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human reliance on technology.

ECE 311
Spring 2024 Midterm Essay
Ethics and Contemporary Issues: Technology Analysis
Format: Take Home

Due date: Friday, March 29, 2023, 11:59 PM (sharp, hard deadline). Please note that late submissions

determined by the D2L time stamp will lose at least 10% credit. Please submit the essay in pdf format to

D2L individual midterm assignment.

Please write an essay of approximately 1500 words in 12 pt Times New Roman font (or similar), to address

the subject of human reliance on technology. You are to consider one of the following two scenarios for a

historical situation of your choice:

a) sometimes people fail to trust technology, which causes suboptimal performance or potential safety

constraints (under-reliance)

b) or on the contrary, blind trust is placed in devices that are expected to work correctly;

we then fail to override the technology so that appropriate actions can be taken.

In your essay, please provide one specific example that illustrates the issue a) (under-reliance) or b) (over-

reliance) described above. For your case, provide a line drawing with appropriate features to describe the over-

reliance or under-reliance paradigm. Discuss why we may over-rely or under-rely on technology and how

failures may have been avoided. What is the Standard of Care? Expand your discussion to suggest how to

appropriately depend on technology for safety critical situations for some reasonable equilibrium in our “plug-

in” lives. Provide a utilitarian or respect for persons perspective.

Please carry out appropriate research and quote your sources (outside of the text book for this class). Grading

rubric shown below:

• general format, readability and clear explanation of relevant technology and dilemma for a) or (b

20 points

• line drawing and relevant features of reliance paradigms for case a) or b).

Line drawing: 10 points

o Paradigm features in appropriate columns and answer appropriate question: 10 points

• Reliance: discuss why we may over-rely or under-rely on technology. Why over/under-rely in this

situation: 10 points

• Failure Avoidance: Discuss how failure may have been avoided for your dilemma for case a) or b):

10 points

• Standard of Care: What is the “standard of care” for the technologists involved 10 points

• Appropriate dependence / equilibrium: Suggest an appropriate dependence on technology in safety

critical situations and how some reasonable equilibrium can be found. 10 points

• Provide a utilitarian or respect for persons perspective: 10 points

• Sources: 10 points

• extra credit, as appropriate, do at least one of the following with a clear, easily identified paragraph (if

I have to search for it, you won’t get it): 1 – 5 points (max)

• Identify relevant causation for safety situation
• identify relevant responsible oversight and/or potential “good works” to improve technology
• identify significant influence between society and technology that affects capabilities
• turn in the essay to D2L 1 week early – (11:59PM, Friday, March 22)

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