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basics of sex therapy

How would basics therapy work in a relationship


This week, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that highlights some of the basics of sex therapy. Be sure to gear this presentation toward MFT internship students that are thinking about increasing their skills and understanding of sex therapy.

Be sure to address the following key points in your PowerPoint:

· Describe sex therapy.

· Define at least four sex therapy models or approaches and describe how these can be applied when working with relationships.

· Discuss how one MFT model could address sex therapy.

Note: You have a choice to voice over your presentation, present it in Kaltura, or provide a transcript for the presentation. If you are using Kaltura video please still upload your PowerPoint with the speaker notes

Length: 7-10 slides with speaker notes of 250-300 words per slide

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

When applicable, conduct a Turnitin pre-check and then upload your completed assignment and click the 
Submit to Dropbox button.


A Hold me Tight Workshop for Couple Attachment and Sexual Intimacy

Morgis, B. L., Ewing, E. S. K., Liu, T., Slaughter-Acey, J., Fisher, K., & Jampol, R. (2019). A hold me tight workshop for couple attachment and sexual intimacy. 
Contemporary Family Therapy, 41, 368-383.

This article highlights a form of therapy that allows for a deeper romantic connection for sex therapy.


Erotic Mindfulness: A Core Educational and Therapeutic Strategy in Somatic Sexology Practices

Thouin-Savard, M. I. (2019). Erotic mindfulness: A core educational and therapeutic strategy in Somatic Sexology Practices. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 38(1), 203–219.

This article introduces several different mindfulness approaches that can be integrated into therapy.


Sensate Focus

Hunt, Q. A., & Nelson, M. (2017). Sensate focus. In T. Carlson & S. Dermer (Eds.), 
The Sage Encyclopedia of Marriage, Family, and Couples Counseling (Vol. 4, pp. 1495-1497). SAGE Publications, Inc.

This article offers a clear and concise definition of sensate focus.


A Psychobiosocial Approach to Sex Therapy

McCarthy, B., & Wald, L. M. (2017). A psychobiosocial approach to sex therapy. In Z. D. Peterson (Ed.). 
The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy (pp. 190-201). John Wiley & Sons.

This chapter presents the psychobiosocial approach, which combines the medical approach with the therapeutic approaches to sex therapy.


Kaltura User Guide

National University (2023). 
Kaltura User Guide. Graduate Studies Support Center.

This resource includes instructions for recording and uploading videos into courses using Kaltura.


American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists

American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists.

This site is from an organization that has training and certification for sex therapy.

Optional Resources

The following chapters from

The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy

 may be helpful as you decide on which model to use for your assignment (or locate sources outside of these for the assignment).  

· Chapter 14: Kleinplatz, P.J. (2017). An existential-experiential approach to sex therapy. In Z. D. Peterson (Ed.),
The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy (pp. 218-230). 


· Chapter 15: Findley, R. (2017). A narrative approach to sex therapy. In Z. D. Peterson (Ed.), 
The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy (pp. 231-249) 


· Chapter 16: Johnson, S. (2017). An emotionally focused approach to sex therapy. In Z. D. Peterson (Ed.), 
The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy (pp. 250-266) 


The book can be accessed directly from Ebook Central here: 
https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=cat01034a&AN=nu.EBC4825473&site=eds-live&scope=site&custid=natuniv (search: 

The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy)

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