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Concept maps are useful tools to help care providers and
patients visualize the big picture of a condition. By being able to
present a snapshot of symptoms, impacts, treatments, as well as
contributing and risk factors, concept maps can improve
communication, treatment planning, and health outcomes.
Understanding how to create accurate, well-organized, and easy
to understand concept maps will help you improve your efficacy
as a healthcare practitioner and the outcomes of the patients you
work with.

For this assessment you will select one of the mental health
Sentinel U case study activities and create a concept map that
outlines the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical
assessment of the mental health diagnosis from your chosen
case study.

The key components of a mental health diagnosis concept map
include the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical
assessment of the diagnosis. The concept map should outline
the key concepts related to the diagnosis, including risk factors,
signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures, medications,
complications, nursing diagnoses, and nursing interventions. The
map should be organized using a nursing concept map template,
such as spider maps, hierarchical maps, or flow charts, to
organize the information. The concept map should be accurate,
complete, well-organized, and use appropriate nursing concepts
and terminology.

To complete your concept map, you may wish to follow these

1. Select one of the mental health Sentinel U scenarios: 

◦ Ivy Jackson, 61 YO, Female, African American.

◦ Marco Mancini, 43 YO, Male, Mediterranean.

◦ Wesley Blanco, 13 YO, Non-Binary, Filipino, White.

2. Research the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical

assessment of the chosen mental health diagnosis within
the Sentinel-U case study. 

3. Complete the case study simulation and download the
simulation report showing the patient you selected and
showing 100% complete. 

4. Create a concept map that outlines the key concepts
related to the chosen diagnosis, including risk factors, signs
and symptoms, diagnostic procedures, medications,
complications, nursing diagnoses, and nursing

◦ You may wish to use the Concept Map Template

[DOCX], but are also free to create your own.

5. Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant

and evidence-based sources (published within 5

Your assessment submission will be assessed on the following

• Diagnosis: Describe a mental health diagnosis. The
diagnosis should be accurate and supported by relevant
and evidence-based sources.

◦ Make sure that the diagnosis is accurate and includes
specific symptoms or criteria that support the

◦ Ensure you have downloaded the completed Sentinel-
U simulation report showing the patient you selected.

• Concept Map: Create a concept map that outlines the key
concepts related to the chosen diagnosis, including risk

factors, signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures,
medications, complications, nursing diagnoses, and nursing

◦ Make sure that your use of evidence to support the
concept map is explicit and relevant, and that the
relationships between the concepts are clearly defined.

• Organization: The concept map should be well-organized
and easy to follow. The content should be presented in a
logical and clear manner, with a clear purpose and goals.

◦ Also, you should make sure that your map is visually
appealing and easy to read, incorporating appropriate
use of colors, shapes, and symbols.

• Professional Communication: The concept map should
demonstrate professionalism and effective communication.
The map should be free of errors and typos and should use
appropriate terminology and language. The map should
effectively communicate the key concepts related to the
diagnosis to a professional audience.

• APA format and style: The reference list should be
formatted in APA style. All sources used should be relevant
to the topic and evidence-based, published within the last 5

By successfully completing this assessment, you will
demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and scoring guide criteria:

• Competency 2: Create evidence based interventions to
address the health needs, risks, and resources of individuals
from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

◦ Describe a mental health diagnosis that is supported
by relevant and evidence-based sources.

◦ Create a concept map that outlines the key concepts
related to the chosen diagnosis, including risk factors,
signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures,
medications, complications, nursing diagnoses, and
nursing interventions.

◦ The concept map is well-organized and easy to follow,
with a clear purpose and goals.

• Competency 4: Perform comprehensive and focused
physical assessments using appropriate techniques and

◦ Upload the Sentinel-U case study showing the
Simulation name OR showing 100% complete.

• Competency 5: Apply scholarly writing standards to
communicate evidence based strategies that support safe
and effective patient care.

◦ The concept map should demonstrate professionalism
and effective communication, use appropriate
terminology and language. The map should effectively
communicate the key concepts related to the

◦ The reference list is formatted in APA style. All sources
used should be relevant to the topic, evidence-based,
and published within the last 5 years.

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