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stat r 5

Please post 2 or more peer responses

In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level. Do this by:

· Discuss whether you think the information presented by your peers’ examples was used to mislead the reader. Explain your response. Include a brief discussion of why bad use of data might be intentional.  

· What steps should the author(s) of your peers’ examples have taken to present the information fairly and accurately?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Response posts are worth 50% of your grade for this discussion. Please review the post and response expectations

Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the criteria.

How did the poll or article misrepresent the facts? 

The title of the article, Dentists prefer Colgate toothpaste. The toothpaste company Colgate ran an ad stating that 80% of dentists recommend their product. Based on the promotion, the consumer assumed Colgate was the best choice for dental health. But this ad was not fully accurate. This is an example of misleading statistics. Misleading titles can contribute to public misunderstanding of scientific research, fostering a false sense of security or, conversely, unwarranted alarm (Tang et al., 2023).

How might you rewrite the title of the article more accurately?

I would rewrite the title of the article as, Be the Brightest in the Room with Colgate Toothpaste. This title states clearly that Colgate works but it doesn’t back any misleading data. 

What was the author trying to get you to think?

The ad suggested that dentists preferred Colgate over other toothpaste brands. But the survey asked them to list several brands of toothpaste they would recommend. The data only showed that Colgate was one of a few different brands that dentists liked. Which is not the same, so it is misleading. Companies use statistical information from collected surveys to make important business decisions.

What could be the ramifications of believing false information?

Data that is collected wrongly can be unreliable when reported. By collecting, processing, and presenting data managers can tell if the data is misleading or if the data is being analyzed properly. Collecting is when raw data is gathered, processing is when raw data is analyzed and determined if allegations will work for said business, and presentation is when the results are shared of the analysis. In the Colgate ad example, misleading data happened during the presentation process. The company that collected the data left out important information when running the ad with misleading results.  Misleading statistics cause a problem with both internal and external companies. Legitimate data can be presented as faulty, so it is critical to evaluate the quality of the data before using it to make business decisions. 

Find and describe an article that refutes this information, if possible.

Why Are People Afraid of Colgate Total Toothpaste (Griggs, M. 2014). Is an article that refutes the original article it states that Colgate Total contains triclosan which is an antibacterial agent found in 75 percent of people’s urine. Although this product is FDA approved and the effects of Triclosan on humans are unknown. Studies show that it can act as an endocrine disruptor in animals. Triclosan is a component of antibacterial soap and this article states that Colgate should be avoided at all costs and urging readers to switch to Crest as that product is triclosan free.  

Have you ever been sent articles that you believed just by reading the title? 

Misleading data is in the news daily. The title It’s Best to Limit Egg Intake; Are Eggs Good for You (Hemi, K. (2022). The misinformation is delivered with such confidence and backed by evidence that it is difficult not to believe the misleading data. In the recent news there was data collected and reported about how a study found that eating half an egg per day was linked to an increased risk of death from heart disease. However, it was later corrected and reported that over half a million Americans found that people who only ate egg whites had lower death rates than those who ate whole eggs. A review in Nutrients also argued that eggs are an exception to the recommendation to limit cholesterol because of their nutritional value. 


Griggs, M. (2014). Why Are People Afraid of Colgate Total Toothpaste? Local Journalism Smithsonian.

to an external site.

Hemi, K. (2022). Are Eggs Good for You? Health & Wellness. 

to an external site.

Tang, H., Rohles, B., Lenzini, G., Greiff, S., & Sergeeva, A. (2023). “Who Knows? Maybe it Really Works”: Analysing Users’ Perceptions of Health Misinformation on Social Media. 

to an external site.

Edited by 

Laura Syverson
 on Jun 4 at 6:31pm

Article Title: “Survey Shows 95% of People Don’t Care About Plastic Pollution”

How did the poll or article misrepresent the facts?

 The article did not detail who conducted the survey, the sample size, or the methodology use. The survey might have been conducted among a specific, non-representative group, leading to biased results. If the survey was open to anyone online, it likely resulted in voluntary response bias. The phrasing of the questions could have influenced the responses.

How might you rewrite the title of the article more accurately?

A more accurate title would be: “Survey of Event Attendees Shows 95% Indifference to Plastic Pollution,” indicating the specific group surveyed.

What was the author trying to get you to think? Why?

The author aimed to create a sensational headline to attract attention and suggest widespread indifference to plastic pollution, potentially downplaying its importance.

What could be the ramifications of believing false information?

People might underestimate the severity of plastic pollution. Less motivation to address plastic pollution. Further polarization and misconceptions about environmental issues.

Find and describe an article that refutes this information, if possible.

Article Title: “Global Survey Reveals Growing Concern About Plastic Pollution”

Source: National Geographic

Summary: A comprehensive survey with a large, diverse sample found that a significant majority are concerned about plastic pollution and support measures to reduce plastic waste.

Have you ever been sent articles that you believed just by reading the title? What was the result?

Yes, I once believed an article titled “New Study Proves Coffee Causes Cancer” without checking the details. Further investigation revealed the study had limitations and was not conclusive. This experience emphasized the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking.                                       


Parker, L. (2024, February 21). The world’s plastic pollution crisis, explained. 

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