Create a 8-10 page Powerpoint presentation that examines the variety of ways in which the HS/OT (hitherto, ‘the Bible’) ‘informs and forms’ Jewish and Christian communities. By presenting the results of your first assignment (The Bible in Jewish and Christian Communities/Life), you will become familiar with the various ways in which the Bible functions, ways in which it is used and celebrated, studied and preached; and how it is a source for the life and faith, spirituality and morality/ethics of the communities.
Please do some research and write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper on the challenges of wireless content delivery and its implications for sports broadcasting rights fees. You must provide a minimum of
Please do some research and write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper on the challenges of wireless content delivery and its implications for sports broadcasting rights fees. You must provide a minimum of three (3) scholarly sources and text citations to support your work for this week’s assignment.