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Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Assess how stakeholders and interest groups influence decision makingAssess how stakeholders influence he


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Assess how stakeholders and interest groups influence decision making
  • Assess how stakeholders influence health law, policies, and financial practices


Imagine that you are a legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on the health policy issue you chose in your Project Preparation assignment from Module Three. Your supervisor has asked that you compile your assessment findings for the senior leadership of your organization to inform their decisions on how best to approach their intended organization-wide position statement regarding this issue.


Write a paper summarizing your assessment findings and recommendations on your chosen health policy issue. Use the work you completed in your Module Three and Module Seven Project Preparation assignments for Project Two, ensuring you have implemented all feedback for these assignments from your instructor, to help you complete this presentation.

You must cite at least five sources to support your claims. For additional help with completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Specifically, you must include the following:

  1. Introduction
    1. Health Policy Issue: Describe your chosen health policy issue in a clear, concise manner. Consider the following guiding question in your response:
      • How might this health policy issue be explained to someone who has never heard of it before?
    2. Key Stakeholders and Interest Groups: Identify key stakeholders impacted by your chosen issue, as well as any interest groups that may also be affected. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Who are the people and/or groups who will be primarily affected by this issue, either positively or negatively?
      • How might vulnerable populations and underserved areas be affected by this issue?
  2. Influence on Nonfinancial Decision Making
    1. Stakeholder Needs: Summarize the needs of key stakeholders and interest groups with respect to your chosen issue. Do not include financially related needs. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • What nonfinancial needs of the people and/or groups affected by the issue need to be considered, particularly for those in vulnerable populations or underserved areas?
      • Why is it important to consider these needs when making decisions regarding this issue?
    2. Health Policy Influence: Discuss the kinds of influence stakeholders and interest groups can have on health policies. Do not include any financially related influences. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which stakeholders have significant or obvious nonfinancial influences on health policies?
      • Which stakeholders have subtle or covert nonfinancial influences on health policies?
      • Why is it important to be aware of these influences when making decisions related to health policies for this issue?
    3. Benefits and Disadvantages: Explain which stakeholders and/or interest groups might benefit or be disadvantaged by your chosen issue. Do not include any financially related benefits and disadvantages. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • How might stakeholders and/or interest groups benefit from this issue?
      • How might stakeholders and/or interest groups be disadvantaged by this issue?
      • How might those in vulnerable populations or underserved areas be benefited or disadvantaged by this issue, not including financial benefits or disadvantages?
    4. Value Conflict Analysis: Analyze the potential value conflicts between different stakeholders and/or interest groups relating to your chosen issue. Do not include any financially related value conflicts. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • What nonfinancial value conflicts might patients have with respect to this issue?
      • What nonfinancial value conflicts might healthcare providers have with respect to this issue?
      • What nonfinancial value conflicts might insurance companies have with respect to this issue?
      • What nonfinancial value conflicts might other stakeholders have with respect to this issue?
      • Why is it important to understand these value conflicts when making decisions related to health policy?
    5. General Decision Making: Explain the overall impact stakeholders and interest groups can have on decision making regarding your chosen issue. Do not include any financially related impacts. Consider the following guiding question in your response:
      • Why is it important to consider nonfinancial stakeholder and/or interest group impacts when it comes to making health policy decisions, particularly relating to this issue?
  3. Influence on Financial Practices
    1. Stakeholder Needs: Summarize the financial needs of key stakeholders and interest groups with respect to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • What financial needs for the people and/or groups affected by the issue need to be considered, particularly for those in vulnerable populations or underserved areas?
      • Why is it important to consider these needs when making decisions regarding this issue?
    2. Financial Influence: Analyze how stakeholders and interest groups influence current financial practices regarding your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which stakeholders have significant or obvious financial influences on health policies?
      • Which stakeholders have subtle or covert financial influences on health policies?
      • Why is it important to be aware of these influences when making decisions related to health policies for this issue?
    3. Benefits and Disadvantages: Explain which stakeholders and/or interest groups might financially benefit or be disadvantaged by your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • How might stakeholders and/or interest groups benefit from this issue?
      • How might stakeholders and/or interest groups be disadvantaged by this issue?
      • How might those in vulnerable populations or underserved areas be financially benefited or disadvantaged by this issue?
    4. Competing Value Conflicts: Describe how competing financial value conflicts between stakeholders could be addressed with respect to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • What financial value conflicts might patients have with respect to this issue?
      • What financial value conflicts might healthcare providers have with respect to this issue?
      • What financial value conflicts might insurance companies have with respect to this issue?
      • What financial value conflicts might other stakeholders have with respect to this issue?
      • Why is it important to understand these value conflicts when making decisions related to health policy?
      • How might the competition between these financial value conflicts affect both stakeholders’ influence on the issue and how stakeholders are impacted by the issue itself?
    5. Financial Decision Making: Explain the financial impact stakeholders and interest groups can have on decision making regarding your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding question in your response:
      • Why is it important to consider financial stakeholder and/or interest group impacts when it comes to making health policy decisions, particularly relating to this issue?
  4. Recommendation
    1. Position Statement: Recommend a strategic approach to decision making for your chosen health policy issue based on your assessment findings. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Based on your findings, would you suggest the organization move forward with pursuing changes to their current policies?
        • If so, how might they be able to move forward with these changes?
        • If not, what other strategies or recommendations would you make instead, given the information you currently have available?

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Assessment Findings PaperSubmit your 5- to 7-page paper as a Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Supporting Materials

The following resource supports your work on the project: see attached file 

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