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Discussion Replies


Katyja Anderson

Feb 5, 2024, 6:01 AM


Hello Dr. Pasley and Class, 


I feel like discovering one’s purpose involves a combination of introspection, life experiences, and spiritual guidance. Personally, I believe reflection on our passions, talents, and the impact we want to make in the world plays an important role in uncovering our purpose. I’ve been reflecting on how people might uncover their purpose. It seems to me that self-reflection plays a significant role. Understanding one’s passions, values, and strengths can guide individuals towards a clearer sense of purpose. Personal experiences and challenges also contribute, shaping our perspectives and revealing what truly matters to us.


Regarding the Christian concept of missio Dei, I see it as a foundational element in shaping a Christian’s sense of purpose. It emphasizes the idea that God’s mission is not confined to a specific group but extends to all of humanity. This concept guides me to consider how my unique skills and interests align with a broader divine purpose. It encourages me to contribute positively to the world and align my goals with the greater mission of love, justice, and compassion. I think discovering one’s purpose involves a personal journey with faith, self-reflection, and an understanding of how individual callings contribute to the mission of God. It’s about finding the balance between personal aspirations and the divine purpose for which we are created.

Makayla Goderis

Feb 5, 2024, 9:44 AM


The “find your purpose” section of The Beginning of Wisdom talks about multiple different methods to find your purpose. These methods include self-reflection, experimentation, feedback, and life experiences. I feel that all of these are important in finding your purpose. Self-reflection is known as self-analysis which requires deep thinking and thinking about your passions and values. Experimentation is trying new roles and jobs to determine the best fit. Feedback is something that people should always be open to. Hearing feedback good or bad helps you grow as a person. Life experiences are how our past shapes us and how we plan to use that in our future. 


The concept of Missio Dei is known as the mission of god. This plays a very large role in the Christian worldview. This suggests that God has a specific mission for the world and its inhabitants. Christians are to participate in this mission that God has in place. This fits into the Christian purpose because their faith tells them to follow God’s mission, making this one of their sole purposes. 

Rebecca Lentz

Feb 5, 2024, 8:04 PM


The “Find Your Purpose” section discusses some ways that people find their purpose by identifying a need in society, applying their skills, passion and finding joy in the work that they are doing.  This can come about by trial and error, like in the example of a physician who was not finding her position fulfilling, so she redirected with a new education (Pasley, M., 2022) .  Skills and passion are two big factors in identifying someones purpose.  Some times people will be able to do something really well, but may not also find joy or passion in it, so they readjust.  

The Christian faith believes that there can be purpose in many skill sets, from teachers to electricians and more, and that it will usually be made known to the individual through a calling from God.  Christians believe that the individual purpose will also serve God and work towards a greater good.  This can lead to a purpose that creates a mission to continue the work of the Lord.    

Trenese George

Feb 6, 2024, 5:59 AM


Humans long for purpose, meaning, and mission through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Your contributions matter and what makes you what you are is strength. People may discover their purpose by knowing what mission God is calling them to do-if you find your work enjoyable but meaningless, then you have not found your purpose. If you are doing your work that is meaningful to the world, but you are miserable-you have not found your purpose either. We all have a mission to share the message of God because we are all called to be disciples of God and followers of Jesus.


Katyja Anderson

Feb 5, 2024, 6:22 AM


Hello Dr. Pasley and Class, 


In my journey towards becoming an elementary school teacher, I believe living out a Christian missional purpose involves creating a nurturing and inclusive environment for my students. I feel like every child deserves to feel valued and heard, regardless of their background. As a future educator, I desire to instill a sense of compassion and understanding in my students, helping them recognize the uniqueness in each person. In my classroom, I want to create a community where kindness, empathy, and respect are not just taught but also practiced. I want to create a safe space where children feel comfortable expressing themselves and where differences are celebrated. By integrating Christian values like love and acceptance into my teaching, I hope to inspire my students to carry these principles beyond the classroom.  I can incorporate stories from the Bible that teach moral lessons, which should encourage students to have discussions about empathy, forgiveness, and gratitude, and promote a sense of community and cooperation among students. Even in schools that don’t allow religious content, I still believe I can live out my Christian missional purpose. I understand the importance of respecting diverse perspectives and sticking to the guidelines. I plan to emphasize universal values that align with both my Christian beliefs and broader ethical principles.

Makayla Goderis

Feb 5, 2024, 9:49 AM


My future job is to become an elementary/ special education teacher. In this specific setting, I plan to spread the Christian missional purpose by creating an all-inclusive and caring environment. I feel that all children need to be respected to give respect. Our classroom will be based on kindness and understanding. I want my future class to know that they can come to me and trust me with their issues and receive help. I also think it is important for the students to understand that they are all unique in their own ways but to be based on kindness and understanding in the classroom and throughout their lives. 

Rebecca Lentz

Feb 5, 2024, 8:37 PM


Working in the world of healthcare, many of us providers find purpose in helping people who are often times not in a position to help themselves.  I have worked for nine years as a bedside provider in high level acute care facilities, allowing me to serve people, often times when they are experiencing their darkest days.  My hope is that my new academic discipline will help me advance into a supervisory roll to be able to help effect change and improvement in the daily roll of the providers that are working bedside.  I hope to serve and improve the work lives of the bedside providers as well as continue work in the area of patient care.  In this, the christian purpose from a medical providers standpoint is to give love, compassion and healing to people in need.  

Trenese George

Feb 6, 2024, 11:06 AM



First and foremost, from my perspective, living out a Christian mission purpose is a personal choice that can vary depending on individual beliefs and circumstances. It is important to seek guidance from trusted sources such as pastors, mentors, or just some fellow Christians who can provide me with further insights and support me in navigating the right path. I feel that sharing faith and mentoring others may also be an interest that I may need to approach. Christian beliefs should be integrated into academic discipline for future vocation. We should always try to offer guidance, support, and encouragement to those who are seeking to align their work with their faith. Ultimately, living without a Christian mission purpose does not mean lacking values or a sense of meaning. We can find purpose in various ways that are meaningful to us personally. It’s important for individuals to identify what drives them and align their actions with their own values and principles.


Miranda Heslop

Feb 5, 2024, 1:08 AM


How the concept 
Missio Dei fits into a Christian’s sense of purpose is how he does not actively wait for people to come to him as we as Christian’s should not wait for others to come to us as we find our purpose. Whatever we find that puts a happiness in our hearts and passion in a soul for Christ and a love for others is our purpose. That is how I know teaching is what I want to do. When I was younger, I always knew I wanted to work with children. I always thought it was as a counselor, but as I grew older, I knew that was not what I wanted to do, and my purpose changed. When I became a substitute at the school that I am currently working at the first day I knew immediately this is what I was born to do. It flew through my veins I was meant to be a teacher and to advocate for the less fortunate ones. It is like everything clicked for me finally and all the dead ends and failed tempts at success made sense. The Lord was sending me in this direction.

Jacqueline Grohowski

Feb 5, 2024, 12:57 PM


The Christian concept of mission Dei means mission of God or sending of God (Diffey and Holland, 2022). People can use this same concept to discover their purpose. God’s mission is to restore humanity through His son Jesus Christ. To prepare the world for His second coming, Jesus spread the word of how to receive redemption and inherit the kingdom of God. He calls believers to spread the word as He did, showing his characteristics and through His love. However, he also loves us, and wants us to enjoy serving Him.  When finding one’s mission, it is important to access if what you are doing serves God’s mission and if it brings joy and fulfillment into your life. To discover one’s purpose, there are two main ideas to look at. First, does what you are doing bring you gladness and second, does it fill God’s mission.


Diffey, D., & Holland, R. (Eds.). (2022). The beginning of wisdom: An introduction to Christian thought and life (5th ed.). Grand Canyon University 

Daniel Grant

Feb 5, 2024, 3:13 PM


I believe discovering my purpose involves introspection, learning from life experiences, seeking feedback, exploring new avenues, and engaging in service. As a Christian, the concept of missio Dei deeply resonates with me. It suggests that God has a mission in the world, and I am called to participate in it. Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

This gives my life a sense of direction and meaning. Whether through my profession, community work, or personal relationships, I see each aspect as part of this divine mission. It’s not just about preaching but living out Christian values of love, service, and compassion in every action, aligning my purpose with God’s work.




Steven Lineback

Feb 5, 2024, 5:03 PM


There are many ways a person can discover their purpose in the world. It can be volunteering for a local charity or non profit to gain experience in a field that interests you. You can also take classes at your local college to see if you find the information inspiring. One could also find their purpose by having a mentor in their life that has a career that the person aspires to have someday. I truly believe we discover our purpose by gaining life experiences and evaluating how they make us feel and if we find the work fulfilling. The phrase find a place where your work doesn’t feel like work and you’ll never work a day in your life cannot be understated! 


The Christian’s concept of missio Dei aligns with a person’s calling as we are commanded to “go and spread the gospel to others turning them into disciples for Christ.” Just as God moved first in sending his Son for our ransom, we too must adventure out into the world to find our true calling in life. 


Daniel Grant

Feb 5, 2024, 3:53 PM


In my field of addiction recovery, living out a Christian purpose is profoundly impactful. I see every interaction with those battling addiction as an opportunity to embody Christ’s compassion and healing. Guided by the principle of ‘loving thy neighbor’, I offer support and understanding, mirroring Jesus’ approach to those in pain. My work, grounded in professional knowledge, becomes a ministry of restoration and hope. Following Matthew 25:36, “I was sick and you looked after me,” I view each moment of counseling, education, and support as a fulfillment of my Christian duty, serving God by serving others, and bringing light to dark places. I was in those dark places for my entire adult life. It is hard trying to find recovering addicts in the professional field. The best counselors and therapists have been down that road too.




Steven Lineback

Feb 5, 2024, 5:08 PM


As I continue my current career in the flooring world I have found that even I can spread the good news of the Gospel. It can be as simply as leaving a book I’m currently reading about Christ on my desk which can spark a question from a passerby. That gives me the opportunity to discuss what I like about the book and my faith and hopefully inspire the person. I also like to have a Christian radio station playing in the background and have received compliments in my choice of music from prospective clients. Sometimes though I find what people need most is just someone who will stop and listen to what they have to say and speak kindness into their life. It’s all too easy to run into negative and judgmental vibes so when you meet someone who can just sit and understand, it goes a long way. 

Gina Karapetian-Boulos

Feb 5, 2024, 5:21 PM


In my specific field of education we can live out a Christian mission and purpose in our roles by integrating our faith into our teaching practices and interactions with students, colleguegs, and the broader educational community. We model Christ like values such as love , compassion, humility, integrity, and service in our words and actions. By demonstrating these values in our interactions with students and colleagues, we can reflect the charachter  of Christ and create a positive and nurturing learning environment. 




Patricia Brewster

Feb 5, 2024, 6:14 PM


My vocation is working with people in behavioral health, and I believe that there are several different ways someone can live out the Christian missional purpose. One is to provide compassionate care, to show empathy, and support those who are struggling with mental health issues. As I work at a Catholic organization, I could also incorporate prayer, spiritual guidance, and Christian counseling if the client chooses. Working to help reduce stigma around mental health issues, by advocating for polices and programs in the community I live in.





How might someone in your academic discipline or future vocation be able to live out a Christian missional purpose? 

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