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Reply to Leaders Can’t Lead without Followers Discussion 1


Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


Behaviour of Brave Followers: According to Ira Chaleff’s paradigm, a Brave Follower is someone who is both devoted to the leader and willing to stand up and confront them when they need to (Chaleff, 2009). Instead of sitting on their hands and taking instructions, courageous followers are involved in supporting the leader while also having the courage to speak up when things don’t add up. Initiative, accountability, service, and the willingness to question the status quo in the face of perceived danger define these individuals.

Leadership Compatibility: Courageous Followers’ actions mesh nicely with more collaborative approaches to management. Northouse (2022) argues that leaders who practice participatory leadership include their followers in decision-making, show appreciation for their feedback, and foster an atmosphere of collaboration. When leaders adopt this technique, it creates an environment where courageous followers feel safe voicing their opinions and making positive contributions to group choices.

Organisational Impact: Bold Followers are priceless when it comes to fostering a culture of responsibility, openness, and progress. Their courage to speak up and question authority when called for can improve decision-making and forestall unethical behavior. Their foresight prevents the organization from irrationally following a single leader and makes choices after careful consideration, which can save lives.

Leaders may foster the growth of courageous followers by embracing various approaches that encourage candid dialogue, tolerance of differing viewpoints, and collaborative decision-making. Some examples of approaches are: (Yukl, G. 2013).

A leader’s job is to create a climate that is conducive to free debate and constructive criticism. This culture may be fostered by open-door policy and regular feedback sessions.

As a leader, you may encourage initiative and a sense of responsibility in your followers by giving them more responsibility and latitude to make decisions on their own.

Respecting Dissension: It is critical to acknowledge and respect the role of disagreement in maintaining positive dynamics within an organization. To illustrate this point, leaders should recognize and commend those who bravely voice different opinions, even when they disagree with the leader’s ideals.

If leaders want their followers to be courageous, they need to back them up when they speak up and shield them from harm. This reassurance can help alleviate concerns about potential retaliation and promote open and productive conversations. (Howell, J. M., & Mendez, M. J. 2008).

In conclusion, Chaleff’s description of the Courageous Follower is essential to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational governance. These followers contribute to an organization-wide culture that values collaboration, accountability, and ethics by identifying with participatory leadership. This kind of followership may be fostered by leaders that promote open dialogue, give their followers agency, respect disagreement, and make sure their followers are heard when they speak up.

Reply to Leaders Can’t Lead without Followers
Discussion 1
Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with
comments that further and advance the discussion topic.
Please provide the references you used.
Ensure zero plagiarism.
Word limit: 250 words
Behaviour of Brave Followers: According to Ira Chaleff’s paradigm, a Brave Follower is someone who
is both devoted to the leader and willing to stand up and confront them when they need to (Chaleff,
2009). Instead of sitting on their hands and taking instructions, courageous followers are involved in
supporting the leader while also having the courage to speak up when things don’t add up. Initiative,
accountability, service, and the willingness to question the status quo in the face of perceived danger
define these individuals.
Leadership Compatibility: Courageous Followers’ actions mesh nicely with more collaborative
approaches to management. Northouse (2022) argues that leaders who practice participatory
leadership include their followers in decision-making, show appreciation for their feedback, and foster
an atmosphere of collaboration. When leaders adopt this technique, it creates an environment where
courageous followers feel safe voicing their opinions and making positive contributions to group
Organisational Impact: Bold Followers are priceless when it comes to fostering a culture of
responsibility, openness, and progress. Their courage to speak up and question authority when called
for can improve decision-making and forestall unethical behavior. Their foresight prevents the
organization from irrationally following a single leader and makes choices after careful consideration,
which can save lives.
Leaders may foster the growth of courageous followers by embracing various approaches that
encourage candid dialogue, tolerance of differing viewpoints, and collaborative decision-making.
Some examples of approaches are: (Yukl, G. 2013).

A leader’s job is to create a climate that is conducive to free debate and constructive criticism.
This culture may be fostered by open-door policy and regular feedback sessions.
• As a leader, you may encourage initiative and a sense of responsibility in your followers by
giving them more responsibility and latitude to make decisions on their own.
• Respecting Dissension: It is critical to acknowledge and respect the role of disagreement in
maintaining positive dynamics within an organization. To illustrate this point, leaders should
recognize and commend those who bravely voice different opinions, even when they disagree
with the leader’s ideals.
• If leaders want their followers to be courageous, they need to back them up when they speak
up and shield them from harm. This reassurance can help alleviate concerns about potential
retaliation and promote open and productive conversations. (Howell, J. M., & Mendez, M. J.
In conclusion, Chaleff’s description of the Courageous Follower is essential to improving the efficiency
and effectiveness of organizational governance. These followers contribute to an organization-wide
culture that values collaboration, accountability, and ethics by identifying with participatory leadership.
This kind of followership may be fostered by leaders that promote open dialogue, give their followers
agency, respect disagreement, and make sure their followers are heard when they speak up.
Chaleff, I. (2009). The Courageous Follower: Standing Up to and for Our Leaders. Berrett-Koehler
Northouse, P. G. (2022). Leadership: Theory and Practice (9th ed.). Sage Publications.
Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in Organizations (8th ed.). Pearson Education.
Howell, J. M., & Mendez, M. J. (2008). Three perspectives on followership. In R. E. Riggio, I. Chaleff,
& J. Lipman-Blumen (Eds.), The Art of Followership: How Great Followers Create Great Leaders and
Organizations (pp. 25-39). Jossey-Bass

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