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Choose one topic from the list below to write a comparison essay. 

two sports
two movies
two systems of education
two places
two machines
two kinds of professions
two desserts
two famous people
two celebrations or holidays

Comparison Essay Guidelines

5 paragraphs long: Paragraph 1 – introduction with a hook and a thesis statement. Paragraph 2- first point of comparison. Paragraph 3- second point of comparison. Paragraph 4 – third point of comparison. Paragraph 5 – Conclusion, restate the thesis statement and give a suggestion, opinion or prediction (point-by-point method of organization). 

• Remember to give your essay a title.

• Double-space your essay. MLA style
• Try to give yourself a few minutes before the end of the activity to review your work. Check for spelling, verb tense, and subject-verb agreement mistakes



General Essay Rubric (1)

General Essay Rubric (1)




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization (Clarity and Unity)

5 to >4.0 pts

Content and Organization

The essay is clearly organized into an introduction, body, and conclusion. Ideas are clear and related to the thesis (central idea). The main points are stated in the thesis statement or topic sentences.

4 to >2.0 pts

Content and Organization

The organization pattern is not clear. Some ideas are somewhat unclear, but the overall message is clear.

2 to >0 pts

Content and Organization

There is no clear organization pattern. Many ideas are unclear and the overall message is distorted.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoherence

(Logical Connection of Ideas)

5 to >4.0 pts

Content and Organization

The ideas in the paragraphs are logically connected. There are clear transitions between the paragraphs. The type of essay is clear.

4 to >2.0 pts

Content and Organization

There is an attempt to fit together the details in a way that the readers can easily follow. It is partially clear what type of essay it is.

2 to >0 pts

Content and Organization

The text is not logically developed (ideas are not logically connected). The type of essay is not clear.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and Thesis Statement

5 to >4.0 pts

Content and Organization

The introduction has a hook, connecting information, and a clear thesis statement.

4 to >2.0 pts

Content and Organization

The thesis statement is either incomplete, confusing, or irrelevant. Main points are not very clear.

2 to >0 pts

Content and Organization

There is no identifiable thesis statement or main points (ideas).

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody/Support

Development of Ideas, Topic Sentence of Paragraphs

5 to >4.0 pts

Content and Organization

The information is relevant and the main points are well developed, supported through facts, details, examples, or illustrations. Paragraphs have clear topic sentences.

4 to >2.0 pts

Content and Organization

Some ideas are irrelevant, main points are not well developed within paragraphs (insufficient support). The topic sentences are unclear.

2 to >0 pts

Content and Organization

The support is minimal, the main points are not developed. Paragraphs are missing topic sentences.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

5 to >4.0 pts

Content and Organization

The conclusion summarizes the key points (main ideas) and/or makes recommendations.

4 to >2.0 pts

Content and Organization

The conclusion is not logically connected to the thesis and the rest of the essay.

2 to >0 pts

Content and Organization

The conclusion is missing.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar

5 to >4.0 pts


Syntax and morphology are correct.

4 to >2.0 pts


A few grammar errors might minimally distract the meaning.

2 to >0 pts


The text is very distracting or almost incomprehensible due to poor grammar.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVocabulary

5 to >4.0 pts


Choice of words is appropriate and effective.

4 to >2.0 pts


Some word choice is inappropriate but does not distract from meaning or distracts minimally.

2 to >0 pts


Frequent use of wrong word choice makes the ideas hard to understand.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePunctuation and Spelling

5 to >4.0 pts


All or most punctuation marks are used correctly and most words are spelled correctly.

4 to >2.0 pts


Some spelling or punctuation errors don’t distract from meaning or distract minimally.

2 to >0 pts


Many punctuation errors (e.g. run-on sentences or comma splices) and spelling errors distract from the meaning

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting

5 to >4.0 pts

Formatting and Overall Quality/Creativity

Formatted correctly according to standard MLA conventions.

4 to >2.0 pts

Formatting and Overall Quality/Creativity

The formatting is mostly correct.

2 to >0 pts

Formatting and Overall Quality/Creativity

Serious problems with formatting. Font, Line Spacing, or Header are incorrect.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Quality/Creativity

5 to >4.0 pts

Formatting and Overall Quality/Creativity

Excellent overall quality. The essay demonstrates creativity.

4 to >2.0 pts

Formatting and Overall Quality/Creativity

There is an attempt at creativity. Overall quality is sufficient.

2 to >0 pts

Formatting and Overall Quality/Creativity

Paper lacks creativity and overall quality needs improvement.

5 pts

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