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focusing on couples experiences with rules and roles

How to focus on couple’s experience with rules and roles

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For this assignment, you will apply an EFT lens to examine a case scenario where the rules have changed in a relationship. You will consider how EFT could be integrated into a case to best approach a presenting problem (rule or role change). This paper includes three parts.  

Part 1 – The Relationship

You will create a scenario of clients that are coming in for relationship counseling because of a major shift in role or rule changes. Pick one of the following scenarios to create a case for your paper:

· A couple that has been together a while and had specific gender roles that were agreed upon; however, one partner feels a need to shift these.

· Partners where one person is seeking sexual experiences that the other partner is uncomfortable with.

· When a person in a couple relationship “comes out” as a sexual or gender minority.

· When a couple (or one person in a couple) decides that they need to separate or get a divorce.

· When there is a break in trust in relationships (e.g., infidelity).

· When one, or more than one, partner feels stuck in roles defined by the extended family culture or spiritual background.  

The first part of your paper will be a case conceptualization of your fictional case. You will expand on the chosen scenario that you picked, be creative. Your case conceptualization (1-2 pages) should include:

1. A clear description of the presenting problem.

2. Background of the clients (e.g., important or notable aspects of what they bring with them, could include age, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, culture, mental health background, physical health background, etc.).

3. A discussion of the systemic elements you see within the relationship (e.g., what are their patterns of interaction).

4. The strengths that you see in the couple and the individual.

5. An EFT therapeutic goal for the partners. 

Part 2 – Model Description and Application

Write a 1 to 2-page description of the EFT model and how it can be applied to relationship work.

Part 3 – Interventions

Write a 1 to 2-page summary of the major EFT interventions that you might apply to working with your fictional case and your reflections on applying the model to this case.

Length: 4-6 pages

References: Include a minimum of 4 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.


Choosing Love Over Tradition: Lived Experiences of Asian Indian Marriages

Cardona, B., Bedi, R. P., & Crookston, B.J. (2019). Choosing love over tradition: Lived experiences of Asian Indian marriages.
 The Family Journal, 27(3), 278-286.

This article examines culture as a mitigating factor in establishing rules within the relationship.


Couples Boundaries: Rigid, Permeable and Transparent

Couples boundaries: Rigid, permeable and transparent.
(2017). Anonymous. Milton H. Erickson Foundation. .

An hour-long video that discusses boundaries in relationships and sex therapy.


Experiences of Transgender Couples Navigating one Partner’s Transition: Love is Gender Blind

Motter, B. L., & Softas-Nall, L. (2021). Experiences of transgender couples navigating one partner’s transition: Love is gender blind. 
The Family Journal, 29(1), 60-71.

A qualitative study about how the rules and experiences can change in relationships.


Therapeutic Intervention for Couples Experiencing Infertility: An Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Approach

Brigance, C. A., Brown, E. C., & Cottone, R. R. (2021). Therapeutic intervention for couples experiencing infertility: An emotionally focused couples therapy approach. 
The Family Journal, 29(1),72-79.

This article shares specifics about EFT and how EFT could be applied when working with couples experiencing infertility.


The use of Emotionally Focused Therapy with Separated or Divorced Couples

Allan, R. (2016). The use of Emotionally Focused Therapy with separated or divorced couples. 
Canadian Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy, 50, S62–S79.

Researchers explore how to apply EFT to divorced or separated couples. This article presents EFT techniques and the importance of healing injuries for the sake of the children involved.


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