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poster presentation,


In your poster presentation, you have to present a study of any medical or health related topic. This can be pair work or group work.

Your poster should show: 

1: What the study is about (abstract or into).
2: It should show how they conducted the data (this is called methodology).
3: It should show the findings of the study (results)
This is the general overview of any study, and it can have more elements. (for example: complications they faced during this study) 

Useful websites: 

Search: https://scholar.google.com/ 

*You can see examples of poster presentation in the chapter slides. 

The presentation will start from next week. 

Enter your title here – do not capitalize the first letter of each word. Write it as a sentence.
Presenting Author, Co-Author Name, PI Name, Dept. Name, University Name, City, Province/State
Spend the time to create
a summary diagram that
• Briefly introduce your subject
outlines the differences that you have found.
• Provide a brief overview of past research – only what is
It can be done for any research, you just need to take
necessary to understand the poster
the time to think it through.
• What question are you trying to answer and why is it important
(ex. An outstanding question in…)
• Explain what unique group or sample type you examined (ex. We If well done, this could be the best feature of your
examined… )
These can be easily made in a separate PowerPoint file
• What process did you perform and what data did you need to
collect in order to best answer your experimental question (ex. In and added to your poster as an image.
Brief description: Ex. Representative depictions of the three phenotypes. Differences are highlighted in colour with
order to assess this it was necessary to.. i)… ii) …iii)…)
make a great
addition to the Conclusion section
values of change indicated in a corresponding colour.
in your thesis or paper.
Materials and Methods
Results Summary Statement – State your finding from this section
Insert a Diagram or image to help explain your
Use a letter system to label separate panels
Use arrows to direct viewers to important details
• Brief description of the image/diagram contents using the
letters (A) (B) (C) to refer to specific panels.
• Be sure to mention what the arrows are indicating
Brief description: Stay away from using “Figure 1:” type headings as
they take up space and you are unlikely to refer to them in other
sections so it is unnecessary. People will understand the order the
figures are presented in with out it.
Summary statement of this section
Insert a Diagram or image to help explain your methods
Sometimes a brief legend under the image set is sufficient
You will explain this poster so full sentences and long
explanatory sections are not needed
Results Summary Statement – State your finding from this section
Insert an image to visualize
what is being quantified in the
graph to the left
Brief description:
• Add a quick summary of your key findings and what they
suggest (Ex. These findings suggest that…)
• General PowerPoint tips:
• Set the exact size of text boxes in the “Format” tab to keep
things consistent.
• Turn on the guides and smart guides to help you align your
• Hold shift to constrain the dimensions of an object while resizing or creating it from scratch. Works to make perfect
circles, squares or straight lines.
• Hold Control (Ctrl) while selecting items to move or re-size
them together
• Group items to make them easy to move
• Use these keys to work quickly (one hand on the mouse the
other for these actions)
Future Directions
• Describe what the next step will/should be (Ex. These
experiments will be repeated…) What limitations in your data do
you want to overcome in future experiments (Ex. The additional
quantification of or We plan to experiment with various…)
Give a special thanks to those people that deserve it. People
who are not authors but did contribute to your research. (Ex.
Special thanks to …Additional thanks…. Finally, a sincere
thank you to…)
Summary statement of this section
• Where necessary include relevant references2 that people
may want to look up to replicate your work.
Results Summary Statement – State your finding from this section
Results Summary Statement – State your finding from this section
Summary statement of this section
Insert an image to
• Break your methods down into sections to allow your
Insert an image to
visualize what is
visualize what is
audience to quickly scan for useful information, use
being quantified in
being quantified in
the graph to the
the graph to the
summary statements to outline the sections – Do not
write “Data Analysis”, Write a descriptive sentence about
your specific analysis such as “Neuronal Morphology
Brief description: Ex. (A, B) Size was found to be 19% smaller (n=350
was measured using …” Briefly describe your
cells, n=348, n=338, ***p
Purchase answer to see full

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