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Discussion Replies


Pamela Alejandre

May 6, 2024, 3:25 PM


Happy Monday, Professor and Class, 


Inflation is a powerful economic force that significantly impacts the global economy, and the United States is not immune to its effects. As prices of goods and services continue to rise without a corresponding increase in wages, people are finding it hard to make ends meet. This means that the cost of living has become increasingly challenging for many, and it is not vastly different from what it was ten years ago. 


However, the impact of inflation extends beyond economics; it permeates into the political sphere. Politicians, often driven by self-interest, tend to prioritize their own wealth over programs and services that could assist those in need. This self-serving behavior not only exacerbates the disparity between the wealthy and the poor but also widens the income gap, creating a more divided society.


The structure of capitalism, while fostering competition and innovation, also allows for unchecked earning and pricing of products. This, in turn, can intensify the wage and income gap, making it increasingly challenging for those at the bottom of the economic ladder to improve their circumstances. In essence, the very system that promises economic mobility can hinder it.


In conclusion, inflation is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to addressing its impact on the United States economy and politics.




Cynthia Chavez

May 6, 2024, 4:26 PM


A couple of examples that are affecting the U.S. economy are technological advancements and globalization. Technological advancements affects us because they are quicker to influence the productivity and job market that we have. Globalization increases the US trade and labor markets. They affect my personal life because when it comes to technology at any given time my position that i work at can be taken over by an advancement that has been made for this title. Globalization affects my life because when there is issues with trades and our labor market that typically means that there is an increase in our costs. 

The tax system is an example of political and economic structure that we have in the US. We are taxed on everything that we do. We get taxed on our paychecks, only to be taxed again at the end of the year, as well as taxed on the day to day items that we use. There are taxes in everything that we do. Each time that things change prices go up and then we have higher taxes. Sometimes our income does not change and so we have to change our budgeting to fit what is required of us. The decisions of our taxes are made from various factors including political ideologies. The debates over tax rates and deductions is a never ending battle.

Tara Salvaggio

May 6, 2024, 5:53 PM


Professor and class, 


There are many global forces that are affected the U.S. economy and politics. Inflation is one of them and has affected many individuals across the U.S., causing instability. The demand for products and services has increased, leading to individuals paying more. A low consumer price index (CPI) helps the economy stay at a beneficial and affordable rate. As prices go up, it makes it harder to provide and survive, especially those who are lower class. Examples of political and economic structures include market and command. Both are certainly influenced by the government. This can cause a challenging effort to provide for yourself and your family. 

Ashley Randolph

May 7, 2024, 8:08 AM


Global forces have a significant impact on the United States’ economy and politics via channels such as international trade, global financial markets, technological breakthroughs, international conflicts, and environmental issues. Trade agreements and tariffs, for example, can have a direct impact on economic growth and job creation in the United States, as well as the cost of goods and services. Similarly, worldwide financial market volatility can have an impact on American investments and job security, whereas international conflicts alter US foreign policy and defense spending, potentially influencing oil prices and immigration trends. Technological advancements and environmental challenges such as climate change need national solutions that are integrated with global efforts, which have an impact on US economic and regulatory frameworks. In my own life, these forces shape employment opportunities, the cost of living, and overall lifestyle. For example, changes in tariffs could raise prices on imported electronics, affecting my budget, while global financial shifts could influence my job security or investments. Moreover, domestic policies like the U.S. federal tax system directly impact my personal income, spending power, and access to quality public services. These examples demonstrate how closely intertwined my daily life and broader international and national policies can be.

Cynthia Chavez

May 6, 2024, 4:42 PM


That show does not depict a typical American family. They have money that they can use to buy whatever they want, regardless of the cost. They have the ability to do what they want without the worry of having enough money to get them through the week. They do not have to worry about many things that typical American families do because they can afford what we want and more. The American family today has greatly reduced because more people today are choosing to not have children. They prefer pets. Marriage still occurs but some people are taking another route by staying single. The typical American family is a single person with a pet. Historically it has been set that American families consist of a mother and father with however many kids they decide. Back then the men worked and the women stayed home to care for the children and the home. These days women work as much as men and they have to find sitters to care for their kids if they even decide to have them. I do not know if what we assume is the typical American family exist anymore. Our families are made from what we think fits our mold. I think it is great. Religion and education are having impacts on families still and i think that they always will. There is more of an exception of the families that we are choosing. However we decide. I am a spiritual person, more than a religious person. I believe in God and the strength of faith. I do not however attend church as much as i should, but i also do not think that my relationship with god is defined in the place that i choose to recognize him. 

Pamela Alejandre

May 6, 2024, 4:52 PM


Reality shows often struggle to portray a typical American family, and this is especially true for Gene Simmons’ family, given their fame and wealth. As for the state of the American family today, Pew Research Center (2015) reports a decline in two-parent households and smaller family sizes. Various historical events have shaped the American family. Declines in fertility have resulted in smaller family sizes. The change in the workplace has created more opportunities for women to become the breadwinners of their households, which is likely to continue in the future. Education will play a significant role in the future of U.S. families. In today’s workforce, a degree is necessary for a well-paying job and career advancement. Depending on how they raise their children, religious beliefs and practices will vary among families.



Pew Research Center, 2015. 


Annastasia Ellies

May 6, 2024, 8:09 AM


The five criteria a researcher should utilize to evaluate how useful a source is are; Relevance, Accuracy, Timeliness, Consistency, and Completeness (Cardon, et al., 2023, pg. 227). Relevance is important as it poses the question of if the data relates to the research that is being conducted. Irrelevant data can lead to inaccurate conclusions. Accuracy is important and having accurate data can lead to the correct findings for the research. In contrast, if methods like data sources are inaccurate, conclusions can lead to incorrect findings. Timeliness is about making sure the data is current and not unusable from being outdated. Consistency makes sure the data is consistent and there are no discrepancies between the sources used by the researcher. Completeness shows that the data has provided complete aspects and supports the research.


Cardon, P, Floyd, K., and Palmer, I. (2023). Managing business communications and change with Connect. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 1264833199

Jeremy Lane

May 6, 2024, 3:35 PM


The following are the five criteria that researchers should utilize to evaluate the usefulness of the data sources. (Cardon, et al. 2023, p. 411-412)


Reliability: reliability in data refers to how dependable the data is; this includes the age of the data and whether the data is still valid or is no longer valuable because it has aged out.


Relevance is a crucial criterion in data evaluation. It refers to the extent to which the data applies to the research. It’s important to note that factual data may only sometimes be relevant to the study.


Adaptability is how and if the data can be modified and address the issue/research being conducted.


Expertise relates to the level of skill and background that goes into the data sources and who has provided the information.


Bias is how the data source has been determined to have an opinion based on one direction.  Data with an overly biased slant should be used sparingly or at all to understand why the data was produced (to keep an understanding of the bias).



Cardon, P., Floyd, K., and Palmer, I. (2023). Managing business communications and change with Connect. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 1264833199


Minal Somne

May 6, 2024, 2:16 PM


While we speak of data, we must remember to be mindful of data integrity. Data integrity is the accuracy, completeness, and quality of data as it’s maintained over time and across formats. Preserving the integrity of your company’s data is a constant process. Threats to data integrity can be human error (like accidentally deleting a row of data in a spreadsheet), collection error (data collected is inaccurate) or cybersecurity/internal privacy breaches.

Have you faced some scary data breach issues?


Annastasia Ellies

May 6, 2024, 8:11 AM


The main steps in creating a routine business message are identifying the purpose, analyzing the audience that will receive the message, choosing the right communication channel, organizing the information, drafting the message after proofreading, and sending the message (Cardon et al., 2023, pg. 152). Ensuring that these steps are taken can deliver the message properly to the recipients. Identifying the purpose of the message conveys the objective that is needed to come across via message. Analyzing the audience is important to know who the message will be tailored to, and how they will best respond and retain the given message. Choosing the right channel of communication is about deciding the best way to deliver the message since it is a business message, it is less likely to need to be sensitive, and thoughtful. Conciseness can make sure that the recipient can understand the message clearly. Organization of the message can prove to be useful as it is easier to understand the message being conveyed. Drafting the message can have the sender of the message make sure that the message is short, easy to understand, and professional in the nosiness setting. Proofreading ensures that there are no grammatical errors or rambling to where the reader will be confused. Then to send the message, it can be through any communication channel the sender has chosen to send to the audience receiving the business message.



Cardon, P, Floyd, K., and Palmer, I. (2023). Managing business communications and change with Connect. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 1264833199

Jeremy Lane

May 6, 2024, 5:23 PM


When creating a routine business message, it is important to remember “AIM” every single time; AIM stands for Audience, Intent, and Message.  The idea is to create a credible message quickly; 5 to 15 minutes is an excellent goal to shoot for.  With routine messages, you should be able to accomplish the message quickly because your audience is known to you, and you have credibility with them, so you don’t have to put a lot of effort into identifying who the audience is.  The following is a breakdown of the steps for routine message development.


Plan: The planning phase includes understanding your audience and their needs. It is very important to ensure you have up-to-date and accurate information.  Then, create the most direct, detailed, and precise message for the audience.


Write: is the next crucial step. It’s important to ensure that your tone aligns with the intended audience.  Use a concise and easy-to-read format, as too many words and over-explaining can dilute the message.  Be careful not to confuse detail with over-explanation; it’s a fine line that can sometimes be blurred.  Finally, formatting is key; use an accurate subject line and paragraph format to break up details and make the message more digestible.


Review:  Routine messages need to be proofread before being sent out, and if you are writing on behalf of a group, feedback should be given to ensure that the message properly speaks on behalf of everyone.  Finally, the FAIR test can help identify that the message sticks to the 
Impacts, and 



Cardon, P, Floyd, K., and Palmer, I. (2023). 
Managing business communications and change with Connect. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 1264833199


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