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Title: Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval

Herzing University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all student quality improvement or innovation project protocol requests to determine if it is human subject research that meets definitions in The Common Rule and therefore requires review and oversight by the IRB. It is the investigator’s responsibility to give complete information regarding the planned quality improvement processes. After submitting the application, the IRB will notify the applicant, in writing, of its decision or if additional information is needed.


Please make sure to submit the following items along with this application for your submission:

☐ This application with signatures from you and your DNP Project Faculty

☐ A copy of all questionnaires and surveys, if used

☐ A copy of your CITI Certification (free certification for Herzing affiliates through Canvas)

☐ A copy of the application and approval letter from any external IRB (
if applicable)

☐ Letter of approval from the Program Chair of the affiliated institution (
if applicable)

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval

Step 1: Your Information

Project Title:

Management of mentally ill patients on a medical surgical unit Implementation of targeted staff training on mental health care protocols on a medical surgical unit.

Doctorate Student Name:

Ramona Wilkersom

Check One:

X Herzing University Student

☐ Student not affiliated with Herzing University – list institution this project is affiliated with:


[email protected]

Primary Phone Number:


Step 2: Location, Faculty, and Date Information


Hudson Regional Hospital

Faculty Information:

Faculty Name: Colleen Bartlett

Faculty Email:[email protected]

Faculty Phone:


Anticipated Start Date:


Anticipated Completion Date:


Step 3: Aim Statement Overview

Aim Statement

Key elements of the aim statement needed to be included:

1. What? What’s the problem or opportunity? 2. How much? By how much will you improve? Or “how good” do you want to get? 3. By when? What is the date by which you will achieve the level of improvement you’ve set out to accomplish? 4. For whom? Who is the customer or population who will benefit from the improvement? 5. Where? What are the boundaries of the process or system you’re trying to improve? Where does it begin and end?

Over the course of 8 weeks , a targeted staff training on mental health protocols will be implemented in a medical surgical unit aimed at improvement in staff knowledge base on common mental health issues. —- ( you need to have something concrete that is evidence based to implement and measure) do you have a protocol that you have found? The problem/opportunity is to enhance the management of mentally ill patients on a medical surgical unit, improving overall care. Budget will be set at $5500 to include staff training, handouts salary for staff for block hours for training and coverage by prn staff. This project will Aim to achieve a significant improvement in patient outcomes, measured through indicators like reduced adverse incidents, enhanced staff compliance.The improvement goal will be reached within two months.The primary beneficiaries

are mentally ill patients on the medical-surgical unit, ensuring their well-being and satisfaction with the provided care. At Hudson Regional Hospital 3 west The improvement efforts focus on the entire

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al encompassing all relevant stakeholders and departments involved in their care (Chou, & Tseng, 2020).


Project Overview

Please provide a summary of the proposed quality improvement or innovation project including the purpose, proposed strategy to be utilized, proposed project measures that will be utilized to evaluate outcomes, and the anticipated/desired outcomes.

This must be much more in depth.

Start with the problem you identified with a reference for global /national support

Then the problem in your facility or area with a reference

Throughout my experiences as a RN in a medical surgical unit I have identified the problem of limited mental health protocols for patients with psychiatric diagnoses. ……….

To address the issues listed above, the purpose of the proposed project is to implement targeted education to staff on mental health protocol….( what protocol with reference).

The proposed strategy for the DNP student project will be the …… protocol…

Process measures will be utilized to evaluate the outcome of the project

The first process measure will be providing a narrative discussion about the implementation of targeted education protocol

The second process measure will be providing education to the staff of the medical surgical unit…..

The outcome measure will be the post-test on success of education training….

The desired outcome of the project will be staff knowledge on the mental health protocol which can improve overall patient satisfaction and mental health.

This proposed quality improvement project aims at enhancing the management of mentally ill patients on a medical surgical unit. The purpose is improving patient care and outcomes. The strategy involves the implementation targeted staff training on mental health care protocols. Project measures will include patient satisfaction surveys, staff compliance rates, and incident reports (Roederer, 2020). Anticipated outcomes include better patient mental health, increased staff competence, and a decrease in adverse incidents.

QI Framework

Please provide an overview of the framework that will be utilized in the proposed project (e.g. KTA, PDSA, ADKAR, Lean, Six Sigma, DMAIC, etc.).

The PDSA framwork will be used for this project..

Use the PDSA worksheet to fill this section out.

PDSA cycle is the proposed QI framework for managing mentally ill patients. This is a n iterative framework makes it possible to plan the intervention, make changes in the implementation of these interventions, study the effects of these changes, and modify strategies based on continuous assessment. Extremely flexible to the unique challenges in enhancing mental health care on a medical surgical unit, the PDSA involves the first phase of setting measurable goals and identifying specific challenges. (Paredes et al., 2020).

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval


Roederer, A. (2020). Improving delirium management and compliance on a trauma/surgical universal unit.

Chou, H. J., & Tseng, K. Y. (2020). The experience of emergency nurses caring for patients with mental illness: A qualitative study.
International journal of environmental research and public health,
17(22), 8540.


Paredes, A. Z., Hyer, J. M., Diaz, A., Tsilimigras, D. I., & Pawlik, T. M. (2020). The impact of mental illness on postoperative outcomes among Medicare beneficiaries: a missed opportunity to help surgical patients?.
Annals of surgery,
272(3), 419-425.

You need more references that will support your actual intervention and materials you will use.

Data Security

Please provide a description of your data security plan for both physical and electronic data that includes protected or identifying personal information. Include where the data will be stored, the security of the location or computer system, the length of retention of the data, and the method of disposition of old data.

We will look more at this once you have a plan in place.

In the data security plan about handling mental health illness in a medical-surgical unit, electronic data will be stored in a secure encrypted system accessible by only a few. Each physical document possessing information

that is supposed to be protected will be stored in a locked cabinet. This is done in controlled access to enable only authorized employees to access it.. Both electronic and physical storage locations will comply with relevant privacy regulations.

Data retention will adhere to legal requirements, and obsolete records will be securely disposed of through methods such as shredding for physical documents and secure digital deletion for electronic data (Fizur, 2020). Regular audits will be conducted to ensure ongoing compliance and identify areas for continuous improvement in data security. Audits, therefore, are going to be regular to assure high standards of data security and compliance. Such audits will allow for checking and ensuring that all practices are followed correctly and will further point out any improvements to be made. This would be proactive in approach, securing the datahandling practice from burgeoning threats, offering adaptability to the scope of legal requirements, and hence forming an integral part of comprehensive and dynamic data management. These processes are continuously monitored and improved to face up to emerging threats and modify them according to legal requirements

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval

Fizur, E. (2020).
Long term data retention (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Camden Graduate School).

Shukla, S., George, J. P., Tiwari, K., & Kureethara, J. V. (2022). Data security. In
Data Ethics and Challenges (pp. 41-59).

Singapore: Springer Singapore.

Step 4: Acknowledgement of Responsibilities and Signatures

Please note that:

· Any data collected from Herzing University students, alumni, faculty and/or staff and/or any other constituents for purposes of this project is proprietary. Any publication of findings may not identify or implicate Herzing University. Any external report produced on findings generated by this study, including any presentation or publication, may not identify, reference or implicate Herzing University in any way.

· Upon completion of the project, a copy of the final deliverable will be submitted to Herzing University.

· Any additional publications or presentations produced based upon this project will be submitted to Herzing University.

I certify to the best of my knowledge the information presented is an accurate reflection of the proposed research project.

Date: 1-23-24








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