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Public Speaking Touchstone 4
Persuasive Speech Outline Template
*As you build your outline, think of an effective way to incorporate at least
visual aid that will be relevant to your purpose and message and will enhance your speech, whether that is in the introduction, the body, the conclusion, or even in a transition.
I. Introduction:
The introduction should get the audience’s attention, describe the topic, state the thesis or key message, and give an overview of the speech and its main points.
A. Attention-Getter:
B. Topic:
C. Thesis:
D. Overview:
This transition statement should lead your audience between the introduction to the first main point.
A. Transition Statement:
B. Visual Aid (Optional):
II. Body:
The body should take up about three-quarters of your speech time since this is where you will detail your main points. Each main point should include compelling, supporting evidence. Remember that you need to include at least one visual aid to enhance your speech.
A. Main Point 1:
1. Use of Appeals (Ethos, Pathos, and/or Logos):
2. Dismiss Opposing Arguments (Optional):
3. Visual Aid (Optional):
This transition statement should lead your audience between the first main point to the second main point.
A. Transition Statement:
B. Visual Aid (Optional):
B. Main Point 2:
1. Use of Appeals (Ethos, Pathos, and/or Logos):
2. Dismiss Opposing Arguments (Optional):
3. Visual Aid (Optional):
This transition statement should lead your audience between the second main point to the third main point.
A. Transition Statement:
B. Visual Aid (Optional):
C. Main Point 3:
1. Use of Appeals (Ethos, Pathos, and/or Logos):
2. Dismiss Opposing Arguments (Optional):
3. Visual Aid (Optional):
This transition statement should lead your audience between the third main point to the fourth main point or conclusion.
A. Transition Statement:
B. Visual Aid (Optional):
D. Main Point 4 (Optional):
1. Use of Appeals (Ethos, Pathos, and/or Logos):
2. Dismiss Opposing Arguments (Optional):
3. Visual Aid (Optional):
This transition statement should lead your audience between the fourth main point to the conclusion.
A. Transition Statement:
B. Visual Aid (Optional):
III. Conclusion:
The conclusion should summarize the main points, repeat your thesis, and end with something memorable.
A. Summary of Main Points:
B. Repeat Thesis:
C. Closing Statement:
Include an APA-style reference list of sources you have used to prepare your speech.