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IT Innovations and Emerging Technologies

Assignment Content I (Unit III PowerPoint Presentation)

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For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the challenges and concerns of using mobile systems and services and virtual, augmented, and mixed reality.

Include examples of privacy risks and security risks as part of your analysis and development of the topic.

Use at least three images or graphics in your presentation.

Your presentation must be at least 8 slides (not counting the title and reference slides), and you must use at least two peer-reviewed or academic resources from the CSU Online Library as references. Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA Style. Slide speaker notes are required for every slide.

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IT Innovations and Emerging Technologies

Assignment Content II (Unit IV Journal)

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Data controls all business, both large and small. How do you provide data daily? How do you convert data into information daily? Provide examples.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

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IT Innovations and Emerging Technologies

3.Assignment Content III (Unit VII Essay)

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The Future of Technology

For this assignment, you will select two industries and write an essay that addresses the following:

· Write an introduction that summarizes how technology can serve people and how lives can be improved by using technology in these two industries.

· Explain how these two industries may use cloud-based platforms in the future.

· Predict how these two industries may use machine learning in the future.

· Predict how these two industries may use artificial intelligence in the future. Provide an example for each industry.

· Conclude your essay with a summary of the skills and education you would still need to gain to be able to successfully compete for employment in these two industries in the future.

Your paper must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages.

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IT Innovations and Emerging Technologies

4.Assignment Content IV (Unit VIII Journal)

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How can information you learned in this course be applied to your life and/or work to increase your future success?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

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Project Management

Assignment Content (Unit III Course Project)

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Throughout this course, you will develop a project plan for a custom homebuilding course project. Each unit builds on the previous unit, thereby resulting in a project plan for a home. You will determine the style of home and use this to develop the project scope and requirements. The plan begins with the project charter and the collection of initial requirements. For those unfamiliar with the homebuilding process, research the homebuilding process on external websites for further information.

Section I: Project Charter and Requirements Collection Document

Part A: The Project Charter

Once you have familiarized yourself with the homebuilding process, the next step is to charter the project. Populating the project charter requires at least a general idea of the home that you intend to build (e.g., brick, stucco, tiny home). You may use a template to create the charter. Some templates are provided below, but many others may be found on the internet through a search.

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Project Management

2.Assignment Content (Unit IV Journal)

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Assume that you are leading the team developing the foundation for a new home. You were provided a schedule to guide the effort, but the schedule you were given did not include resources. What could you conclude about what might happen to the proposed schedule duration and budget once resources are applied? Also, in your opinion, is it wise to accept a schedule prior to the assignment of project resources? Why, or why not?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary

Project Management

3.Assignment Content.( Unit VII Course Project)

Throughout this course, you will develop a project plan for a custom homebuilding course project. Each unit builds on the previous unit, thereby resulting in a project plan for a home. You will determine the style of home and use this to develop the project scope and requirements. The plan begins with the project charter and the collection of initial requirements. For those unfamiliar with the homebuilding process, research the homebuilding process on external websites for further information.

Section 4: Plan Budget Management:

Identify Resources, Assign Costs to Resources, Assign Resources to Activities, and Roll-Up Project Baseline

Plan budget management: Document in one to two pages your strategy for developing, managing, and controlling the project budget for your homebuilding project. Feel free to draw upon templates for this purpose by searching external websites you may find. After completing the plan budget management document, perform the following additional 


Part A

Identify resources and assign costs to resources for the activities and durations identified in Unit III.

Part B

Assign resources to activities: Create a budget table as outlined in the Unit IV Lesson that assigned resources and associated costs to activities.

Part C

Roll-up project baseline: Calculate the cumulative budget for the activities identified in Unit III. Use this date to create a project budget curve.

Section 5: Plan Communications

Plan communications management: Document in one to two pages your strategy for developing, managing, and controlling project communications for your homebuilding project. Feel free to draw upon templates for this purpose by searching external websites you may find. After completing the communications plan management document, perform the following additional requirements.

Part A

Communication plan table: Identify key stakeholders in your homebuilding project. Include project team members, the client, and stakeholders external to the project and their expectations. Populate the communication plan table as presented in the lesson.

Part B

Create a diagram/map associating project team members with stakeholders to establish the lines of communication as described in the lesson.

Section 6: Plan Project Procurement

Part A

Plan project procurement management: Document in one to two pages your strategy for developing, managing, and controlling the project procurement for your homebuilding project. This will involve all third parties involved in the project and will include engagement strategies and contractual policies. Feel free to draw upon templates for this purpose on any external website sources you may find.

Part B:

Conduct and control procurement: In addition to documenting the strategy for managing procurement, describe how your project will carry out procurements including a make or buy analysis, vendor identification and selection, audit, and other monitoring and control activities. Feel free to use diagrams or tables to explain.

Section 7: Comprehensive Project Plan and Best Practices

The homebuilding project concludes in this assignment with the compiling of all elements of the project plan that you have created in Units I–VI. In this assignment, refer to the scope, schedule, budget, communication, and procurement elements developed in the previous units. After reviewing this material, complete the course project requirements below.

Part A

Compile all unit assignment elements created in Units I–VI in a brief summarized form. Make sure you edit the documents for wording and flow, so it appears to be a comprehensive project plan.

Part B

Utilize the CSU Online Library, and research best practices for managing resources, risks, as well as engaging stakeholders. Use this information to describe how you will manage these important elements of the project plan when executing your homebuilding project plan.

You should include at least three sources, one of which from the CSU Online Library; you also can use your textbook. This document must be at least two pages.

Project Management

4.Top of Form

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1. Assignment Content (Unit VIII Journal

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Short Essay Questions

Organizational Project Management Maturity Model or OPM3 is said to be beneficial and representative of best practices. In fact, maturity models such as OPM3 are promoted for improving maturity in project management. However, some organizations implement the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) or the Capability Maturity Model-Integrated (CMMI). 

Write an essay in which you address the following questions:

· What are some of the proposed benefits of implementing project management maturity models?

· What are specific problems they were designed to solve? Also, what benefits are expected from its implementation?

· What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing one maturity model versus another?

· What are some of the important considerations for project managers and executives who must select and implement a maturity framework?

Your essay should consist of at least two pages, and you should utilize two references. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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