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English II

Touchstone 2.1

March 6th, 2024

Source Evaluation

The source I have chosen for evaluation is “The State of the UBI Debate: Mapping the Arguments for and against UBI” by D. Afscharian, V. Muliavka, M. S. Ostrowski, and L. Siegel, published by De Gruyter (2022). The central argument of the research paper focuses on the various themes and arguments surrounding Universal Basic Income (UBI). This source is integral to my project as it comprehensively analyzes the current state of UBI debates, categorizing arguments and themes to offer a structured overview.

The source’s credibility rests on the collective expertise and academic affiliations of authors Dominic Afscharian, Viktoriia Muliavka, Marius S. Ostrowski, and Lukáš Siegel. Afscharian’s position at the University of Tübingen and Muliavka’s association with the Polish Academy of Sciences contribute strong foundations in political science and social research, respectively. Ostrowski and Siegel’s diverse academic backgrounds from the European University Institute and Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts consolidate the source’s credibility. Published by De Gruyter, a reputable academic publisher, the article’s acceptance underscores its reliability. Additionally, the Afscharian et al. (2022) article exemplifies credibility as it is firmly grounded in research, drawing on diverse sources and scholarly insights to support its arguments. The authors meticulously cite credible references, contributing to the objectivity and reliability of their analysis. The unbiased nature of the article is evident through its exploration of various perspectives on Universal Basic Income, fostering a well-rounded and impartial understanding of the subject.

The article is particularly credible and valuable for my research due to its comprehensive thematic analysis; the authors aptly delineate arguments related to social justice, equality, freedom, business, labor, taxation, and democracy in the context of UBI. According to Afscharian et al. (2022, p.10), the assertion that “Once implemented, a UBI might further lead to savings for other welfare schemes” aligns with my argument that Universal Basic Income (UBI) has the potential to bring about cost efficiencies within the welfare system. This supports the notion that UBI could provide a more inclusive and equitable form of income distribution and contribute to streamlining and optimizing existing welfare programs. Against the UBI, Afscharian et al. (2022, p.12) emphasize the opposition’s argument that “Similarly, opponents of UBI argue that the money could be spent more efficiently elsewhere.” This supports my counterargument, emphasizing the need to critically evaluate alternative methods of resource allocation to address societal needs more effectively than a Universal Basic Income, taking into account concerns about efficiency and targeted impact.

Generally, the source “The State of the UBI Debate” is a credible and valuable asset to my research project. Its credibility is established through the authors’ expertise, peer-reviewed publication, and recent publication date. The usefulness of the source lies in its systematic organization of UBI debates, providing a comprehensive framework that aids in the identification of critical arguments and areas for further exploration. This evaluation affirms the source’s reliability and significant contribution to advancing my understanding of the UBI discourse.

Reflection Questions

What types of questions did you ask yourself when evaluating the credibility and usefulness of your source? (2-3 sentences).

When evaluating the credibility of the source, I asked questions about the authors’ qualifications, institutional affiliations, and the publication venue to ensure their expertise and reliability. For assessing usefulness, I questioned the source’s purpose, methodology, and how well it aligned with my research needs, focusing on its potential to contribute meaningfully to my argument and address relevant points.

How do you feel this evaluation practice will help you as you continue to move through the research process? (2-3 sentences)

This evaluation practice will enhance my ability to discern reliable and pertinent sources, ensuring the quality of information incorporated into my research. As I progress through the research process, it will serve as a foundation for making informed decisions about source selection, contributing to my academic work’s overall credibility and strength.


Afscharian, D., Muliavka, V., Ostrowski, M. S., & Siegel, L. (2022). The State of the UBI Debate: Mapping the Arguments for and against UBI. 
Basic Income Studies
17(2), 213-237.

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