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PSY 3344 4.2 reply

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Your reply post should read 500 to 600 words and should reference at least one citation from the article the other student read for their initial post. To receive the maximum points, your post should include a reference from all of this week’s readings along with an article other students read.


Analyze another student’s initial post. Examine their application of an article to this week’s discussion topic and compare it to your own application.


· Analyze one student’s initial post. What are one or two major questions you have after reading their post?

· Reread the section(s) of the readings they referenced, as well as the article they cited; then, use these sources to address your question(s)

· Your reply post should follow APA guidelines.

Peer: Ava

To cultivate and maintain cultural humility is a challenge for many reasons. Since cultural humility requires the acknowledgment of power imbalances, those who are in such positions of power are called to relinquish it in order to truly understand other’s experiences. This, in sum, is the idea of what humility is in the cultural context. Weidman et al.(2018) explained the dimensions of humility, as researchers are still unsure of what humility really means. On one hand, it is seen in a positive light, as if to possess it is to be good, in some sense. This idea is named as “appreciative humility,” elicited by success and celebrations of others. Arguably, some research reflects on the darker areas of it questioning if some’s use of it is “self-abasing,” meaning the structure of one’s humility may be associated with dispositions of negative self image, shame, and submissiveness (Weidman et al., 2018).

The majority’s idea behind cultural humility’s difficulties in maintenance is by reason of inherent biases, privilege, change, and societal barriers. This is an argument that is well and good, but lacks a very important detail (Weidman et al., 2018). As mentioned above, humility is seen as a quality to be celebrated. Individual’s who utilize it are then awarded with dwelling in morality’s compass. But are they truly?

Well, this depends. Cultural humility claims to be framed in a positive light, attempting to foster open-mindedness. Possible negative associations with it are submission and passivity. Some people do not maintain cultural humility through this explanation. Are they wrong?

Cultural humility requires individuals in certain privileged positions to engage in self-reflection in order to be able to acknowledge those who are in different situations. The dark connection to this is within the constancy of self reflection, one may feel burnout by the emotionally taxing process (Weidman et al., 2018).

The essence of the practice involves the attempt to create authentic respect of diverse cultures. However, certain fear-mongering messages may result in an individual’s over-fixation to remain out of the “culturally insensitive” spotlight, regardless of their previous biases.

To assess Forbes, this author metaphorically expressed the idealized need for acknowledgement towards the marginalized populations. As he puts it, the greed and exploitation of imperialist societies caused trauma (Forbes 2008). This is similar to the movement that the advocation of cultural humility is trying to forewarn. The book continues to encourage the self reflection, integration of diverse perspectives, and criticism. The truth behind the challenge to cultivate cultural humility may be the tendency, or intention, to elicit self abasement, as well as it may be basic privileged ignorance to societal readjustment.

So, with that, is cultural humility the light or the dark?


Forbes, J. (2008). Columbus and other cannibals: The Wetiko disease of exploitation, imperialism, and terrorism. Seven Stories Press.

Weidman, A. C., Cheng, J. T., & Tracy, J. L. (2018). The psychological structure of humility. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(1), 153.

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