Read chapter 10 and answer the following questions (I will send link for the textbook)
1. Other agents that can case possible gene mutations are drugs, increased body temperature, chemicals, and viruses.
2. A certain number of spontaneous mutations occur in every generation.
3. The gonads of the individual may have been exposed to ionizing radiation.
4. Mutations may not occur in successive generations because of limited life span, small number of offspring, and the unlikelihood of two recessive genes.
5. No threshold apparently exists below which no genetic mutations occur.
6. The increase in society’s mobility, number of marriages per person, and crossing of socioeconomic backgrounds increases the probability of recessive genes manifesting themselves in future generations.
7. Radiation-induced mutations cannot be distinguished from mutations caused by other mutagens.
8. Explain how you feel about entering a profession that utilizes radiation.
9. In at least 200 words, discussing topics on how to protect patients and radiographers from radiation exposure.
All writing assignments must be uploaded as Word documents, which you can access through your Microsoft 365 account, in the following format:
12-point Times New Roman font
Double spacing
No Header – do not put your name on it. (Some instructors grade in Anonymous mode.)
Title: Chapter(s) ____ Homework Assignment
Use complete sentences in proper paragraph form.
Use your own words! Do not copy anything from the textbook, the internet or Quizlet; just put it in your own words as you understand it. Copying from the textbook, other students, PowerPoint presentations, closed-captioning transcripts, websites (even Quizlet), or other materials is not allowed and is considered plagiarism. It is also considered plagiarism if you submit the same work from previous attempts at this course! Students who violate this policy will receive a 0% for any plagiarized assignment and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary actions and will receive a grade of F for the course.