Analyze the various leadership styles described in Talgam’s video. Relate at least one of these to a work experience you have had and evaluate how it did or did not benefit your organizational culture. Respond to the comments of your peers.
Daft, R. (2023)
The Leadership Experience (8th ed.) Cengage Publishers
· Each of these chapters provided overviews of leadership approaches and how they should be used.
. Chapter 2: Trait, Behaviors, and Relationships
. Chapter 3: Contingency Approaches
Articles, Websites, and Videos:
The authors of this article describe how leadership theories have evolved over time and they examine new trends in leadership.
· Yuan-Duen Lee, Pi-Ching Chen, & Chin-Lai Su. (2020).
The Evolution of the Leadership Theories and the Analysis of New Research Trends
International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 12(3), 88–104.
The authors of this article describe LMX can lead to employee creativity.
· Tan, H., Wang, Z., & Huang, J. (2021).
Leader mindfulness and employee creativity: The importance of leader–member exchange
Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 49(9), 1–9.
The author of this article describes the three major eras in the study of leadership.
· Benmira S, Agboola M. (2021)
Evolution of leadership theory
BMJ Leader 5:3-5.
Db2 501
Identify two collection requirements methods and discuss their pros and cons. Do you think the project manager should be responsible for the collection of requirements or the Business Analyst? Why?
Project Management Institute. (2021).
A guide to the project management body of knowledge
(PMBOK Guide) (7th ed.). Newtown Square: Project Management Institute, Inc.
· Section 2.6, pages 80-83
Articles, Videos, & Websites:
The below video tutorial focuses on requirements collecting techniques, which will help define and manage the project scope.
Watch Video
Requirements Collecting Techniques
Duration: 11:15
User: SoftwareManiacLSM –
Added: 1/7/12
Watch Video
How to Collect Requirements for a Project (Process Explained)
Duration: 11:18