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Help (Veterinary Research) VET 110

Graded Project – Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technicians

Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx or .doc file format). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to seven days to grade.

Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your student ID number
  • The Title: VET110: Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technician Research Project
  • Your email address

To submit your graded project, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your student portal.
  • Click Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.
  • Find the exam number for your project at the top of the Project Upload page.
  • Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam.

Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school.


As a veterinary technician, you may find yourself using your new skills in a research organization. In this role, you’ll need to understand how to conduct literature research and how to apply the information obtained to solve a medical problem presented. However, even when applying your technical skills in a private veterinary practice, you’ll be presented with many challenging cases that will require you to know how to use basic research and analysis skills. This project is intended for you to learn or strengthen this skill set, demonstrate your command of the course material you’ve just completed, and expand your knowledge base.


This research project contains four parts. You’ll research and write about each of the following topics:

  1. Fluid administration
  2. Emergency care
  3. Wound management
  4. Veterinary periodontics

Although there’s no required minimum or maximum page length, the recommended length is two to three pages per topic. The questions should be thoroughly researched and answered, making sure to avoid straying too far from the stated focus. Use publication search engines such as PubMed to obtain original research papers if you plan to use these to address any of the questions. Consult reliable and up-to-date reference materials as needed and appropriate.

Part 1. Fluid Administration

For Part 1, discuss intravenous fluid administration in a feline patient. Include the following in your research:

  1. What physical exam parameters would you use to assess the hydration status in your patient? Detail the different percentages of dehydration and the signs you see on examination with each one.
  2. Describe the purpose of each phase of fluid therapy for a female feline patient, assuming the following:
    1. The patient isn’t showing any signs of shock.
    2. The cat weighs 8 lbs, is 10 percent dehydrated, and doesn’t have any vomiting or diarrhea.

    Use this information to calculate the fluid rates for each needed phase of fluid therapy for this patient. Be sure to include the formula you’re using and show each step in the calculation of the fluid rates.

  3. How should you monitor the IV fluid therapy in this patient?
  4. Why is it important to monitor patients receiving IV fluid therapy?

Part 2. Emergency Care

For Part 2, explain how to perform CPR on a Labrador retriever in the veterinary clinic. Include the following in your research:

  1. An explanation of what CPR is and its goal
  2. The steps of veterinary CPR and how it’s performed in the veterinary clinic
  3. A discussion of the emergency crash cart and the items that you would use from it during CPR

Part 3. Wound Management

For Part 3, discuss the factors associated with delayed wound healing.

  1. Investigate the primary patient factors and environmental factors that can lead to delayed healing of traumatic wounds in animals.
  2. Choose one patient factor and one environmental factor that contribute to delayed wound healing. Then, discuss the biological basis by which these factors delay wound healing.
  3. For the factors chosen in #2, explain what measures may be taken to limit their impact on wound healing.

Part 4. Veterinary Periodontics

For Part 4, explain why periodontal disease is common in dogs and cats, its main causes, and how some forms of the disease are treated.

  1. What are the steps involved in extraoral and intraoral dental examinations, and what’s the rationale behind doing an extraoral examination to assess dental disease?
  2. Describe the early stages of periodontal disease and its pathogenesis.
  3. What are the materials commonly used for surgical intervention in cases of Grade IV periodontal disease? How do these materials help restore health to the periodontal tissue?
  4. Determine the preventive measures that can be used by clients, and describe how you would educate them in this regard.

Project Specifications

  1. The research paper must be typewritten using a word processing program such as MS Word or equivalent. Use 12-point Times New Roman font and double spacing.
  2. The title page should contain the following information:
    1. The Title: VET110: Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technician Research Project
    2. Your name
    3. Your student number
    4. The date that the project was submitted
  3. The paper should be easy to read with correct spelling, grammar, and sentence and paragraph structure.
  4. The research paper should include at least two references for each part of this project and should follow proper APA formatting. You can use your Penn Foster lessons and the course textbook, but you’ll need to have at least one other outside reference. The information used must be supported by trusted veterinary medical publications and websites (avoid using Wikipedia).
  5. Please be sure to go to the Penn Foster library. It contains many great resources for trusted veterinary publications, as well as information on using APA format for citing references.
  6. Please submit your project as one file.

Grading Criteria

Your instructor will grade your project according to the following guidelines:

Advanced—score of 100%

The paper effectively addresses the purpose of the assignment and the requirements of the prompt.

  • Part 1: Student includes thorough details of physical exam findings related to different stages of dehydration. Shows correct calculations for fluid replacement for the degree of dehydration indicated. Accurately describes the methods and reasons to monitor fluid therapy in an animal.
  • Part 2: Student includes thorough details of technical methods to perform CPR and why it’s performed. Full demonstration of knowledge regarding crash cart components and those used for CPR.
  • Part 3: Student provides an excellent and thorough explanation of several patient (at least 3) and environmental (at least 2) factors that delay wound healing. The student chose one environmental factor and one patient factor to discuss in depth, explaining the biological basis of the effects on wound healing and interventions.
  • Part 4: Student provides excellent and thorough explanation of extraoral and intraoral dental examinations and the rationale for performing them. Systematically details stages, pathogenesis, and surgical intervention for periodontal disease. Fully explains how clients can help prevent periodontal disease in pets.
  • Written: Logical flow of explanations using correct grammar and spelling.

Proficient—score of 85%

The essay adequately addresses the purpose of the assignment and the requirements of the prompt.

  • Part 1: Student provides details for at least 75% of findings normally found on physical exam of a dehydrated animal. Shows correct calculations for fluid replacement for the degree of dehydration indicated. Demonstrates adequate knowledge of the monitoring of fluid therapy.
  • Part 2: Student sufficiently explains the main steps to perform CPR and why it’s performed. Provides at least an overview of crash cart components and those used for CPR.
  • Part 3: Adequate explanation of patient (at least 2) and environmental (at least 1) factors that delay wound healing. One of each of the above factors is identified correctly as leading to delayed wound healing, with explanation of the basis of the effect on wound healing and interventions, but is missing some detail.
  • Part 4: Good explanation of extraoral and intraoral dental examinations and sufficient provision of the rationale for the examinations. Fully explains at least two of the three periodontal disease concepts (pathogenesis, surgery, prevention).
  • Written: Logical flow of explanations with minor errors in grammar and spelling.

Developing—score of 70%

The essay partially addresses the purpose of the assignment and the requirements of the prompt.

  • Part 1: Student details at least 50% of findings normally found on physical exam of a dehydrated animal. Shows correct approach to fluid replacement, although some minor errors in mathematics. Demonstrates basic knowledge of the monitoring of fluid therapy.
  • Part 2: Cursory explanation of CPR steps and reason for its use. Limited explanation of crash cart description and limited accuracy in the components used for CPR.
  • Part 3: Limited explanation of patient (only 1) and environmental (1) factors that delay wound healing. One of each of the above factors is identified as leading to delayed wound healing, but with insufficient explanation of the basis of the effect on wound healing.
  • Part 4: Brief explanation of extraoral and intraoral dental examination with limited accuracy regarding the rationale for exams. Fully explains at least two of the three periodontal disease concepts (pathogenesis, surgery, prevention).
  • Written: Some disconnection in flow of written thoughts and details, and minor grammatical and spelling errors.

Emerging—score of 60%

The essay minimally addresses the purpose of the assignment and the requirements of the prompt.

  • Part 1: Student provides limited detail regarding the findings normally found on physical exam of a dehydrated animal. Student doesn’t sufficiently demonstrate knowledge of the correct approach to calculate fluid replacement levels. Insufficient explanation of methods and reasons for fluid therapy.
  • Part 2: Limited explanation of CPR steps and inability to explain when to use CPR. Use and description of crash carts is lacking, without sufficient mention of components used for CPR.
  • Part 3: Insufficient explanation of patient and environmental factors that delay wound healing. Limited mention of the biological basis of factors causing delayed wound healing.
  • Part 4: Limited explanation of extraoral and intraoral dental examination without mention of rationale. Fully explains at least one of the three periodontal disease concepts (pathogenesis, surgery, prevention).
  • Written: Disconnected thoughts, limited details in information, numerous grammatical and spelling errors.

Not Developed—50%

The essay doesn’t address the purpose of the assignment or the requirements of the prompt.

  • Part 1: No correct detail regarding physical exam findings in dehydrated animals. Errors in fluid replacement calculations. Little to no demonstration of knowledge of methods and reasons for fluid therapy.
  • Part 2: Limited to no explanation of CPR steps and reasons for its use. Incomplete descriptions regarding crash carts and no mention of components used in CPR.
  • Part 3: Little to no discussion of factors leading to delayed wound healing or the basis of the effects on wound healing.
  • Part 4: Very limited mention of extraoral and intraoral dental examination, without discussion on rationale. Lack of information provided regarding periodontal disease concepts.
  • Written: Disconnected thoughts, severe lack of detail with numerous grammatical and spelling errors.

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