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I need help quiet


First take a look at the questions for this paper, below. Similar to the weekly papers, I am

numbering the questions as “paragraphs” but you may write more than one actual paragraph if

you’d like, for example you may have two actual paragraphs under the heading “Paragraph 4.”

Just keep the numbering as I have it, please.

The paper should be at least one and a half to two pages single-spaced, numbered according to

the instructions, with no large header/margins and without my questions repeated in your


Watch Susan Cain:

The pdf file is in the module “Start Here” and also the module titled, Materials for class” titled

“Quiet Excerpt.”

Read from pdf file (page numbers refer to book, not pdf file):

• Read thoroughly the first part- Introduction- to p. 15

• Skim/Scan for basic understanding p. 19-33

• Read/scan p. 43-63 for basic knowledge of Harvard Business School practices

• Skim p. 64-70

• Read thoroughly p. 70-94.

Paragraph 1:

Provide a general summary of the TED talk

Paragraph 2:

From the pages you read from the Quiet book excerpt: Discuss two topics/ideas/examples that

were in the book and either not covered in the video, or only touched upon in the video (NOT

the evolution from the “Culture of Character to the Culture of Personality”… see below.) Use

some page number references in this paragraph, using the page numbers of the book, not the

pdf file.

Paragraph 3:

What is your personal reaction to this material? how does it apply to you, whether you are an

introvert or extrovert or somewhere in the middle?

Paragraph 4:

Describe the author’s thoughts on the evolution from the “Culture of Character” to the” Culture

of Personality.” Include some examples from the reading.

Paragraph 5: What did you learn in the “Quiet” reading about why the “collective group”

approach (teamwork) became more popular in corporate America? And, how can you connect

this to the textbook’s discussion of Max Weber’s “ideal-type bureaucracy,” page 135-136 of

textbook. How does the “informal structure” of bureaucracies (p. 136) fit in with Susan Cain’s

descriptions of different types of workplaces and how they structure themselves? Is what she

describing in today’s organizations “informal structure” or is it really more about new rules?

What is the impact of this change on workplace outcomes and individual outcomes? What is

the basic practice of the Harvard Business School?

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