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Improving Student Achievement

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Improving Student Achievement – Rubric Total 255 points

Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory
2. Less Than

3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent

Discuss the Following
Based on the Research

Discuss the Following
Based on the Research
Study: Problem,
Purpose, Method,
Design, Research
Questions, and Results

0 points

Discussion of the
research study elements
is not present.

28.31 points

Explanation of how
discussion of the
research study elements
is present, but

30.22 points

Discussion of the
research study elements
is present, but done at a
cursory level. Research
uses scholarly sources.

33.28 points

Discussion of the
research study elements
is thorough, but may not
be comprehensive.
Research is from original
sources. Most are
authoritative, but some
are outdated.

38.25 points

Discussion of the
research study elements
is comprehensive,
insightful and complete.
Research is from
original, current sources.

Evaluate the Validity of
the Results and
Discuss the Practical
Implications for

Evaluate the Validity of
the Results and Discuss
the Practical Implications
for Practice

0 points

Evaluation of the validity
of the research study
results and discussion of
the implications for
practice is not present.

28.31 points

Evaluation of the validity
of the research study
results and discussion of
the implications for
practice is present, but

30.22 points

Evaluation of the validity
of the research study
results and discussion of
the implications for
practice is present, but
done at a cursory level.
Research uses scholarly

33.28 points

Evaluation of the validity
of the research study
results and discussion of
the implications for
practice is thorough.
Research is from original
sources. Most are
authoritative, but some
are outdated.

38.25 points

Evaluation of the validity
of the research study
results and discussion of
the implications for
practice is insightful and
detailed. Research is
from original, current

Critique the
Effectiveness of the
Initiative Found in the
Research Article

Critique the
Effectiveness of the
Initiative Found in the
Research Article

0 points

Critique of the
effectiveness of the
initiative found in the
research article is not

28.31 points

Critique of the
effectiveness of the
initiative found in the
research article is
present, but incomplete.

30.22 points

Critique of the
effectiveness of the
initiative found in the
research article is
present, but done at a
cursory level. Research
uses scholarly sources.

33.28 points

Critique of the
effectiveness of the
initiative found in the
research article is
thorough. Research is
from original sources.
Most are authoritative,
but some are outdated.

38.25 points

Critique of the
effectiveness of the
initiative found in the
research article is
insightful and detailed.
Research is from
original, current sources.

Discuss Global
Influences That Impact
the Initiative in
Relation to Student

Discuss Global
Influences That Impact
the Initiative in Relation
to Student Learning

0 points

Discussion of the global
influences that impact
the initiative in relation
to student learning is
not present.

28.31 points

Discussion of the global
influences that impact
the initiative in relation
to student learning is
present, but incomplete.

30.22 points

Discussion of the global
influences that impact
the initiative in relation
to student learning is
present, but done at a
cursory level. Research
uses scholarly sources.

33.28 points

Discussion of the global
influences that impact
the initiative in relation
to student learning is
thorough. Research is
from original sources.
Most are authoritative,
but some are outdated.

38.25 points

Discussion of the global
influences that impact
the initiative in relation
to student learning is
insightful and detailed.
Research is from
original, current sources.

Synthesis and

Synthesis and Argument

0 points

No synthesis of source
information is evident.
Statement of purpose is
not followed to a
justifiable conclusion.
The conclusion does not
support the claim made.
Argument is incoherent

18.87 points

Synthesis of source
information is
attempted, but is not
successful. Sufficient
justification of claims is
lacking. Argument lacks
consistent unity. There
are obvious flaws in the

20.15 points

Synthesis of source
information is present,
but pedantic. Argument
is orderly, but may have
a few inconsistencies.
The argument presents
minimal justification of
claims. Argument

22.19 points

Synthesis of source
information is present
and meaningful.
Argument shows logical
Techniques of
argumentation are
evident. There is a

25.5 points

Synthesis of source
information is present
and scholarly. Argument
is clear and convincing,
presenting a persuasive
claim in a distinctive and
compelling manner. All
sources are

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and uses non-credible

logic. Some sources have
questionable credibility.

logically, but not
thoroughly, supports the
purpose. Sources used
are credible.
Introduction and
conclusion bracket the

smooth progression of
claims from introduction
to conclusion. Most
sources are


Thesis Development
and Purpose

Thesis Development and

0 points

Paper lacks any
discernible overall
purpose or organizing

13.21 points

Thesis and/or main claim
are insufficiently
developed and/or vague;
purpose is not clear.

14.1 points

Thesis and/or main claim
are apparent and
appropriate to purpose.

15.53 points

Thesis and/or main claim
are clear and forecast
the development of the
paper. It is descriptive
and reflective of the
arguments and
appropriate to the

17.85 points

Thesis and/or main claim
are comprehensive. The
essence of the paper is
contained within the
thesis. Thesis statement
makes the purpose of
the paper clear.

Argument Logic and

Argument Logic and

0 points

Statement of purpose is
not justified by the
conclusion. The
conclusion does not
support the claim made.
Argument is incoherent
and uses noncredible

15.1 points

Sufficient justification of
claims is lacking.
Argument lacks
consistent unity. There
are obvious flaws in the
logic. Some sources have
questionable credibility.

16.12 points

Argument is orderly, but
may have a few
inconsistencies. The
argument presents
minimal justification of
claims. Argument
logically, but not
thoroughly, supports the
purpose. Sources used
are credible.
Introduction and
conclusion bracket the

17.75 points

Argument shows logical
Techniques of
argumentation are
evident. There is a
smooth progression of
claims from introduction
to conclusion. Most
sources are

20.4 points

Clear and convincing
argument that presents
a persuasive claim in a
distinctive and
compelling manner. All
sources are

Mechanics of Writing
(includes spelling,
punctuation, grammar,
language use)

Mechanics of Writing
(includes spelling,
punctuation, grammar,
language use)

0 points

Surface errors are
pervasive enough that
they impede
communication of
meaning. Inappropriate
word choice and/or
sentence construction
are used.

9.44 points

Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors
distract the reader.
Inconsistencies in
language choice
(register), sentence
structure, and/or word
choice are present.

10.07 points

Some mechanical errors
or typos are present, but
are not overly distracting
to the reader. Correct
sentence structure and
language are used.

11.09 points

Prose is largely free of
mechanical errors,
although a few may be
present. A variety of
sentence structures and
effective figures of
speech are used.

12.75 points

Writer is clearly in
command of standard,
written, academic

Paper Format (Use of
appropriate style for
the major and

Paper Format (Use of
appropriate style for the
major and assignment)

0 points

Template is not used
appropriately or
documentation format is
rarely followed correctly.

9.44 points

Appropriate template is
used, but some
elements are missing or
mistaken. A lack of
control with formatting
is apparent.

10.07 points

Appropriate template is
used. Formatting is
correct, although some
minor errors may be

11.09 points

Appropriate template is
fully used. There are
virtually no errors in
formatting style.

12.75 points

All format elements are

Research Citations

Research Citations (In-
text citations for
paraphrasing and direct
quotes, and reference
page listing and
formatting, as
appropriate to

0 points

No reference page is
included. No citations
are used.

9.44 points

Reference page is
present. Citations are
inconsistently used.

10.07 points

Reference page is
included and lists
sources used in the
paper. Sources are
documented, although
some errors may be

11.09 points

Reference page is
present and fully
inclusive of all cited
sources. Documentation
is appropriate and
citation style is usually

12.75 points

In-text citations and a
reference page are
complete and correct.
The documentation of
cited sources is free of

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assignment and style) present.

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