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Week 2 replies

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Replies (100 words minimum, per reply) (1 source, per reply Sited in APA format)


Yinezca Hernandez

Mar 21, 2024Mar 21 at 9:08pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Key Term 
and Why You Are Interested in It (100 words minimum)

I am interested in conducting further research on globalization because of its profound impact on the modern world. Globalization influences economies, cultures, and societies, shaping how people interact, and businesses operate globally. As an international business student, understanding globalization is crucial for comprehending the interconnected nature of the global economy and the challenges and opportunities it presents. Globalization has opened new markets, increased commerce and investment, and facilitated cross-border technology and knowledge exchanges. These advancements have helped to boost global economic growth, productivity, and job creation. Moreover, studying globalization allows me to explore how countries and regions are interconnected, leading to a deeper understanding of global issues such as inequality, sustainability, and economic development.

Explanation of the Key Term 
(100 words minimum)

Globalization is a multifaceted process transcending traditional boundaries and integrating economies, cultures, and societies worldwide. It reflects increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries, driven by advancements in communication, transportation, and technology. This manifests in expanding international trade, capital, and labor flow across borders and the diffusion of ideas. Liberalization of trade and investment policies and technological innovations like the internet have accelerated globalization. While it offers new markets and economic growth opportunities, globalization raises concerns about inequality, cultural homogenization, and environmental sustainability. Understanding globalization is crucial for navigating the modern global economy’s complexities and addressing associated social, economic, and ecological challenges.

 Major Article Summary 
(200 words minimum)

Title: “Globalization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”

Summary: The article discusses globalization’s multifaceted nature, highlighting its positive impacts, such as economic growth and poverty reduction, alongside negative aspects, like increased inequality and environmental degradation. It emphasizes the importance of understanding globalization’s complexities, including its historical roots and evolving definitions, to effectively navigate its challenges and opportunities.

Title: “Globalization in the 21st Century: Trends and Implications”

Summary: This article explores the evolving nature of globalization in the 21st century, highlighting key trends and their implications. It discusses how technological advancements, particularly communication and transportation, have accelerated global interconnectedness. The article also examines the shift towards digital globalization, characterized by the rise of e-commerce and digital platforms. It concludes by emphasizing the need for policymakers and businesses to adapt to these trends to harness the benefits of globalization while addressing its challenges, such as income inequality and environmental sustainability.

Title: “The Impact of Globalization on Developing Economies”

Summary: This article focuses on the impact of globalization on developing economies, highlighting both positive and negative effects. It discusses how globalization has facilitated access to global markets, leading to economic growth and poverty reduction in many developing countries. However, it also explores the challenges these economies face, such as the risk of marginalization in the global economy and environmental degradation. The article concludes by suggesting policy measures to ensure that globalization benefits all segments of society in developing economies.

4.   Discussion

a. The cited work “Globalization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” relates to my explanation of globalization by highlighting its complexities and mixed outcomes. It reinforces that globalization has positive and negative impacts, such as economic growth and inequality. This work extends my understanding by emphasizing the need to critically analyze globalization’s effects, considering historical contexts and evolving definitions. Specifically, it relates to the assigned module by exploring the challenges of being a Christian in demanding business environments, where ethical considerations related to globalization, such as inequality and environmental degradation, are crucial.

b. “Globalization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” is related to the other two works I researched in several ways. Firstly, it complements “Globalization in the 21st Century: Trends and Implications” by providing a nuanced view of globalization’s impacts, aligning with the discussion on the need for policymakers and businesses to adapt to trends. Secondly, it connects to “The Impact of Globalization on Developing Economies” by acknowledging both globalization’s positive and negative effects on developing countries, echoing the need for policy measures to ensure inclusive benefits. Overall, these works form a coherent narrative on the multifaceted nature of globalization and its implications across different contexts.

5. References

Egwemi, V. The Impact of Globalization on Developing Economies.

Gomułka, S. (2017). The Global Economy in the 21st Century: Will the Trends of the 20th Century Continue?. 
Central European Economic Journal
2(49), 62-72.

Marginson, S. (2021). Globalisation: The good, the bad and the ugly. 
Keynote for centre for global HE 2021


Elizabeth Caruso

Mar 24, 2024Mar 24 at 12:03pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Knowledge, Skills & Attributes (KSAs)

Key Term and Why You Are Interested in It

I am interested in researching KSAs because the textbook implies that KSAs are needed to be successful (Satterlee, 2023).  KSAs are an essential part of any position one holds, and I first encountered the KSA terminology when a conflict at work occurred due to insubordination.  One of my employees was intolerable and I finally had to document the situation, concerns and how best to move on from the issues.

The employee rebutted my assessment and wrote a lengthy response as to my method of handling the situation.  What stood out most to me was she highlighted the KSAs that she provided to the organization.  Through my education related to non-profit management, I did not recall coming across the KSA term.  I wondered if it was one of the token acronyms that was new to that generation or new to people that were more up to date on the language of business.  I wanted to learn more.

Explanation of the Key Term

KSA is made up of three areas: knowledge, skills, and attributes.  All three areas should ensure a well-rounded/developed employee in the specific area in which they are employed.  It is important to touch on each area. 

Knowledge is the specific information that an employee will hold in a particular area of study (Satterlee, 2023).  Let us consider a doctor who will have knowledge in their specific area of expertise.  For example, a cardiologist will have knowledge of the human body but will further examine and learn about the heart.  The cardiologist will learn about the heart as to how it works and the health complications surrounding the heart so they can be an expert in that field. 

Skills are measurable and more defined (Satterlee, 2023).  Skills for a cardiologist may be their expertise in using machines that measure heart rates and abnormal beats of the heart.  Other skills may be familiarization with medications that treat the heart.  Also included may be surgery methods that help cure heart disease or other heart health issues.

Attributes cannot be learned or taught but are unique to the employee’s experiences with learning and personality traits (Satterlee, 2023).  These are the special qualities that an employee will have that set them apart from other employees.  How one treats a person, the bedside manner or communication of a doctor for example and writing effectively are attributes.

Major Article Summary

The article I selected discusses KSA requirements for teamwork. The authors examined teamwork KSAs related to interpersonal and self-management KSAs specifically.  What I found interesting was that the article goes on to discuss subgroups of these two areas.  The groups were dissected further into multiple subgroups. 

The purpose of the all the subgroups was to keep chipping away at the importance of the knowledge, skills and attributes needed for teamwork.  Teamwork and those KSAs that defined the term was intriguing because to be successful in any position, one must be able to work with colleagues, business associates and all stakeholders.

When looking closer at the primary areas highlighted, the article noted that resolving conflict, problem solving in a collaborative environment, and communication were the subgroups under interpersonal (Stevens & Campion, 1994).  Two subsets were determined under self-management, and they were setting goals/managing performance and coordinating the planning of tasks (Stevens & Campion, 1994).

The primary goal of the article was to determine KSAs related to teamwork specifically.  The research conducted in the article took many samples of past research to pull together the knowledge, skills and attributes required for successfully being a member of a team and working collaboratively.

The authors referred to the subsets as KSAs and did not further break down knowledge, skills or attributes of each one.  For example, when looking at KSAs related to interpersonal, the author referred to Conflict Resolution KSAs or Communication KSAs.  The KSAs stood on their own as one topic combined with the knowledge, skills and attributes summarized as a whole and not in parts.  Areas of Conflict Resolution were discussed and then the knowledge, skills and attributes were broken down further.

I found the article to be very descriptive and focused when explaining how to utilize KSAs when examining a specific area of business such as teamwork.  This would be helpful when explaining to employees the knowledge, skills and attributes required to be successful in a team environment.


How the cited work relates to your above explanation AND how it relates specifically to the content of the assigned module. 

The cited work relates to my explanation because KSAs are necessary to be successful.  The article discussed the importance of obtaining knowledge, skills, and attributes specific to the subsets that were defined for teamwork success.  For example, conflict resolution as a subset was explained.  One must have a knowledge of what conflict resolution is, must maintain/learn skills to handle conflict and then finally what attributes/personality can you develop to handle conflict issues. 

The assigned module highlighted the importance of KSAs and provided information on how to obtain KSAs through education and experience.  The article highlighted Human Resources and the importance of teamwork education in that field of study.  Aside from that field of study though, teamwork and the KSAs mentioned are necessary for any professional that works with colleagues and stakeholders.

How the cited work relates to the other 2 works you researched. 

The cited work relates to the other articles by detailing the importance of KSAs.  As mentioned previously, the article selected gave specific details of how to segment KSAs when looking at a specific area such as teamwork.  By segmenting the area further, one can hone in on those areas/needs that will make an employee successful.

The other two works discussed KSAs.  One article described KSAs and how they relate to human capital theory which is how KSAs can derive economic value to the company (Liu & Liu, 2021).  Knowledge, skills and attributes in a particular field of study are necessary to help with the success of the company.  All employees want their employees to have the competence required to be a successful employee. 

The second article describes the KSAs necessary to be employed.  The article discussed the aggressive job market and the importance of candidates having the right KSAs to stand out above the crowd (Abbas & Sagsan, 2020).


Abbas, J., & Sagsan, M. (2020). Identification of key employability attributes and evaluation of university graduates’ performance: Instrument development and validation.
 Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 10(3), 449-466. 

to an external site.

Liu, M., & Liu, N. (2021). Impact of human capital strategies on employee attitudes and behavior: A view of internal and external labor markets.
 International Journal of Manpower, 42(5), 756-776. 

to an external site.

Satterlee, B. (2023). International Business with Biblical Worldview. (2nd ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN-13: 978-1-264-55516-1.


Stevens, M. J., & Campion, M. A. (1994). The knowledge, skill, and ability requirements for teamwork: implications for human resource management. 
Journal of Management
20(2), 503+. 

to an external site.


Tiffany Reynolds

Mar 24, 2024Mar 24 at 9:54pm

Manage Discussion Entry

                  The role of gender is the key term that interests me the most in these two chapters. It is very interesting to see how women are treated in different cultures. I have had so many times when I have felt that I have not been treated equally to a male counterpart. I would like to know more about how women are treated in different societies. One of my passions is the fair and equal treatment of all people, in the workplace and in life in general. The biggest role of gender I have seen is when women are not treated equally and are seen as less than a man.

                  Satterlee tells us that cultural attitudes differ in terms of how the role of gender affects a person’s role in society (2023). This role in society determines what is seen as normal for the different genders. Having norms makes those who do not fit into the norm, feel abnormal. Having norms also allows people to treat other people in certain ways based on the norm for their gender. The essentials relevant to understanding this would be to understand the basics of gender and to understand why society puts roles on each gender. Another essential element to this is to understand how these gender norms are started. To be able to change gender norms for the future, the past must be understood as well.

                  The article I chose discusses why men need and are needed for the gender equality issue to progress. The article discusses the challenges that are slowing or stopping the process of gender equality (Van Laar et al., 2024). It points out that most gender equality work has been focused on removing barriers for females (Van Laar et al., 2024). Three main points are discussed in the article on things that should be addressed to further advance gender equality (Van Laar et al., 2024).

The first point that is discussed is that the man’s privileged status could potentially be threatened by gender equality (Van Laar et al., 2024). The second point is that men are also restricted due to the gender norms for their gender (Van Laar et al., 2024). This second point is also addressing men’s physical and mental health and their engagement at work and at home (Van Laar et al., 2024). The last point is a review of men as allies and help in the fight for gender equality (Van Laar et al., 2024). The conclusion is recommendations for work organizations, educational institutions, and society to include men in the fight for social change (Van Laar et al., 2024).

I am very interested in the role of gender in society and at work. This article brings up a very good point in addressing the male role in this problem. It was very eye-opening to read this article and see it from this viewpoint. I like to think I am open and willing to learn. I feel this helped me to be open to this issue and see it from the male viewpoint. It is important for us to understand that men have been raised the way that they have and that more focus needs to be brought on that aspect of gender inequality. Also, men are at a disadvantage when they show sides of themselves that are seen as feminine, such as having emotions or parenting.

The article from Cislaghi and Leise discusses changing social norms to change gender norms (2019). The social norms and gender norms have similarities and differences and that is addressed in this article. The article discusses the history of these norms and how things came to be the way they currently are today. The social and gender norms of today affect people’s actions without them fully being aware of this as it is ingrained in them. An article by Moskos in 2020 addresses the limited amount of men moving into typically female occupations and how this is a barrier to gender equality. In order for women to be seen as equal in a historically male role, men need to be seen just as equal in a historically female role.



Cislaghi, B. and Heise, L. (2020), Gender norms and social norms: differences, similarities and why they matter in prevention science. Sociol Health Illn, 42: 407-422. 

to an external site.

Moskos M.  (2020). Why is the gender revolution uneven and stalled? Gender essentialism and men’s movement into ‘women’s work’. 
Gender Work Organ.  27: 527–544. 

to an external site.

Satterlee, B.C., (2024). International Business with Biblical Worldview, Second Edition.

Van Laar , C. , Aster, V.M., Natasza, K.B., Renata, K., Katharina, B., (2024).MANdatory – why men need (and are needed for) gender equality progress, Frontiers in Psychology VOLUME=15


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