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Management Question


  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
  • Explaining the concepts, models for
    formulating strategies, defining the organizational strategic directions and
    crafting a deployment strategy.
  • Write a three-part essay (i.e., an
    essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a
    conclusion paragraph).
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • Use proper referencing (APA style)
    to reference, other styles will not be accepted.
  • Support your submission with course
    material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two
    scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم‬
‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic University

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Assignment 2
Management of Technology (MGT 325)
Due Date: 22/03/2025 @ 23:59

Course Name: Management of Technology

Student’s Name:

Course Code: MGT 325

Student’s ID Number:

Semester: Second

Academic Year:2024-25-2nd Semester

For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade:
Marks Obtained: /Out of 10

Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low

• The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only)
via allocated folder.
• Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
• Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks
may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information
on the cover page.
• Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
• Late submission will NOT be accepted.
• Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from
students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO
marks. No exceptions.
• All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, doublespaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be
considered plagiarism).
• Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Restricted – ‫مقيد‬

Learning Outcomes:
➢ Explaining the concepts, models for formulating strategies, defining the
organizational strategic directions and crafting a deployment strategy.

Students are requested to read Chapter 5, Timing of Entry, from Strategic
Management of Technological Innovation and apply its concepts to
evaluate strategic decisions regarding market entry timing in technological
1- Choose an industry where timing of entry has played a crucial role (e.g.,
smartphones, electric vehicles, streaming services). Identify and analyse:
(5 Marks) (500-600 words)

A first mover in the industry

An early follower

A late entrant
Compare their strategic decisions and discuss how their timing affected
their market success or failure. Use concepts from Chapter 5, such as firstmover advantages/disadvantages, network externalities, and learning curve

2- Discuss whether being a first mover is always beneficial. (3 Marks)
✓ Use examples and refer to the factors influencing optimal entry
timing, such as customer uncertainty, enabling technologies, and
competitive threats. Support your argument with evidence from
academic sources or real-world cases.
3- Based on your analysis, recommend an optimal market entry strategy
for a startup in an emerging industry (e.g., AI-driven healthcare, quantum
computing). (2 Marks) (200-300 words)
✓ Justify your recommendation using concepts and theories from
Chapter 5.

Restricted – ‫مقيد‬

✓ All students are encouraged to use their own words.
✓ Write a three-part essay (i.e., an essay that includes an introduction
paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph).
✓ Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style
✓ Use proper referencing (APA style) to reference, other styles will not be
✓ Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and
theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal
articles unless the assignment calls for more.
✓ It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the safe
assignment Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for
grading and review the grading rubric to understand how you will be
graded for this assignment.

Restricted – ‫مقيد‬

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Description Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be

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Description Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be

Management Question

Description Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. All answers must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be

Management Question

Description Learning Goal: I’m working on a management multi-part question and need support to help me learn. Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page. Students must mention question number clearly