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Age-Related Changes


Aging is a customary aspect of human development that is predestined to happen to all beings. It is an inevitable human occurrence that is bound to happen as humans progress in age. However, assignment help Canada shows that the aging process is distinctively unique to each individual as it’s influenced by a combination of both environmental and genetic factors that play a fundamental role as a person ages. Nonetheless, several factors are synonymous with almost every aging person which signify age-related changes in elderly persons. Common age-related changes include presbyopia, presbycusis, and osteoporosis among notable changes in elderly persons which are inevitable and can only be delayed or managed through lifestyle modifications.  

Presbyopia is a condition signified by impairments in near vision which occur gradually. Individuals suffering from presbyopia have a hard time seeing things close up but can see things far away just fine which is a result of a cloudier, less flexible, or rigid lens. On top of near vision difficulties, individuals also experience difficulties seeing in poorly lit environments, especially in dim lighting. As such the treatment of the condition can only be managed through both correcting the environmental aspects such as light modification of the individual surrounding and also the treatment of a cloudy lens. Modifying the lighting of persons surrounding not only improves the persons’ vision but also improves their living conditions. It should be noted that there is no cure for presbyopia and can only be managed through the treatment of a cloudy lens which only slows down the progression. 

Another age-related change is the hearing impairment better known as presbycusis which is a gradual loss of hearing in both ears. The condition affects an individual’s ability to hear high-pitched tones with men falling more suspectable to the condition as compared to women. Despite it being an inevitable condition presbycusis is accelerated by long-term exposure to loud noise which results in a gradual loss of hearing high pitched tones. In slowing down its progression the condition can be managed through hearing aids which go a long way in improving the individual’s hearing quality. In addition, lifestyle modifications such as limiting the low-pitched background noise when speaking to such individuals enhance their hearing condition. Adoption of this measure not only slows down the condition’s progression but also improves the individual’s current living condition by lessening the strain of the condition. 

Osteoporosis is the last age-related condition that is characterized by weakened or fragile bones. Thin and weakened bones make individuals suffering from the condition more susceptible to unexpected fractures which mostly occur in the hip and wrist areas (Faulkner, Larkin, Claflin & Brooks, 2007). The condition is not overly painful until a bone is broken which becomes a cause of long-term pain for individuals. Treatment of the condition can be addressed through the prescription of bone-strengthening medication which ultimately slows down the condition’s progression and lifestyle modifications such as home remodifications to minimize the risks of falls hence improving a person’s living condition significantly.  

In conclusion, age-related changes are inevitable to all human beings but can be managed and prolonged through the adoption of lifestyle modifications and treatment. Relevant support and specialized care for elderly persons are not only necessary but fundamental in easing the pain and progression of age-related changes. As such, nursing homes provide elderly persons with both the immediate environmental support they require and also specialized care and support needed in not only slowing the progression of age-related changes but also improving the overall quality of life. Ultimately, improving the socioeconomic health of the population goes a long way in slowing the progression of age-related changes as well-educated individuals live and survive longer as compared to less educated people. 


Faulkner, J. A., Larkin, L. M., Claflin, D. R., & Brooks, S. V. (2007). Age‐related changes in the structure and function of skeletal muscles. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 34(11), 1091-1096. https://assignmenthelpsite.com/tag/terminally-ill-patients/ 

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