adjust master schedule and budget
8. Track all changes that are to be implemented
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Change Control Process

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Benefits of Change Control Systems
1. Inconsequential changes are discouraged by the formal process.
2. Costs of changes are maintained in a log.
3. Integrity of the WBS and performance measures is maintained.
4. Allocation and use of contingency and management reserves are
5. Responsibility for implementation is clarified.
6. Effect of changes is visible to all parties involved.
7. Implementation of change is monitored.
8. Scope changes will be quickly reflected in baseline and performance

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Sample Change Request

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Change Request Log

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Key Terms
Avoiding risk


Change management system

Risk breakdown structure (RBS)

Contingency plan

Risk profile

Contingency reserves

Risk register

Escalating risk

Risk severity matrix

Management reserves

Scenario analysis

Mitigating risk

Time buffer


Transferring risk

Retaining risk

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PERT and PERT Simulation

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PERT—Program Evaluation and Review Technique

Assumes each activity duration has a range that statistically follows a
beta distribution

Uses three time estimates for each activity: optimistic, pessimistic,
and a most likely time estimate to represent activity durations
• From these three time estimates, a weighted average time estimate and a
variance is calculated
• Knowing the weighted average and variances for each activity allows the
project planner to compute the probability of meeting different project
• The longer the project duration is, the higher is the probability of meeting
that duration

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Activity and Project Frequency Distributions

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Activity Time Calculations
The weighted average activity time is computed by the following formula:


where te = weighted average activity time
a = optimistic activity time (1 chance in 100 of completing the
activity earlier under normal conditions)
b = pessimistic activity time (1 chance in 100 of completing the
activity later under normal conditions)
m = most likely activity time

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Activity Time Calculations (Continued)
The variability in the activity time estimates is approximated by the
following equations:
The standard deviation for the activity
The standard deviation for the project


The above formula is just the square-root of the sum of the variances of
all critical tasks

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Activity Times and Variances

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Probability of Completing the Project
The equation below is used to compute the “Z” value found in statistical
tables (Z = number of standard deviations from the mean), which, in turn,
tells the probability of completing the project in the time specified.

where TE = critical path duration
TS = scheduled project duration
Z = probability (of meeting scheduled duration)
(see statistical Table A7.2)

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Hypothetical Network

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Possible Project Durations
Probability project is completed before
scheduled time (TS) of 67 units

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Probability project is completed
by the 60th unit time period (TS)



Z Values and Probabilities

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Because learning changes everything.

Chapter Eight
Scheduling Resources
and Costs

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Learning Objectives

Understand the differences between time-constrained and resourceconstrained schedules.


Identify different types of resource constraints.


Describe how the smoothing approach is used on time-constrained projects.


Describe how the leveling approach is used for resource-constrained


Understand how project management software creates resource-constrained


Understand when and why splitting tasks should be avoided.


Identify general guidelines for assigning people to specific tasks.


Identify common problems with multiproject resource scheduling.


Explain why a time-phased budget baseline is needed.


Create a time-phased project budget baseline.

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Chapter Outline

Overview of the Resource Scheduling Problem


Types of Resource Constraints


Classification of a Scheduling Problem


Resource Allocation Methods


Computer Demonstration of Resource-Constrained Scheduling


Splitting Activities


Benefits of Scheduling Resources


Assigning Project Work


Multiproject Resource Schedules


Using the Resource Schedule to Develop a Project Cost

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Project Planning Process

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8.1 Overview of the Resource Scheduling Problem
Resources and Priorities

Project network times are not a schedule until resources have been
• There are always more project proposals than there are available
• The project priority team will add a new project only if resources
are available.

Cost estimates are not a budget until they have been time-phased.
• Once resource assignments have been finalized, you are able to
develop a baseline budget schedule for the project.

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The Resource Scheduling Problem
Resource Smoothing

Involves attempting to even out varying demands on resources by
delaying non-critical activities (using slack) to lower peak resource
demand and, thus, increase resource utilization when resources are
adequate over the life of the project.

Resource-Constrained Scheduling

Occurs when resources are not adequate to meet peak demands.
The late start of some activities must be delayed, and the duration of
the project may be increased.

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Types of Project Constraints
Technical or Logical Constraints

Are related to the networked sequence in which project activities must occur.

Resource Constraints

Occur when the absence, shortage, or unique interrelationship and interaction
characteristics of resources require a particular sequencing of project activities.

Note that the resource dependency takes priority over the technological
dependency but does not violate the technological dependency.

Types of Resources Constraints




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Constraint Examples

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8.3 Classification of a Scheduling Problem
Time-Constrained Project

Must be completed by an imposed date.

Time (project duration) is fixed and resources are flexible. If required,
resources can be added to ensure the project is completed by a specific date.

Resource-Constrained Project

Assumes the level of resources available cannot be exceeded.

Resources are fixed and time is flexible. If the resources are inadequate, it will
be acceptable to delay the project.

 Consult a project priority matrix to determine if the project is time- or resourceconstrained.
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8.4 Resource Allocation Methods
Limiting Assumptions

Splitting activities will not be allowed.
• Splitting refers to interrupting work on one task and assigning the
resources to work on a different task for a period of time, then
reassigning them to work on the original task.

Level of resources used for an activity cannot be changed.

Risk Assumptions

Activities with the most slack pose the least risk.

Reduction of flexibility does not increase risk.

The nature of an activity (easy, complex) doesn’t increase risk.

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Time-Constrained Projects

Must be completed by an imposed date.

Focus on resource utilization.

Require use of resource smoothing techniques that balance demand for a resource.

Leveling (Smoothing) Techniques

Delay noncritical activities by using positive slack to reduce peak demand and fill in the valleys for
the resources without delaying the entire project.

Goals of Smoothing Resource Demand

Reduce the peak of demand for the resource

Reduce the number of resources over the life of the project

Minimize the fluctuation in resource demand

Downside of Smoothing Resource Demand

Loss of flexibility that occurs from reducing slack

Creates more critical activities and/or near-critical activities because of slack reduction

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Botanical Garden

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Resource-Constrained Projects

Resources are limited in quantity or availability.

Activities are scheduled using heuristics (rules of thumb) by following
the priority rules:
1. Minimum slack
2. Smallest (least) duration
3. Lowest activity identification number

The parallel method is used to apply heuristics.
• The parallel method is an iterative process that starts from the
beginning of project time and, when the resources needed exceed
the resources available, retains activities first by the priority rules.

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Resource-Constrained Schedule through Period 2-3

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Resource-Constrained Schedule through Period 5-6

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8.5 Computer Demonstration of Resource-Constrained
EMR Project

The development of a hand-held electronic medical reference guide to
be used by emergency medical technicians and paramedics

Resource Problem

Only eight design engineers can be assigned to the project due to the
shortage of design engineers and commitments to other projects.

The peak demand is 21 design engineers.

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EMR Project Network View Schedule before Resources Leveled

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EMR Project before Resources Added

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EMR Project—Time-Constrained Resource Usage View, January

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Resource Loading Chart for EMR Project, January 15-23

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EMR Project Network View Schedule after Resources Leveled

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EMR Project Resources Leveled

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The Impacts of Resource-Constrained Scheduling

Reduces slack; reduce flexibility

Increases the number of critical and near-critical activities

Increases scheduling complexity because resource constraints are
added to technical constraints

May make the traditional critical path no longer meaningful

Can break the sequence and leave the network with a set of disjointed
critical activities

May cause parallel activities to become sequential

Can change activities from critical to noncritical

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8.6 Splitting Activities
Splitting Tasks

Is a scheduling technique used to get a better project schedule and/or
to increase resource utilization.

Involves interrupting the work and sending the resource to another
activity for a period of time and then having the resource resume work
on the original activity.

Can be useful if the work involved does not include large start-up or
shut-down costs.

Is considered a major reason why projects fail to meet schedule.

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Splitting Activities

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8.7 Benefits of Scheduling Resources

Leaves time for considering reasonable alternatives
• Cost-time tradeoffs
• Changes in priorities

Provides the information needed to prepare time-phased work
package budgets with dates
• To gauge the impact of unforeseen events
• To assess how much flexibility over certain resources

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8.8 Assigning Project Work
Reasons why we should not always assign the best people t…
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