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Unit 3.1 DB: Social Class & Internalized Messages 2 responses

1.  While the poor are often portrayed as those who lack resources or may be seen as dependent on social assistance programs, I definitely grew up in a low-income household where we struggled with a lot of things like financial hardships and my parents being concerned what we would have for supper for that night no matter how hard they worked. The way that I see the middle class is a sense of stability with moderate financial comfort, meaning they aren’t struggling to get by but they do not neccessarily have the finances to buy extravegant things. This is not to say that they are not just as hardworking, if not more in some cases, in order to strive for upwards mobility. I’m not afraid to say that I see wealthy people as privileged in most cases, for they have access to things that not everyone does like a better education, luxury, and bigger opportunities for life growth. Stereotypical messages were definitely provided to me as well as other people throughout media, cultural narratives, and personal experiences, giving the viewer direction of self-worth based on their class. Of course, when we teach our children things such as what the “American Dream” is, that narrative reinforces the idea that the middle class success is attainable through education and hard work. Ultimately, various media, social circles, and exposure to affluent lifestyles all have a big contribution to the way that these messages shape my perception through portrayals of all three classes in things like movies as well as the news. “Class position involves one’s relationship to the economic structure, which varies between countries and regions. This relationship includes the nature and relative self-direction of one’s labor. (Ehrenreich, 1989, 2009; as cited in McGoldrick, Garcia, & Carter, 2016) Human services professionals must recognize that poverty is multifaceted, and individuals experiencing poverty have diverse needs. Empathy, understanding, and advocacy are crucial in supporting them. Professionals working with the middle class should understand their unique challenges. Balancing work, family, and financial responsibilities can be stressful. Human Service professionals also need to recognize that wealth doesn’t guarantee happiness or well-being. The wealthy may face unique challenges related to family dynamics, mental health, and social isolation. Cultivating empathy and addressing their needs without judgment is crucial. Physical image, family size, identity, values, aspirations, home life, and marital status intersect with these messages. We must approach each individual holistically, considering their context and unique experiences. Avoiding assumptions and promoting inclusivity is vital in providing effective support across all socioeconomic backgrounds.  

2. Messages I’ve internalized about the poor are “If they want to have more or do better, they will’” or “They are looking for handouts.” Hearing these things before learning the effects of poverty, and being born in those communities, I felt the working, middle-class, and wealthy were a group of people who decided they would put in the work to have everything they wanted and needed. Furstenberg (2007) reports, however, that teen parenthood itself contributes less to the intergenerational transmission of poverty than does living in poor neighborhoods, without access to resources and information available elsewhere (McGoldrick et al., 2016). While in low-income, poor communities teen mom pregnancies are at higher rates, this doesn’t impact why many families have limited access to quality healthcare, educational institutions, and homeownership programs.

I learned these messages as I got older more so in school, through the media, from individuals who are working middle class, that outwardly shouted their frustration about their tax dollars being used to help the poor. I was easy to influence when I was younger. I also grew up in a single-parent household myself. So I was able to see my Mother provide for seven kids. We always had the necessities, food, clothing, and shelter. I don’t think I necessarily looked down on anyone with less than our family, but I do have to admit I did have the mindset, why can’t they put in the work?

These messages have shaped me to realize I can still have biases at times. It also has helped me to realize that working with any population, get rid of any assumptions mentally. Research the demographic I will be working for before working with them, so I can be aware and better educated about some of the challenges that plight them. It is my job to research to serve efficiently whoever I am connected to.

 Question: do you feel guilty, about any messages you’ve heard and believed before getting the proper education about the group you are assigned to?

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