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Overview In Edtech, the last four chapters are extremely helpful when thinking about how technology could impact learning. (The Digital Change Agent, The Vision, From Vision to Reality, Change and Re


In Edtech, the last four chapters are extremely helpful when thinking about how technology could impact learning.  (The Digital Change Agent, The Vision, From Vision to Reality, Change and Resistance and Going for It.)

Read pp. 87-114- EdTech Advocate’s Guide

Edtech is a great resource so the assignment for this module was created to “encourage” students to read it.

Being intentionally reflective regarding the technology-driven changes in teaching and learning is profound. It is paramount that we accept the paradigm shift- embrace the changes that have emerged. We are in the era of digital technology – digital literacy and digital learning. What are we going to do about it? Is it improving our work – our teaching?

Pay close attention to pages 45-47 (10 Roles of the School (Or District) Digital Change Agent). Think about what category you fall into. The assignment that is submitted will not be over this part but this is an important segment for change.

The assignment is located on pages 94 and 95. (Create a “Big Picture” Presentation). This is an activity that can be useful to help plot the kinds of tech resources and practices currently in use. Doing it will help you to really see what is available and what needs to be added. It is an intentional “look” at current practices and needed changes.

    Module Goals

In this module, students will accomplish the following:

  • Students will reflect on what’s changing in our schools regarding technology.
  • Students will realize the reasons for adopting technology.
  • Students will understand that embracing technology is more than adding technology devices- it is enriching instruction with personalized learning and social learning.

This Week’s Activities

****Learning Materials

1. Complete the readings and multimedia on the Module 5 Learning Materials page.

2. Complete the Module 5 “Big Picture” assignment.

For this module, you should read the following:

  1. Read pp. 87-114 in Edtech Advocate’s Guide.
  2. Do the activity on pgs. 94 & 95

Edtech is a great resource so this assignment was created to “encourage” students to read it.


Note: Students must include citations for the research they have used to support their thinking. Use APA Formatting and if you need assistance, review the APA tab under the “Get Started” module. Students must include references from the resources provided under the Learning Materials as well as the outside research they conducted. Discussions must include citations. 

Big Picture Presentation Assignment

Complete the following steps for this discussion:

  • Do the activity on pages 94 and 95 (The Edtech Advocate’s Guide to Leading Change in Schools), The activity has four parts.
  • Review the “Big Picture Presentation Rubric” to understand all the required steps.
  • For the list – at least 10.
  • Complete the assignment and attach the document here. You may complete this activity in a PowerPoint or Word document. This is your choice.
    • Review the help guideLinks to an external site. for information on how to attach a document, if needed.
  • Respond to at least two classmates. A lack of classmate responses equals 20 point loss.
  • Include a reference slide or a reference page. Include in-text citations.
  • Always include your name on your work and double-space in a Word document. (APA)
  • If you use PP, be sure and watch how many words you put on one slide.

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