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DB 2 Psyc 631 Replies

Russel Peer 1

Eisenberg and colleagues (2009) stated prosocial behavior refers to voluntary actions intentionally performed to benefit others. Prosocial actions are characterized by a genuine desire to contribute positively to the well-being of others, reflecting a sense of empathy, compassion, or altruism. It’s worth noting that prosocial behavior can manifest in various ways, from simple acts of kindness to more complex and significant acts of altruism, and it plays a crucial role in fostering positive social interactions and building a supportive community. A good example is from the movie “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” there is a scene where a high school student named Patrick stands up for his friend, Charlie, who is being bullied. Patrick intervenes to protect Charlie from harm, demonstrating prosocial behavior by voluntarily acting to benefit his friend.

Another example is during high school, a friend named John notices that his classmate, Alex, has been struggling with a particularly challenging subject. Despite being busy with his coursework, John voluntarily offers to tutor Alex during lunch breaks to help him understand the material better. In doing so, John engages in prosocial behavior by dedicating his time and knowledge to benefit another student academically. This example illustrates vital aspects of prosocial behavior. It’s important to note that prosocial behavior can take various forms, and adolescents may engage in acts of kindness, empathy, or educational settings. They can involve different forms of assistance or support.

The relationship between an adolescent’s religious or spiritual development and their engagement in prosocial behavior is a complex and multifaceted topic. Research in psychology has explored this connection, and findings suggest that there can be a positive association between religious or spiritual beliefs and participation in prosocial activities. However, it’s important to note that individual variations exist, and the nature of this relationship can depend on various factors, including the specific beliefs and values of the individual, the religious or spiritual community they are part of, and the context in which prosocial behavior is examined. Some argue that religious or spiritual teachings often emphasize compassion, altruism, and empathy, which may contribute to developing prosocial attitudes and behaviors. Additionally, being part of a religious or spiritual community can provide a supportive social environment that encourages individuals to engage in activities that benefit others.

On the other hand, it’s essential to recognize that prosocial behavior is not exclusive to individuals with religious or spiritual beliefs. People from diverse backgrounds and belief systems can demonstrate kindness, empathy, and generosity. Being morally good leads to happiness, and in general, youth believe that “good people go to Heaven when they die” (Smith & Denton, 2009). Regarding the Bible’s perspective on helping others, numerous passages emphasize the importance of compassion and aiding those in need. Matthew 25:35-40 highlights the significance of assisting those hungry, thirsty, or in need, framing such actions as reflections of one’s relationship with a higher purpose.

In summary, an adolescent’s religious or spiritual development may impact their engagement in prosocial behavior, but the nature of this influence can vary widely. It depends on individual beliefs, the specific teachings of their religious or spiritual traditions, and the social context in which these beliefs are practiced.


Eisenberg, N., Morris, A.S., McDaniel, B. and Spinrad, T.L. (2009). Moral Cognitions and Prosocial Responding in Adolescence. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

King, P.E., Roeser, R.W. (2009). Religion and spirituality in adolescent development. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The Holy Bible, New International Version. (2011). Bible Gateway

Christine Peer 2


Adolescents these days are more self-centered and show a lack of compassion for others. In a world of selfishness, prosocial behavior is an essential skill to learn and practice. An example of prosocial behavior that I have witnessed in another adolescent was how my brother volunteered with several others to help a domestic violence survivor and her children move their belongings into a storage unit. He and the other volunteers drove to the woman’s home where they helped her, and her children move their belongings into a moving truck to be taken to the storage unit. Once everyone drove to the storage unit, the volunteers moved everything out of the truck and up to the storage unit. Afterward a long day, she thanked everyone, and the group leader shared a few words about how God gives grace and rejoices in those who help others in need. When my brother came home, parents asked him how it went and how he felt afterward, and he said it was nice to help them and it felt good to help others. My brother learned that community service can be beneficial for both parties.

I believe an adolescent’s spirituality and religious development do impact adolescent prosocial behavior engagement because God teaches us to help and give to those who do not have or need help. When we learn about helping others and providing community service, we are servicing others, we learn humility. Luke 6:38 reads “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressure down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you” (Life. Church, 2022). God will show grace to those who help others for the goodness of it. Eisenberg et al. (2009) discussed Smetana & Metzger’s (2005) findings on spirituality was positively correlated with increased levels of community service. I agree that spirituality and religiousness do increase community service and helping others. God teaches us to help others in need, and when we show others in need that we will help them, He will show us grace and kindness when we show up for others, and not just ourselves. Shin & Lee’s (2021) research study found that adolescent prosocial behavior produces positive effects, but prosocial interventions do not show significant effects. Shin & Lee’s (2021) research found that prosocial interventions administered to increase prosocial behavior had more positive results than prosocial interventions administered to prevent problem behavior. I think adolescents learn prosocial behavior through kind acts rather than using kind acts or community service as a punishment. If an adolescent is punished with community service, the adolescent will resent helping others and be less likely to help others out of the kindness of their heart in the future. Prosocial behavior can be taught and learned through feeling like you should or want to help someone else out of the kindness of your heart, not to service yourself. In learning prosocial behavior, adolescents are leading a more Christian lifestyle. How would you motivate your adolescent to help others in a non-self-serving manner?



Eisenberg, N., Morris, A.S., McDaniel, B. and Spinrad, T.L. (2009). Moral Cognitions and Prosocial Responding in Adolescence. In Handbook of Adolescent Psychology (eds R.M. Lerner and L. Steinberg). 

Links to an external site.

Life.Church. (2022).  Luke 6:38
 NLT bible: YouVersion. Luke 6| NLT Bible | YouVersion. Retrieved January 29th, 2024 from

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