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Essays-Using information from the book and lectures please answer the following. For all questions please paraphrase from your sources and cite references APA style–do not “quote” directly. This must

Essays-Using information from the book and lectures please answer the following.

For all questions please paraphrase from your sources and cite references APA style–do not “quote” directly.

  • This must be submitted as a word document and submitted electronically through Canvas.
  • Double Space
  • Place your name in the upper left of the header as follows:

Your Last name Psyc300 Exam I  (1 pt)

Save the document with the exact same information that is in the header. (1 pt.)

  • State the questions and number then write the answer.
  • Use APA style for citations/grammar/headings (if you use them) etc. Specifically, you must include in text citations and include a reference list.
  • These must be “essay” style answers/ no bullet points.
  • Submit on Canvas (as a word document)
  • Above all be thoughtful with your answers
  • Each question value is stated for each below pts-25% grammar and 75% content
  • BTW psychology is not capitalized within sentences.
  • The last lecture is not included on this, but will be on the next. It would be overwhelming if I included it.
  • Page lengths are only recommendations.  Many write longer responses
  • Please include an APA style reference list

1. First, substantiate the idea that psychology’s roots began around ancient greeks years ago; then argue that it began around 350 years ago; and finally, argue that it began 150 years ago..

Each time period is just the starting point and should include the major Zeitgeist(s) influencing the time, the major players and can include their discoveries and theories, the schools of thought that emerged and any other connecting influences you wish to include.  Were there any female philosophers/psychologists making contributions during each of those time periods? 15 pts 1-2 pages

2. What is Zeitgeist and how does the prevailing Zeitgeist affect the evolution of a science like psychology? Give at least two modern examples. 5pts 1 page.

3. Define determinism and reductionism and describe their relationship to the development of clocks and automata. Why was the mechanical clock the ideal metaphor for the spirit of mechanism? 5 pts. .75 page.

4. Pretend your Descartes.  Read and view the following information and answer the question below Dr. Mercola’s Comments  15 pts.1.5-2 pages.

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

Every year, 230 million prescriptions for antidepressants are filled, making them one of the most-prescribed drugs in the United States. Despite all of these prescription drugs being taken, more than one in 20 Americans are depressed, according to statistics that came out from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) earlier this month.Of them, 80 percent said they have some level of functional impairment, and 27 percent said it is extremely difficult to do everyday tasks like work, getting things done at home or getting along with others because of the condition.Why are so many people feeling so low, even though antidepressants — the supposed “cure” for depression — are so widely available? Because antidepressants are barely effective, and they increase your risk of many serious

side effects.The Antidepressant IllusionThese drugs, which are typically recommended as the first-line treatment for moderate or severe depression, have been found to provide no meaningful benefit.One investigator from the UK even said she is “not convinced there is such a thing as a drug that will specifically relieve depression and that so-called antidepressants are merely drugs that do other things, such as sedating or stimulating people.”The reason that antidepressants have received so much fanfare to begin with is that their makers did an excellent job of publicizing the things they wanted you to know, while keeping very quiet about the rest.

As Dr. Gordon said:

“The problem is that the drug companies did not publish the unfavorable studies about antidepressants, especially the newest class, the SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) like Prozac or Paxil.And so what you have is drug companies only publishing positive studies, doctors only reading about positive studies, patients believing the drug companies and, of course, their doctors — and it’s kind of like the Emperor’s New Clothes. Everybody’s been kind of wrapped up in an illusion when in fact over the last couple of years people have been taking a new look at all the unpublished studies.And when you put together the unpublished studies and the published studies, what you find out is that antidepressant drugs are little, if any better, than placebos (that is, sugar pills) in relieving symptoms of depression.”

For a drug that only works as well as a sugar pill, antidepressants have steep risks. Among them:

  • An increased risk of diabetes    A negative effect on your immune system•     An increased risk of suicide and violent behaior and violent behavior

Now, the purpose of the interview with Dr. Gordon, and of my newsletter and Web site as a whole, is to get the word out that there are ways to overcome depression that have nothing to do with padding the pockets of the drug companies, and putting yourself at risk of serious side effects while you’re at it.There are safe, natural ways to overcome depression, and they are all well within your reach.

Exercise is One of the BEST Treatments for DepressionSometimes the solution to what ails you is so obvious that you can’t see it until it hits you right on the head. Well, consider yourself hit. If you have depression, or even if you just feel down from time to time, exercise is a MUST (it’s a must for everyone, really).“What we’re finding in the research on physical exercise is, the physical exercise is at least as good as antidepressants for helping people who are depressed. And that’s even better for older people, very interesting, even more important for older people,” Dr. Gordon says.“And physical exercise changes the level of serotonin in your brain. It changes, increases their levels of “feel good” hormones, the endorphins. And also — and these are amazing studies — it can increase the number of cells in your brain, in the region of the brain, called the hippocampus,” he continues.“These studies have been first done on animals, and it’s very important because sometimes in depression, there

are fewer of those cells in the hippocampus, but you can actually change your brain with exercise. So it’s got to be part of everybody’s treatment, everybody’s plan.”If you’re not sure how to use exercise like a drug, including the correct variety, intensity, and frequency, this past article will help you get started.And please don’t delay. Many Americans have an exercise deficiency, but this problem is easily remedied if you look at exercise as a crucial part of getting healthier and happier.The Other Key Factors to Overcoming DepressionDepression is a very serious condition, but there’s an important point I want to make: depression is not a “disease.” Instead, it’s a sign that your body and your life are out of balance.This is so important to remember, because as soon as you start to view depression as an “illness,” you think you

need to take a drug to fix it. In reality, all you need to do is return the balance to your life, and one of the key ways to doing this is addressing stress.“Most of the research that I’ve been reading recently indicates that stress is the most important common factor in producing depression of all kinds and in turn affecting neurotransmitters,” Dr. Gordon says.So, along with exercise, you need to have a method of stress relief that works for you. You may like meditation, yoga or going for a hike in nature, and all of these are great to use, but I also suggest using a system that can help you address emotional issues that you may not even realize are there. For this, my favorite is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). However, if you have depression or serious stress, I believe it would be best to consult with a mental health professional who is also an EFT practitioner to guide you.

So, we have stress relief and exercise, but there is still another factor: your diet. Foods have an immense impact on your mood and ability to be happy, and eating whole foods as described in my nutrition plan will best support your mental health.At the same time, you need to supplement with a high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fat, like krill oil, and also make sure you’re getting enough sunlight exposure to have healthy vitamin D levels (also crucial for treating depression).These three primary things — exercise, addressing emotional stress, and eating right — will make you feel at the top of your game. Whether you want to overcome depression, feel happier, or just want to stay healthy, these are the lifestyle changes that will get you there.

Question: In Descartes words would you agree or disagree with the psychiatrist Dr. Mercola, who says that depression can often be treated successfully by taking better care of your body. Make sure to start with something like…” I, Descartes…”.  Finally, make sure your narrative includes Descartes’ views of the mind-body problem and his major contributions to the beginnings of modern science, particularly psychology.

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