Please provide secondary responses for each post.
Respond to these two-discussion postw in your own words at least 2-3 paragraph each post.
Post 1: Hello everyone,
For the purpose of our assignments thus far in our course and moving forward, my chosen jurisdiction is Billings, Montana. Billings is the most populated city in the State of Montana with nearly 120,000 residents (U.S. Census Bureau [USCB], 2022). Since its founding in 1882, and the later municipal annexation of the adjacent Coulson township founded in 1877, Billings has historically been a hub for numerous avenues in commerce, such as cattle, trade, oil, and, more recently, tourism (Curry, 2002). I was successful in locating the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for the city. Though, interestingly enough, due to the population sparsity and distribution in Montana, the City of Billings and surrounding areas of Yellowstone County all fall under the county’s EOP. This was convenient for the localities in that whoever seats the office of Yellowstone County Department of Emergency Services (YCDES) coordinator, will also assume responsibility as the City of Billings Department of Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator (Yellowstone County Disaster & Emergency Service [YCDES], 2019). So, while my assignments are focused on the City of Billings, much of the evidence that I am using applies to the whole of Yellowstone County.
If anyone is interested in comparing EOPs, CEMPs, Hazard Mitigation Plans, etc., here are copies of Billings’ (i.e., Yellowstone County’s) EOP and Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Emergency Operations Plan
Links to an external site.
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Links to an external site.
Curry, J. (2002). Parmly Billings Library: The first hundred years. Parmly Billings Library.
U.S. Census Bureau (USCB). (2022, July 1). U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Billings city, Montana.
Yellowstone County Disaster of Emergency Services (YCDES). (2019). Emergency operations plan: Yellowstone County. In (No. 19–73).
Post 2: The jurisdiction that I’ve chosen to focus my research on is Harrison County, Mississippi. I was able to locate the emergency plan for this jurisdiction. To be honest my journey thus far in my capstone has been very smooth and manageable. I was very anxious about taking this course, and everything it would have entailed. However, after my initial review of the syllabus I felt a weight lifted off my shoulder. Now that I’m a few weeks into the course I’m very excited. I Love the layout and the pace that was set as the foundation thus far. Working on our jurisdictions and slowly building upon it has been a relief, I initially thought that I would struggle way more but overall, it has been a great experience. Before selecting my jurisdiction and reviewing others, it really amazed me on how some jurisdictions were detailed while others not so much. Especially with focusing on smaller jurisdictions versus larger jurisdictions you can see the difference between in detail and what their focus areas are.