rior to beginning work on this discussion, please read Chapter 1 of the
Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health textbook, review
Social Determinants of Health
Links to an external site.
How Your Biology Affects Your Health: Crash Course Public Health #2
Links to an external site.
videos. Also, review the
Collective Action to End Health Disparities
Links to an external site.
Using the following blank grid, list one determinant for each level. An example grid is also shown. You cannot duplicate the determinant sequence or story content listed in the example. To be eligible for full credit, you must not repeat factors that have already been mentioned in prior student postings. In this way, it is somewhat like a competition, as those who post early have the broadest selection of factors.
Individual |
Household |
Community |
National |
International |
Example: Age |
Example: Number of Members |
Example: Status of women in the community |
Example: Unemployment levels |
Example: Terms of trade |
Below is a blank grid to copy and paste into your discussion posting.
Individual |
Household |
Community |
National |
International |
Once you have completed your grid and placed it within your posting, use the space under the grid to explain how each factor could connect to others.
Using the preceding example grid, the example explanation could look like the following:
Due to having multiple children at a young age (AGE), the mother became a stay-at-home parent and was unable to complete her education and thus found it difficult to find full-time employment (STATUS OF WOMEN IN THE COMMUNITY and UNEMPLOYEMENT). Due to the mother’s unemployment, she was forced to move back into her parents’ apartment, which caused overcrowding and financial stress (NUMBER of MEMBERS). To contribute to the household income, the mother chose to work in an undocumented textiles factory, which paid her below minimum wage but allowed her to remain on Medicaid and other government assistance programs (TERMS OF TRADE).
Be creative with your selections. You might think it is amazing how easily you can create a fictitious narrative around social and biological disparities just because they have become so commonplace in many of your personal interactions.