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SCI/250: Microbiology Help asap

SCI/250: Microbiology
Course Information
This course will instruct students on the fundamentals of microbiology. Topics will include an introduction
to the biology of microorganisms, including structure, function, metabolism, growth, genetics, diversity,
and host-parasite relationships. Also, examples of how microorganisms are relevant to the needs,
activities, and role of the health of individuals are discussed. Students will explore principles of applied
microbiology and apply these scientific principles to case studies and lab experiences.


Course Learning Outcomes
In this course you will learn to: Where you will demonstrate your learning:

Summarize cellular biology and classification of

Wk 2 – Summative Assessment: The Comparing
Bacterial Structures Lab Report

Use microbial biochemistry, metabolism, and
genetics to explain microbial growth.

Wk 4 – Summative Assessment: The Control of
Microbial Growth: Decontamination and Selective
Toxicity Lab Report

Use microbial pathogenicity to explain interactions
between microbes and the human immune system.

Wk 6 – Summative Assessment: The Introduction
to Immunology Lab Report

Analyze the characteristics of microbial diseases in
various body systems.

Wk 7 – Summative Assessment: The Identification
of Unknown Bacteria Lab Report

Parker, N., Schneegurt, M., Tu, A.-H. T., Forster, B. M., & Lister, P. (2021). Microbiology. OpenStax.


Third-Party Trademarks That Appear in This Course
University of Phoenix is a registered trademark of The University of Phoenix, Inc. in the United States
and/or other countries.
Blackboard and SafeAssign are registered trademarks of Blackboard Inc.
Openstax, Rice University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Labster is a registered trademark of Labster, Inc.
All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation.

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

SCI/250 v5
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Schedule Overview
Note: Assignments are due Monday unless indicated otherwise. Initial discussion posts are due Thursday
and the 2 required responses are due Monday.

Wk and Topic Activities Assignments and Points

Wk 1 – The
Invisible World

Microbiology, Ch. 1: An Invisible
World, sections 1.1–1.3

Microbiology, Ch. 2: How We See the
Invisible World, sections 2.1–2.4

Microbiology, Ch. 3: The Cell, sections

Microbiology, Ch. 4: Prokaryotic,
sections 4.1–4.6

Microbiology, Ch. 5: The Eukaryotes of
Microbiology, sections 5.1–5.5

Discussion – Identification of the Make-up
of An Infection or Illness (30 Points)

Quiz (30 Points)

The Aseptic Technique: Culture Your
Sample Without Contamination Lab (10

The Aseptic Technique: Culture Your
Sample Without Contamination Lab Report
(70 Points)

Wk 2 –

Microbiology, Ch. 6: Acellular
Pathogens, sections 6.1–6.4

Microbiology, Ch. 7: Microbial
Biochemistry, sections 7.1–7.5

Microbiology, Ch. 8: Microbial
Metabolism, sections 8.1–8.7

Microbiology, Ch. 9: Microbial Growth,
sections 9.1–9.6

Discussion – Study of Infections and
Illnesses (30 Points)

Quiz (30 Points)

The Comparing Bacterial Structures Lab
(10 Points)

Summative Assessment: The Comparing
Bacterial Structures Lab Report (75 Points)

Wk 3 –
and Genetics

Microbiology, Ch. 10: Biochemistry of
the Genome, sections 10.1–10.4

Microbiology, Ch. 11: Mechanisms of
Microbial Genetics, sections 11.1–11.7

Microbiology, Ch. 12: Modern
Applications of Microbial Genetics,
sections 12.1–12.4

Discussion – Genetic Analysis of a Disease
or Infection (30 Points)

Quiz (30 Points)

The Bacterial Quantification by Culture Lab
(10 Points)

The Bacterial Quantification by Culture Lab
Report (70 Points)

Wk 4 – Control
of Microbial
Growth and

Microbiology, Ch. 13: Control of
Microbial Growth, sections 13.1–13.4

Microbiology, Ch. 14: Antimicrobial
Drugs, sections 14.1–14.7

Discussion – Behavior of Infections and
Illnesses (30 Points)

Quiz (30 Points)

The Control of Microbial Growth:
Decontamination and Selective Toxicity
Lab (10 Points)

Summative Assessment: The Control of
Microbial Growth: Decontamination and
Selective Toxicity Lab Report (75 Points)

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

SCI/250 v5
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Wk and Topic Activities Assignments and Points

Wk 5 – Disease

Microbiology, Ch. 15: Microbial
Mechanisms of Pathogenicity, sections

Microbiology, Ch. 16: Disease and
Epidemiology, sections 16.1–16.4

Microbiology, Ch. 17: Innate
Nonspecific Host Defenses, sections

Microbiology, Ch. 18: Adaptive
Specific Host Defenses, sections

Discussion – Public Perception of Diseases
(30 Points)

Quiz (30 Points)

The Fluorescence Microscopy Lab (10

The Fluorescence Microscopy Lab Report
(70 Points)

Wk 6 –
Diseases of the

Microbiology, Ch. 19: Diseases of the
Immune System, sections 19.1–19.5

Microbiology, Ch. 20: Laboratory
Analysis of the Immune Response,
sections 20.1–20.5

Discussion – Immunity Vulnerabilities (30

Quiz (30 Points)

The Introduction to Immunology Lab (10

Summative Assessment: The Introduction
to Immunology Lab Report (75 Points)

Wk 7 –
Diseases of the
Human Body

Microbiology, Ch. 21: Skin and Eye
Infections, sections 21.1–21.5

Microbiology, Ch. 22: Respiratory
System Infections, sections 22.1–22.4

Microbiology, Ch. 23: Urogenital
System Infections, sections 23.1–23.6

Microbiology, Ch. 24: Digestive
System Infections, sections 24.1–24.6

Microbiology, Ch. 25: Circulatory and
Lymphatic System Infections, sections

Microbiology, Ch. 26: Nervous System
Infections, sections 26.1–26.4

Discussion – Body System Disease
Analysis (30 Points)

Quiz (30 Points)

The Identification of Unknown Bacteria Lab
(10 Points)

Summative Assessment: The Identification
of Unknown Bacteria Lab Report (75

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

  • Course Information
    • Description
    • Credits
    • Course Learning Outcomes
    • Materials
      • Textbook
      • Tools
      • Third-Party Trademarks That Appear in This Course
  • Schedule Overview

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