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Purpose: The trend analysis requires you to further investigate a topic and organizational problem identified in assignment one. You will examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence. The trend analysis is based on a specific topic and the problem(s) that surround it from the previous assignments.

OBJECTIVE: The trend analysis should include background information on the specific topic, highlight existing problems or effective strategies, as well as recommendations. The trend analysis can focus on an organization or entire industry, a specific project or program, or a person (


**You will use the 
same topic/problem from Trend Analysis assignment one: Part A. Your report should clearly identify an issue, a problem, and propose a potential solution(s) based on other organizational trends. You may incorporate all parts of Trend Analysis (Part A) and selected information/sources from the Literature Synthesis assignment. Create a title page using the format provided in the syllabus Appendix A. Be sure to 
re-introduce your topic and discuss how the problem impacts the current field of education/human services, and provide a recommendation or propose an intervention based on organizational trends in the field. (The Trend Analysis should be brief (concise). You are expected to submit a minimum of 3 – 4 pages in length – excluding cover page and references).

NOTE: Be sure to include a reference list following APA 7th edition format guidelines. 

GRADING RUBRIC for Assignment Four Trend Analysis(PartB) (20points)

ELEMENTS Met Partially Met Expectations Not Met

Includes background information on the specific topic, highlight existing problems or effective strategies, as well as recommendations

Provides background information on the topic and all required elements are addressed. There is a clear logic for proposed recommendations. (10 points)

Provides background information on the topic and most of the required elements are addressed with few errors. There is a clear logic for proposed recommendations.

(1-9 points)

Background information on the topic and required elements are vague/with limited or no details. There is no logic for proposed recommendations or logic are unclear.

Employs appropriate composition, word usage, spelling, grammar, and mechanics

No more than two errors per page (6 points)

No more than five errors per page
(1-5 points)

More than five errors per page, resulting in writing that is difficult to read or incoherent. 0

Cites in the text and use one-to-one correspondence in the references (i.e., avoiding plagiarism & using paraphrasing & quoting)

No more than two errors in the assignment
(2 points)

No more than five errors in the assignment
(1 point)

Incomplete or missing citations throughout the paper, resulting in plagiarism. (This will result in a failing grade for the assignment.)


Uses APA (7th ed.) format (e.g., margins, spacing, citations, references, etc.)

No more than two errors in the assignment
(2 points)

No more than five errors in the assignment
(1 point)

The paper does not comply with APA (7th ed.) format requirements.


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