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Political Science HOMEWORK

Week 3 Discussion 1


Andrew Tran

Describe political action committees (PACs) and explain their impact on congressional elections.

Political action committees (PACs) are “non-party organizations that solicit voluntary contributions to disburse to political candidates” (Schubert, Dye, Zeigler 2015, p. 176). PACs, formed by various entities such as unions, corporations, and ideological groups, collect voluntary contributions to support political candidates. They play a significant role in campaign financing, with contributions making up a substantial portion of funds for both House and Senate campaigns. PACs offer a more effective way for contributors to support specific causes than individual contributions. They are more accessible to Congress members, with a relatively small number regularly contributing to congressional campaigns. When Democrats control Congress, business PACs distribute their funds evenly between Democrats and Republicans but shift heavily towards the GOP when Republicans are in control. However, labor PACs consistently support Democrats regardless of which party is in power. This system overwhelmingly benefits incumbent officeholders by providing them with financial support and access to funds, making it harder for challengers to compete. Due to this advantage, incumbents are less inclined to change laws regulating PAC contributions. PACs also contribute to officeholders not currently up for election, helping them retire debts or prepare for future campaigns. Additionally, PACs engage in indirect expenditures such as advertisements and endorsements not directly funded by candidates’ campaigns.


Schubert, L., Dye, T. R., & Zeigler, H. (2015). 
The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics (17th ed.). Cengage Learning US.



Patrick Morrissey

Describe political action committees (PACs) and explain their impact on congressional elections.

With how hectic it is to run a campaign and the rising cost of advertising it on the television, political parties find themselves heavily reliant on the support of  political action committees, or “PACs.” “PACs are non-party organizations that solicit voluntary contributions to disburse to political candidates” (Schubert, Dye, & Zeigler, 2015). Contributors are able to donate to these committees to support a specific political cause. They are able to give more money to certain groups depending on their goals for that year or election, but these contributions are not restricted to a single party, enabling donors to support candidates across the board. PACs exhibit a diverse organizational landscape, with various associations and interest groups forming their own committees. While they are prevalent across different sectors, the corporate sector stands out specifically in housing many PACs. “PAC contributions account for nearly half of all House campaign financing and about 25 percent of all Senate campaign financing” (Schubert et al., 2015, p. 176). The accessibility of PACs compared to individual contributors gives a significant advantage for Congress. Instead of reaching out to numerous individual donors, contacting PACs offers an efficient way to gather contributions. Without the backing of these committees, candidates may find themselves at a disadvantage in the competitiveness of political campaigning. 


Schubert, L., Dye, T. R., & Zeigler, H. (2015). The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics (17th ed.). Cengage Learning US. 

Week Three Discussion 2:


Kade Perry

The president sits as the leader of the executive branch. A branch made up of the commander in chief and his advisors. For domestic affairs the executive branch is responsible to recommend bills to congress to vote on, give the state of the union, and Veto incoming bills from congress. When it comes to foreign affairs the president has the authority to create the US foreign policy. This includes the ability to make and sign treaties with foreign countries. Another use of the presidents powers is to send and receive ambassadors to various countries around the world to help build relationships. One of the presidents greatest powers both foreign and domestic is their ability to use military force. The president is the commander in chief of all the branches of the military and he can direct them as he pleases. While he is unable to declare war the president still has the ability to use his armed forces for up to 60 days in any conflict without congressional oversight. this is due to the War Powers Act of 1973. Another domestic power the president has is the ability to pardon people for their crimes. Any crime committed during the presidency can be pardoned by the president. 



Schubert, L., Dye, T. R., & Zeigler, H. (2015). 
The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics (17th ed.). Cengage Learning U.S. 

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