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Who can assist with two (2) APA formatted human-written responses, including citations to the following? Case Study 1 Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by red, inflamed, a

Who can assist with two (2) APA formatted human-written responses, including citations to the following?

Case Study 1

     Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by red, inflamed, and scaly skin patches(Dlugasch & Story, 2019, p. 641). The most common trigger for psoriasis is often stress, although other factors such as infections, certain medications, and environmental factors can also play a role, Psoriasis presents in various conical types, including plaque psoriasis (the most common), guttate psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, and erythrodermic psoriasis(Rendon & Schäkel, 2019). 

     Treatment options for psoriasis range from topical treatments, (such as corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs, and retinoids) to systemic medications (such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, and biologic) and phototherapy (using ultraviolet light)(Rendon & Schäkel, 2019). Given KB’s history and the generalized nature of her flare-up, a combination therapy approach may be necessary(Rendon & Schäkel, 2019). Considering her previous response to topical corticosteroids, along wit the extent of her current outbreak, a step-up in treatment to systemic medications may be warranted. Biologic agents, which target specific parts of the immune system involved in psoriasis, could be particularly effective in her case(Rendon & Schäkel, 2019). 

     Non-pharmacological options such as stress management techniques, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding triggers like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also complement treatment(Rendon & Schäkel, 2019). Medication review and reconciliation are crucial in this case to assess and potential exacerbating factors or drug interactions. Certain medications, such as beta-blockers, lithium, antimalarial drugs, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), can exacerbate psoriasis or trigger flare-ups. Additionally, knowledge of KB’s current medication regimen is essential for identifying any potential contraindications or interactions with prescribed or interactions with prescribed psoriasis treatments(Rendon & Schäkel, 2019). 

     Manifestations that could be present in a patient with psoriasis include psoriatic arthritis, which causes joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, as well as nail changes such as pitting, discoloration, and crumbling(Rendon & Schäkel, 2019). Furthermore, individuals with psoriasis may experience psychological impacts like depression, anxiety, and decreased quality of life due to the visible nature of the condition and associated discomfort. Hence, a comprehensive approach to management, addressing both physical and emotional aspects, is crucial for optimal care(Rendon & Schäkel, 2019). 

 Case Study 2

     Clinical manifestations in the case study of the subject CJ, describe the likely diagnosis of the eye condition, acute bacterial conjunctivitis, with associated otitis media(Dlugasch & Story, 2019, p. 682). The presence of crusty and yellowish discharge, along with bilateral conjunctival erythema and redness, suggest an acute inflammatory process affecting the conjunctiva. Additionally, Cj/s symptoms of blurry vision, increased discharge upon waking, and normal visual acuity after clearing the discharge are consistent with bacterial conjunctivitis(A. Azari & Arabi, 2020). The throbbing pain in his left ear along with findings of an opaque, bulging and red tympanic membrane, indicate concurrent otitis media, likely secondary to the same bacterial infection(Dlugasch & Story, 2019, p. 678). 

     Considering the acute onset of symptoms and the presence of purulent discharge, the most probable etiology of CJ’s eye infections is bacterial rather than viral allergic, gonococcal, or trachoma(A. Azari & Arabi, 2020). Viral conjunctivitis typically presents with watery discharge and may be associated with systematic symptoms like fever and sore throat(A. Azari & Arabi, 2020). Allergic conjunctivitis usually occurs in newborns exposed to maternal gonorrhea during childbirth. Trachoma, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, is more common in regions with poor sanitation and hygiene practices(A. Azari & Arabi, 2020). 

     The best therapeutic approach for CJs condition would be to prescribe topical antibiotics for both conjunctivitis and otitis media(A. Azari & Arabi, 2020). Broad spectrum antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones or polymyxin B/trimethoprim can effectively target the likely bacterial pathogens involved in their infections(A. Azari & Arabi, 2020). Additionally, supportive care measures such as warm compresses for his eyes and pain management for his earache may also be recommended. It’s important to advise CJ to avoid touching or rubbing his eyes to prevent further spread of infection(A. Azari & Arabi, 2020). Furthermore, he should be instructed on proper hygiene practices and given information about the contagious nature of bacterial conjunctivitis to prevent transmission to others(A. Azari & Arabi, 2020). `

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