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Cyber Security Question


Evaluate the various SQL injection techniques security professionals should be familiar with in order to prepare them to keep that data safe.

What are some of the common techniques used for extracting information from a SQL Server?

  • Implement the steps for performing SQL Injection techniques.
  • How can you prevent SQL Injection in Oracle?

CT Rubric_50
50 Points
Rubric Detail
Levels of Achievement
Exceeds Expectation
Meets Expectation
Some Expectations
19 to 20 points
17 to 18 points
15 to 16 points
0 to 14 points
substantial and
extensive knowledge of
the materials, with no
errors or major
Demonstrates adequate
knowledge of the
materials; may include
some minor errors or
Demonstrates fair knowledge
of the materials and/or
includes some major errors or
Fails to demonstrate
knowledge of the
materials and/or
includes many major
errors or omissions.
19 to 20 points
17 to 18 points
15 to 16 points
0 to 14 points
Provides strong
thought, insight, and
analysis of concepts
and applications
regarding Open Source
Provides adequate
thought, insight, and
analysis of concepts and
applications regarding
Open Source Software.
Provides poor though, insight,
and analysis of concepts and
applications regarding Open
Source Software.
Provides little or no
thought, insight, and
analysis of concepts
and applications
regarding Open
Source Software.
10 to 10 points
9 to 9 points
7 to 8 points
0 to 6 points
Project is clearly
organized, well written,
and in proper format
as outlined in the
assignment. Strong
sentence and
paragraph structure,
contains no errors in
grammar, spelling, APA
style, or APA citations
and references
Project is fairly well
organized and written and
is in proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Reasonably
good sentence and
paragraph structure, may
include a few minor errors
in grammar, spelling, APA
style, or APA citations and
Project is poorly organized and
written and may not follow
proper format as outlined in
the assignment. Inconsistent
to inadequate sentence and
paragraph development,
and/or includes numerous or
major errors in grammar,
spelling, APA style or APA
citations and references.
Project is not
organized or well
written and is not in
proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Poor
quality work;
unacceptable in
terms of grammar,
spelling, APA style,
and APA citations and
proficiency in
grammar and
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