Times have certainly changed, and the world has gotten smaller. We no longer have to wait for months for ships to return with products from far away lands to use with our domestic goods or to sell indecently. We have solve the question on how to overcome the issue of paying in local currency. So much so, we now measure the strength of a country’s economy by measuring how much it imports verses how much it exports. We’ve come a long way from all markets being local (some of which still remain), to markets that are global. Many of the hurdles of doing business outside your country has been resolved.
QUESTION: The module shared five ways to enter the global marketplace. Pretend for a moment that you are the owner of a successful domestic business that you would like to grow out to international locations. Which of the five options would you choose to use and why? Also pick another option and explain why you believe it would be more challenging for you and why? Give a little background of the company and the product or service it offers..
Remember, you must provide at least one paragraph (more than 5 sentences) for your post and comment on two other posts from fellow classmates (more than 3 sentences each) for full participation credit. As you comment on other threads, consider your views, what you learned from the module, provide suggestions, and/or offer support from your perspective. Saying “I agree” or “I disagree” is not a discussion response. State why you agree or disagree and include your reasons..