* Please quickly review my suggestions for these papers by going to the instructions for
Paper #1, in Module 1. There are a few introductory paragraphs that will be useful. As a
reminder, aim for 150 words per numbered paragraph, unless indicated otherwise.
**Remember to use information from the readings to support what you say. For
example: Smedley (page 46) described historical constructions of identity, and in doing
so, it became clear that people of different skin tones and from different geographical
areas (what U.S defines as racial groups today) interacted, intermarried, and shared
residence in towns. She described this example….xxx..and that is important because…”
I’m choosing to have you explore some tools in “stages” so you can take in the
information better.
This is our last week on the PBS site; I hope you have enjoyed the activities.
Paragraph #1 divided into TWO parts (1 and 2, do both) (min 100 words total,
which is roughly 6 lines of 12 point font text in a Word doc)
Links to an external site.
If you have a problem with that link, try the main one:
Links to an external site.
then, on the right, you will see, “Human Diversity” and click on the “Go Deeper’ link
beneath that.
1) Read “More Things to Consider” and answer the following questions that were
posed, by summarizing/paraphrasing the information.
● Lots of animals are divided into subspecies. Why doesn’t it make
sense to group humans the same way?
● But I can see obvious differences between people – don’t those
translate into deeper differences, like propensity for certain diseases?
2) A Tale of Two Families:
Links to an external site.
Who are Byron and Max? What did the story conclude was the key to the different
outcomes in their lives ? Were you surprised at the outcomes?
Paragraph #2 (150 words) From Reading 7, page 101, From Reading 8, page 107:
From Reading 7: Describe two or three things that the author concluded about
“whiteness” from her interviews of women.
From Reading 8, page 107:
1. Describe the three color lines that exist in the U.S. today.
2. Why do the authors say, “Hence, it is not simply that race matters, but more
specifically, that Black race matters?” (Page 112).
● Again, use information from the reading to support what you say. For me,
and for this course, to simplify things and to use your time wisely, you only
need to cite the reading once after your first direct mention of course material
(very short quotes only please) or paraphrase. I know this may seem strange,
but I would rather make this part easy. So, for the Reading #8, you can just
cite a page number once or twice, or just use (Bean and Lee, Reading 8.) If
you choose to use an outside source, you can cite that of course. You may
want to do that, for example, if you have a differing opinion from the author,
and you want to express that and support what you say. Just to be clear, all
of the authors will cite other people, but don’t worry about that, you are not
reading those directly anyway, and again, I want the citation process to be
easy for these weekly papers.
Paragraph #3 (about 50 words) From Personal Accounts (two) p. 114 and 115:
In a sentence or two each, describe your reactions to the two personal accounts.
Paragraph #4 (about 100 words) Reading 11 :
For Reading 11 , provide a brief summary of key points.
Paragraph #5 (150 words) Readings 12 and 14:
From Reading 12: In what ways are our individual and personal life chances shaped
by our social and economic class?
From Reading 14, page 137:
How do you explain the strength and persistence of Americans’ belief in the possibility
of their upward mobility? Do you think this has changed in recent times? Do you
consider yourself “upwardly mobile”, why or why not?
Paragraph #6 (120 words) Reading 15:
Reading 15 Sexual Fluidity, page 142.
In mostly your own words, how would you explain Diamond’s definitions of sexual
What is the relationship between fluidity and sexual orientation ?
From your reading of this, and from your own interactions with others and the media,
why is the idea of sexual fluidity controversial?
Paragraph #7 (150 words) Readings 16 and 17:
From Reading 16, page 147:
Do your best to summarize the three studies that the author discusses. Take each
study and, first, with just a sentence or two, provide an overview of the subjects and
methodology, and then the methodological flaws that the author describes. Then, briefly,
why does the author conclude that the study of homosexuality is fraught with problems?
You may assert your personal opinion if you’d like to, also.
For Reading 17: Briefly describe your reactions to this questionnaire (two or three
Paragraph #8 (120 words) Reading 18 and PA p.163
From Reading 18: According to Oliver, how are definitions of disability relevant to our
perceptions and treatment of disabled people? How can language affect oppression of
persons with disabilities?
PA page 163: Reflect on this PA and briefly share your thoughts.
Paragraph #9 (130 words) Reading 20, page 176
Describe the ethnic group model of Deaf-World and the reasons that the author
supports it? Be specific. Had you heard of this model before? What are your personal
Paragraph #10 (100 words) Framework Essay II:
Explain the characteristics of privilege from a social, political, and psychological
perspective, with particular attention to the various vignettes presented in framework
Paragraph #11 (100 words) Framework Essay II:
List and explain the ways in which individuals from each of the following groups benefit
from privilege: race, sexuality and class.
Paragraph #12 (about 100 words) Framework Essay II:
Discuss the issue of “passing.” What are the reasons, historical trends, advantages, and
Paragraph #13 (75 words, which is about six lines) Reading 21, page 225
Briefly describe the factors that shape the identities of immigrant youth.