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overview Copyright laws and issues are an important aspect for using technology in any setting. It is important to know what we can legally use from the internet and how we can use it. Summary of Copy


Copyright laws and issues are an important aspect for using technology in any setting. It is important to know what we can legally use from the internet and how we can use it.

Summary of Copyright Law:

Copyright law in the U.S. is governed by federal statute, namely the Copyright Act of 1976. The Copyright Act prevents the unauthorized copying of a work of authorship. However, only the copying of the work is prohibited–anyone may copy the ideas contained within a work.

In this module, students will accomplish the following:

  • Students will be able to define ethics and copyright and how these apply when using the internet.
  • Students will describe Fair Use as it applies to the internet and publish Web pages.

learning material 


  • https://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr280c.shtml 
  • https://www.rit.edu/research/ipmo/ip-explained/copyrights

Title the Presentation, Module 4.

Below are the instructions for the content of this assignment but the method for sharing this assignment with others is your choice. Think of a technology tool that you use in your workplace, classroom, or training and create a presentation.  Decide how you will “show” everyone the content.  Examples: Prezi, Voicethread, Canva, (77-83), Flipgrid. (Note: Some platforms require user accounts so please refrain from using these.)

As part of the assignment, you should define Ethics, Copyright, and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers.

Submit an ethical issue that relates to the use of technology in the classroom that you believe has or will impact your classroom. (e.g. “Fair use”, privacy, cyberbullying, digital divide, etc.) 

The assignment is broken down into:

1. Determine a platform/program that you will use for the presentation such as PP, Google Slides, Prezi, etc. Do not use Word. Include at least 10 slides.

2. In this presentation, define Ethics, Copyright, and Fair Use Guidelines for teachers. Do not include all the guidelines, but include the definition.

3. Determine an ethical issue as it relates to technology and explain it in your presentation. This could be something that has occurred in your classroom.

4. Upload the presentation to the Discussion 3.

5. Respond to at least two classmates by Sunday. Refer to the rubric – include the necessary components. Assignments that exceed written requirements will earn a high A. This means that it is clear that you have gone well beyond the requirements – that you have included creativity. Rubric: Exceeds Expectations

6. On the last slide, include a Reference slide that includes references from the research used to support your ideas and content. Include in-text citations on the slides.

NOTE: Check your upload to ensure it will open for the professor. If there are extra steps required for opening, the student will need to adjust this before receiving a grade. For example, sometimes students use Google Slides, but when they upload it, they forget to make it so that I can open it without permission. If this happens, there will be a loss of points.

To earn all points available under Exceeds Expectations, it must be clear that the student has gone well beyond the written requirements. There must be evidence of creativity and extensive visuals in the presentation.

Reminder: Upload your presentation to your “Course Padlet”.

****this is a 10 slide pp, i can copy and paste to a slide if needed.. i just need the info broken up******

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