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Psychology Unit 5 Assignment: Running and Interpreting a Correlation Using Excelv

PSY341 – Research Methods in the
Social Sciences

Unit 5 Assignment: Running and Interpreting a Correlation Using Excel

Points: 100


For this assignment, you will apply your knowledge of correlational research by running
a correlation statistic (Pearson r) using a sample data set.

Directions for Enabling Data Analysis ToolPak.

See instructions for Downloading Microsoft Office provided in Unit 4. You will need to
use the Data Analysis ToolPak feature within Excel to run the correlation. This is an
add-on feature for Excel that you need to enable manually. To enable the ToolPak,
follow the instructions below:

• Go to EXCEL

• Click on File

• Click on Options

• Click on Add-Ins

• Click on Analysis ToolPak

• Click Go

• Check Analysis ToolPak

• Click OK

• Data Analysis should appear on the upper right of your toolbar.


The Psychology 101 instructor is interested in determining if there is a correlation
(relationship) between hours spent studying and grades on the midterm exam. They
collect data from all 25 of their PSY101 students. Students were asked to indicate on a
survey the number of hours spent studying for the midterm exam as well as their exam
score. The data collected from students is listed below:

Hours Spent Studying Midterm Exam Score
0 59
0 49
0 39
0 47
0 45
1 61
1 79
1 63
1 67
1 72
2 87
2 84
2 86
2 88
2 85
3 92
3 94
3 91
3 92
3 91
4 100
4 100
4 100
4 97
4 98

Part A
For the data set above, run a correlation in Excel.
Directions for Running a Correlation in Excel

• Open Excel
• Enter the Data Set Above
• Go to Data
• Go to Data Analysis
• Click on Correlation
• Select your Input Range
• Select Output Range (Select Area of Cells for Graph to Appear)
• Click OK

Review the “Creating a Scatterplot and Running a Pearson r Correlation in Excel”
found in the Unit 5 Readings and Resources on Blackboard.

Then, after the following questions:

1. What is the correlation coefficient between hours spent studying and midterm
exam grades? Provide the Pearson r value. (25 points)

2. Is this a positive or negative correlation? Alternatively, is there no correlation
between variables? Explain your choice. (25 points)

3. Is the correlation between variables weak, moderate, or strong? Explain your
answer, using the chart below to help you. (25 points)

Part B
Graph a scatter plot of the correlation. Add a title and label your Y axis and X axis
describing what the graph is showing. (25 points)

Directions for Graphing a Scatterplot
Review the “Creating a Scatterplot and Running a Pearson r Correlation in Excel” found
in the Unit 5 Readings and Resources on Blackboard.


• Answer all the questions in Part A and Part B.
• Submit a Word document with your answers.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before
you write and again after you write.

© 2022 Post University, Waterbury, CT

Evaluation Rubric for Unit 5 Excel Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs

Proficient Exemplary

0 Points 25 Points
(Pearson r

The correlation
coefficient (Pearson
r statistic) is not
stated OR is stated
but incorrect.

N/A N/A The correlation
coefficient (Pearson
r statistic) is stated
and correct.

0 points 1 – 11 points 12 – 24 points 25 points
Direction of

The direction of the
correlation (positive,
negative, or no
correlation) is not
given nor is it
explained. OR The
direction is given but
the explanation is

The direction of
the correlation
(positive, negative,
or no correlation)
is accurate, but an
explanation is not

The direction of the
(positive, negative,
or no correlation) is
explained and is
accurate, but the
explanation is
somewhat lacking
in detail.

The direction of the
correlation (positive,
negative, or no
correlation) is
explained, and the
explanation is

0 points 1 – 11 points 12 – 24 points 25 points
Strength of

The strength of the
correlation (weak,
moderate, or strong)
is not given nor is it
explained. OR The
strength is given but
the explanation is

The strength of the
correlation (weak,
moderate, or
strong) is accurate,
but an explanation
is not provided.

The strength of the
correlation (weak,
moderate, or
strong) is explained
accurately, but the
explanation is
somewhat lacking
in detail.

The strength of the
correlation (weak,
moderate, or strong)
is thoroughly
explained, and the
explanation is

0 points 1 – 11 points 12 – 24 points 25 points
Graph of

Graph of correlation
is not provided or is
provided but does
not accurately
illustrate the
correlation between
variables and is
missing all important
components such as
a title and labeled

Graph of
correlation is
provided and
illustrates the
between variables.
Graph is missing
most of the
components, such
as a title and
labeled axes.

Graph of
correlation is
provided and
illustrates the
correlation between
variables. Graph is
missing some
components, such
as a title, and/or
labeled axes.

Graph of correlation
is provided and
accurately illustrates
the correlation
between variables.
Graph includes a
title and labeled

  • Overview:
  • Directions for Enabling Data Analysis ToolPak.
  • Instructions:
  • Part A
  • Directions for Running a Correlation in Excel
  • Part B
  • Directions for Graphing a Scatterplot
  • Requirements:
  • Evaluation Rubric for Unit 5 Excel Assignment

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